Chapter 21

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Adam Rutherford POV:

God who is above please save him. I plead you to save Adam. Take from my health and give him. Shed years of my life and save him. He has family and people who care about him. I care about him, no I need him. Please shows us your mercy, and don't deprive me of the one who I care about the most.

I shouldn't have gone out. I would have been there for him if I wasn't stupid and a selfish woman. I could have come earlier, find him earlier. I'm sorry Adam, please wake up. I can't take this anymore, doctors are not answering my questions.

You are fine, right? please wake up and tell me that you are fine.

That voice who chanted prayers for my sake belongs to her, that feminine low sweet voice is surely Elena's. My eyes fluttered as I slowly opened my lids. A striking light blinded my sight, and I found myself groaning in annoyance.

What the hell is this place?

"Oh," the pressure that was on my right hand, loosened. White walls, and a strong smell of detergents. Shifting my gaze from the ceiling to the one who was holding my hand. Puffy brown eyes met mine.

"Adam," she whispered shakingly. A pool of tears filled her eyes, as she threw her arms around me, burying her head in my neck while she sobbed. "You are awake, you are here."

Raising my right hand, I could feel the needle that was attached to its back. Gently, I patted her head. "How was your date?"

She stiffened at my question, well I guess that wasn't the right thing to say. A sharp pain hit the back of my head, making me wince. Elena backed away, as an expression of worry washes her features, "You okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Did you just asked me about my date?" she folded her arms. The velvet dress hugging her body, she indeed stayed the night here. The pain in my head slowly faded away. I adjusted my posture, "Yes."

"And that's the first thing you ask when you wake up?" she stated with a small smile. Yeah, anything to distract her from finding out about my illness. Not that I actually care about how her date went.

Liar! I did care. In fact, I felt my blood boil in my veins when I saw the way she dressed up last night. And right before I lost my consciousness, my mind kept making scenarios of her kissing that athlete or God knows what!

But then I'm a dying man, feelings and getting attached will make things worse. I shouldn't care!

"Doctor said anything?" I asked with concern. Suspicion growing in me as I anticipated her response. Shaking her head, "They refused to answer my questions, even when I told them that I'm your wife."

I sighed in relief, good! No one knows about this, and no one should. I don't need pity or sympathy. It's a brain tumor, and soon I will be gone. Then it hit me that I no longer will be able to feel her touch, and that makes my stomach lurches.

A look of worries rested on her feature, "Now that you are awake, the doctor must inform us what exactly caused you to blackout."

"It's probably not a big deal, I just worked myself too hard this week," I uttered trying to sound convincing. She suspiciously gazed at me from the corner of her eyes, "maybe."

Hesitantly, her hands reached mine as she gently caressed it, sending chills for hers were freezing.

"I was terrified, Adam," her voice dropped. My eyes darted to hers, it was filled with despair. "I didn't know what to do or how to act. The only thing I knew was that I wanted you to wake up, and it was so hard to pull myself together and call the ambulance."

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