6. The Dark Mark

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It felt like you two were running for ages, going in an endless circle. People were screaming around you and running towards every directions they could to save themselves, making you dizzy. You looked at Fred who was running still holding your hand. Fred was panting, you could tell he was tired.

"Fred?" You said, waiting for him to stop. He didn't.

"Fred!" You called out again, no response. He didn't stop running.

"Fred, look at me!" You yelled and stopped, making him stop in front of you. He held your hand tighter, as he turned around to look at you. You could see his chest rise and fall with every deep breath he took, the sweat dripping down his forehead. With your free hand, you held his cheek in your hand, wiping off any hairs from his face. "Let's stop for a second. I'm exhausted and I know you are as well." He looked down to the ground, opening his mouth to speak but you stopped him. "Please?" He looked at you before nodding slightly and seating you both down between two tents. It felt like the safest place you could be right now.

He held your hand the entire time, not wanting to let go as if you were about to disappear. His hand was bigger than yours but somehow, your fingers interwinded perfectly. You put your head on his shoulder and he put his on top of yours. Even if it felt like the world was ending, you felt safe and comfort with him. He smelled like fireworks, cinnamon and burning wood, his scent filling your nostrils completely and you felt good. Every now and then he would rub his thumb on the top of your hand, "drawing" small circles on it. You smiled slightly, you were happy.

After for what felt like seconds, the crowd disappeared completely. Everything was silent. The only thing you could see was a big green face of a skeleton, its mouth opening, revealing a snake instead of a tongue. The Dark Mark, You-Know-Who's mark. It dawned you that those people in masks that were following you and everyone else earlier were Death Eaters. You went closer to Fred, slightly afraid, thoughts running over your head. Is everyone okay? Is Harry alright? Was he taken to the Dark Lord? Fred, without thinking, put his arms around you, so now your head was laying on his chest. If Fred wasn't there, you probably would have gotten yourself killed either from a Death Eater or from your thoughts. You sat there for a while, Fred brushing your hair with his fingers -something he always loved to do to you-, and rubbing your back, making you feel safe, making you feel like you're home. The only thing you could hear was yours and Fred's breathing, not the screams of death around you anymore.

You both decided it was time to stand up and look around. You couldn't see anyone when suddenly a figure of a tall, skinny, ginger-haired man. You squinted, trying to see clearer, until you finally realised who it was-Bill. The feeling of relaxation washed over you and all the tension that was built on your shoulders left your body as you watched the red haired come closer to you. You smiled and ran up to him, hugging him tightly, he returned the hug and smiled.

"Bill! Oh Merlin! You don't know how happy I am to see you!" You squeezed him. Bill was probably the only one who acted like a big brother to you. He cared for you like an actual sister and couldn't be more happier to see him.

"It's alright, (Y/n/n). Everything's alright." He looked at Fred, not letting go of you. "Where is everyone?"

Fred shrugged "George is with Ginny, they ran towards the forest. I'm sure they are well. But Harry, Ron and Hermione..." He paused, looking down for a second and back up at his brother. "we don't know. We didn't see them at all."

Bill looked you and sighed. "I'm sure they are fine. Let's go back to the tent, shall we?" He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you took Fred by the hand, not wanting to make him feel alone. Fred squeezed your hand and smiled a bit.

You made your way to the tent and saw everyone there. Your eyes fell immediately to Harry. He looked at you as well and smiled widely - Harry wasn't know to smile that big, he usually was a little awkward, especially around girls. You both ran up to each other and crushed each other into a hug.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now