13. The Black Lake Date

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It has been three weeks since the Yule Ball and you and Fred have been more affectionate than ever. He would find any excuse to cuddle you and to have you close, even send some dirty looks to others who were checking you out. You two didn't even talk about the kiss you shared at the Yule Ball and even if you tried to talk to him about it, either George or Lee were taking him away from you to plan their next prank. It was frustrating but eventually you gave up on it for the meantime and decided to hang with Astrid and Hermione in the library, whilst all your guy friends were busy; Harry and Ron being their usual selves and the twins and Lee working on their pranks.

"So, Hermione... How is Krum?" Astrid asked, nudging Hermione's shoulder.

"Uhm—he is alright." She blushed "He isn't the kind to hold on to a conversation." You and Astrid giggled, making Hermione more and more flustered.

"That's not what I mean!" She whacked you both with her book "He mostly watches me study. It's kind of annoying actually."

"Well, at least he lets you study. Imagine having the twins and Lee whilst studying. Can never get anything done." You chuckled, remembering that time back in 4th year you four were kicked out of the library for "accidentally" letting go of a firework. It was definitely the twins' fault for sure but of course, you all had to pay with a one-week detention with Snape.

"And that's why I like being a loner." Astrid place her hands behind her neck and smirked.

"What am I? An acquaintance?" You smacked her hand lightly, kind of offended.

"Duh! Wasn't it obvious?" She smiled, her sarcasm always made you smile a little and shook your head at her.

"So how's dating the twins?" Hermione wiggled her eyebrows throwing you both a look.

"We're not dating the twins!" You both said in unison, glancing at each other and laughing slightly.

"Oh no, you've spent so much time with them you're practically like them!" Hermione said wide-eyed.

"But seriously, we are not dating them. I don't know what Astrid is doing with George behind closed doors but Fred and I are not dating!!" That earned you a smack on the head from Astrid.

"What I am doing with George is none of your concern." She glared at you both. "And for your knowledge, he has asked me on a date, which of course I said yes to. He's going to take me to the Black Lake instead of Hogsmead because he said he has a surprise for me there." She smiled at the thought.

"Bet that's where he'll ask you to be his girlfriend." You smiled softly at her. She seemed so happy and you were so happy for her. "You and George were made for each other. And before you say anything," she opened her mouth to say something but you stopped her "I've seen the way you look at each other. You look at each other as if one of you will disappear." Hermione awed before looking at her watch, gasping.

"Well, I will leave you too alone because I have a Transfiguration class to attend to. Talk to you later?" You nodded and Hermione left.

"When do you think Fred's going to ask you?" She placed her hand on top of yours.

"I don't know honestly. I feel like I made him feel weird when I kissed him at the Yule Ball. We haven't talked to each other about it for weeks!" You sighed sadly.

"Well, if you want to know, when you left to comfort Hermione, he came to us immediately and told us how completely in love he is with you." You smiled at each other. "Just give him some time." You nodded and hugged her.

"What would I be without you, Astrid?"

"A goner, that's for sure." You both laughed but were quickly silenced by the librarian.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now