4. Hit the Road

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"That wasn't funny, Fred!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything," said Fred, with another evil grin. "I just dropped it... It was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

"He has a point." You said sheepishly.

"No, (Y/n), he dropped it on purpose!" roared Mr. Weasley. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet-"

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked eagerly.

"It was four feet long before his parents would let me shrink it!". Harry, (Y/n) and the Weasleys roared with laughter again.

"It isn't funny!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spend half my life
campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles, and my own sons-"

"We didn't give it to him because he's a Muggle!" said Fred

"No, we gave it to him because he's a great bullying git," said
George. "Isn't he, Harry?"

"Yeah, he is, Mr. Weasley." said Harry earnestly.

"That's not the point!" raged Mr. Weasley. "You wait until I tell
your mother-"

"Tell me what?" said a voice behind them. Mrs. Weasley had just entered the kitchen. Everyone went quiet.

"Oh hello, Harry, dear." she said, spotting him and smiling. Then her eyes snapped back to her husband. "Tell me what, Arthur?"

Mr. Weasley hesitated. You could tell that, however angry he was with Fred and George, he hadn't really intended to tell Mrs. Weasley what had happened. There was a silence, while Mr. Weasley eyed his wife nervously. Then Hermione and Ginny appeared in the kitchen. Both of them smiled at Harry, who grinned back, which made Ginny go scarlet, she had been very taken with Harry ever since his first visit to the Burrow. It was pretty obvious.

"Tell me what, Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley repeated, in a dangerous sort of voice.

"It's nothing, Molly," mumbled Mr. Weasley, "Fred and George just- but I've had words with them-"

"What have they done this time?" said Mrs. Weasley. "If it's got anything to do with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes-"

"Why don't you show Harry where he's sleeping, Ron?" said Hermione from the doorway.

"He knows where he's sleeping," said Ron, "in my room, he slept there last-"

"We can all go." said Hermione pointedly.

"Oh," said Ron, finally catching on "Right."

"Yeah, we'll come too." said George.

"You stay where you are!" snarled Mrs. Weasley.

Harry and Ron edged out of the kitchen, and they, Hermione and Ginny set off along the narrow hallway and up the rickety staircase that zigzagged through the house to the upper stories.

"I'll go with them-" You said backing away but hit something, or more like somebody behind you. It was Charlie.

"You stay here as well. Weren't you a part of this too?" Charlie grinned. That's what he meant by revenge, you thought. You stared at him in disbelief.

"(Y/n), you were in this too?" Mrs. Weasley asked in disbelief, you looked down at the floor and nodded. "I expected more of you." The disappointment in Molly's voice was heartbreaking, but there was nothing to say. She was right. It was wrong to test that product on a kid, especially if it was a muggle.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now