35. Ruins

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As the days continued to pass by, the babies had grew up and the big time had come; George's and Astrid's wedding. So many preparations were held. You could see everyone around house running from one side to the next just to check if everything was right and at its place.

Molly was so anxious about that moment. She had baked like she had never baked before and even with yours, Ginny's and Hermione's help, she was still very tense, wanting everything to be perfect.

The men on the other hand, were having the time of their lives. Lee had arrived at the Burrow to help and of course it wouldn't be Lee if there wasn't a big entrance for him.

The doors bursted open making everyone inside the house jump. "Honey, I'm home!" Said Lee, dropping his luggage lightly on the wooden floor and raising his hands triumphly.

"OH MERLIN!" Said Molly, still clutching her wooden spoon whilst she was baking. She turned her head towards the doorway and saw Lee, who was smiling at her and waiting for the famous Molly Weasley hug. "Ah! Lee Jordan! You scared me!"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I didn't, dearest Molly." He said and Molly walked towards him to hug him. After exiting the hug, Lee said "Now, where is that scoundrel of a twin who's tying the knot today?"

George immerged from upstairs quickly. He put his finger to his lips, mimicking to be quiet. "Lee, you idiot! The babies are asleep!"

Lee nodded and approached him "Normal people say hi before swearing y'know." George chuckled and hugged Lee.

"It's good to see you, mate-"

"LEE!" You and Ginny shouted from the corner of the living room. You both ran towards him and tackled him to a hug.

"Woah woah now. I know I'm good with the ladies but not that much." You smacked him on the head with your hand "OI!"

"Hello to you too, Lee!" You chuckled.

"Now, where are the babies and Fred?" Lee asked

"Fred is at the shop, making sure everything is good for the wedding preparations. The babies are upstairs."

George nodded, "Follow me." And everyone did. You passed yours and the girls' room, afterwards Percy's and now you've arrived at Charlie's old room. Since he was away, there was no need for the room to be empty, so Molly and Astrid had decided that they would turn it into a nursery.

George opened the door slowly in order to not wake babies the babies where on their separate cribs, and from the corner of your eye you could see Astrid the falling asleep on a rocking chair. She looked very tired but she looked at peace with the environment even if she had just become a mother.

You, george, Lee, and Ginny approached the cribs slowly in order to not make a sound on the wooden floor, that was creaking underneath your feet.

Lee awed silently. He was very happy for the new parents and he was very excited to become the fun uncle. "Look at them!" he said, wiping a fake tear from his face. "Thank Merlin they like just like their mother and not like you." But the babies had characteristics from George, for example his ginger hair and freckles all over their faces and bodies. "Good job mate you did it." Lee rubbed George's shoulder gently and George smiled at the side of his son and daughter. And his plan was to make them the happiest and most loving children in the world.


You were in charge of looking after the babies and helping Astrid with her wedding dress shoes and hair. She looked beautiful, her white long and flowy dress made her look like a princess, and the small flowering detail in that dress made her look even more magical than what she already was. She didn't cry before her wedding but she was very happy and she was going to marry the man of her life. And that she had given birth to his children, even if for her it was very early, she wouldn't she didn't regret it and she loved motherhood and now becoming his bride.

You you couldn't sit down because you were one of the bridesmaids along with Hermione and Ginny, your matching clothes matching the groomsmen of George; who were Lee, Fred and Harry. Both families were present; muggles and pureblood wizards at last at the same place, connected by the love of two people. Mr and Mrs Hale where the proudest for their daughter to marry that man and Mr and Mrs Weasley couldn't be happier to have her as their daughter-in-law.

The ceremony was beautiful, and the reception even better. Being married at the Burrow definitely was one of your top ten things to do once you want to settle down. You danced with Fred and even pranked some of the guests, even if you got scolded by Molly afterwards.

Months had past and nothing exciting had happened, except for the increasing fear that death eaters would come to your doorstep at any moment. You and the twins decided to close the shop for now even if it had like a lot of customers, it had to happen for everyone's safety. You decide to stay at the Burrow with the rest of the Weasley family and Remus and Tonks.

Until it happened...

Death Eaters had come to the Burrow, not inside though but right outside in the fields. Bellatrix Lestrange and Greyback- the man who attacked Bill and left him a scar- started releasing fires to the wheats outside.

"Fred, get the babies NOW!" You said to Fred and hurried to save some of your most precious belongings, like the necklace Regulus has given you that night at Grimmauld Place. You could hear Astrid's screams from outside trying to hurry to her babies. They made it safe to sound as well as Fred and you.

She was so grateful for that. But that was when you all saw it; one of those Death Eaters had sent a spell towards the Burrow, causing it to start a fire. The entire house crumbled and you all saw what was happening. Molly felt tears run down her cheeks, Arthur beside her his mouth open.

You held Fred's hand squeezing it in order to wake up from this awful dream. It shouldn't have been like this. It shouldn't have burned into ashes. It was the house is grew up in and the house you learned everything; love patience and good. Your world fell like it was about to blow up. First your father Sirius and then the Burrow? It was all too much for you, and right then and there you started crying letting it all out despite everything that everyone around you was telling you. You were upset and you weren't going to live without a fight. And from that moment on, you swore on that ground that no matter what you would protect all your loved ones and you wouldn't let that happen to anyone else even if meant killing somebody or getting yourself killed in the process.


Hello everyone!

Sorry for not posting earlier but I have some exciting news.

I am the official Greek Golden Boy translator made by the one and only boyifyouknew!! It's such a big honour to work with samine, she's so sweet and amazing and it's literally a dream come true. That doesn't mean I'll stop posting all the fanfics I've got in mind, but they will take some time to update as translating a book takes at least 6-10 hours (depends on the chapter).

With that being said, these chapters might not be as big as I want them to be unfortunately. But that won't stop me from giving you guys what you want. I just really want to reach the dh part of the story because I got SO many plans, y'all are gonna be shook!

Thank you for all the support and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Love you loads!! <3


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