37. Back at the Shop

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Yesterday's events played in your head all day long. Even while eating breakfast with your friends and family, the details you went through inside your mind were making you excited. All you could hear was a murmur from the other people talking and eating, their cultury hitting the plate slightly when cutting their food.

"(Y/n/n)?" A voice said from your left. You didn't turn. All you could think about was Fred touching you in all your vulnerable places, his finger tips dragging along your sides and in the surface of your skin. "(Y/n)!" Said the voice again, nudging you lightly and you snapped out of your trance. You turned your head to the left, to discover who was calling your name. It was Astrid, her face filled with worried. She was feeding the babies with a homemade food cream Molly made; Molly said that she had also fed all of her children this cream- but not you, since you were already old enough when she got you- and that it worked.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" You asked, hoping she wouldn't be sketchy about it.

"Are you alright? I called you so many times and you didn't respond." Said Astrid.

Oh it's nothing, I only thought of your brother-in-law inside me-

"I'm fine. I just got lost in my own thoughts." You said, smiling to make it believable.

"Well, what were you thinking of?"

"About Harry, Ron and Hermione. I don't know how they'll survive this year on their own." Good thought, (Y/n)...

"Harry's the chosen one." Astrid placed her hand on top of yours. "He'll always find a way. You've got nothing to worry about."

You smiled at her gesture. Sneaking a glance at the other three people in the room, you saw Bill, Fleur and Fred laughing and talking just like the old days. It was nice, their smiles and laughs warmed your heart. Turning back to Astrid, you said, "I think Freddie and I will go to the shop tomorrow. To see how everything is holding up."

"Please be careful." She said worried, "Remember what they did to poor Olivander's. It was possibly Death Eaters that destroyed the place and that now he's missing." It was true. Olivander's shop was destroyed, they broke everything and took everything they could, from the desplays to the actual wands. It was as if they wanted more wands to fight in the upcoming war or as if they were expecting more people to come.

You sighed "I know. But we will be quick, I promise." You were afraid to go back there but it had to be done. The twins has worked so hard for that shop for almost all their lives. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to it or them.


The streets of Diagon Alley were empty. The silence was loud; only the small whistling of the wind could be heard. Occasionally, some people would walk from around the block, and always with company. Everyone was afraid to walk alone at any time of day, and if they did, they were hoping to be alive to see the next day.

It felt like Diagon Alley had lost its park and its light. The colourful streets full of people now felt dull and colourless. The only colourful building was Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, sparking some light and standing out with its orangey tones and the huge Weasley statue, still tipping its hat to the people passing by.

You smiled at it, feeling nostalgic about the small time you had spent in this shop and the flat above. Unlocking the door and walking inside, you saw that everything was still intact. You let a sigh of relief and you and Fred continued to patrol the shop before moving to the flat.

You checked behind counter, where people would usually check out, and everything was still there, except for all the money that was previously there. Before leaving, you had decided to put these in your bank account in Gringotts. After that, you felt relieved about your decision.

"Everything okay there, Freddie?" You shouted to him across the shop. You couldn't see him as he was in the backroom checking.

"Yes, everything's great back here." His voice was heard from the backroom. Footsteps approached the door that door and opened it, revealing Fred, who just smiled at you, relieved that you were okay and nothing bad had happened. "How about you love?"

"Everything here is perfect." You smiled back and took a glance up. "I doubt they would go to the flat since everything valuable is downstairs."

"I agree." Fred approached you, with a smirk on his face. "So, Ms. Black," He approached you and stood behind you, his hand on your hips. "Have you ever done it on the counter?"

You blushed but liked it. You spoke slowly "There's always a first time for everything."

With that, Fred smirked and started nibbling at the space below your ear. You giggled at the gesture but felt turned on at the same time. His hand were going up and down your sides, the smell of his cologne filling your nostrils quickly. He turned you around and started kissing you hungrily, your hands cupping his neck trying to hold on. It was magical, just like everything you did with Fred.

He grabbed the back of your legs and lifted you up, placing you firmly on the counter. You giggled in his kiss, feeling lucky to have him. Your legs were now hugging his thighs, his hands have now traveled to your waist and lowe back, holding you tightly as if you were going to disappear.

"Freddie-" A loud crash sounds from upstairs, making you both jump and separate from each other. Your heart rate increased, making you feel scared for both your lives.

"Stay here." Whispered Fred, grabbing his wand and moving slowly and silently towards the stairs leading up. You grabbed his wrist and making him turn around.

"No way! I'm coming with you!" Fred sighed and nodded, making you follow him up the stairs while holding his hand.

You two tried to be as quiet as you could, but the screeching of the wooden floors didn't help with that.

Fred opened the door, his wand on his right hand preparing for what's there to come. You felt your wand shake in your hand but you held it tightly. The moment you walked into the living room, a spell was thrown towards you, but your quick instincts blocked it.

"Sectumsempra!" Fred sent a spell towards the person who sent you the spell. The person stumbled backwards, revealing his arm that had the Death Eater symbol. The wall behind him cracked a little bit. Fred casted another spell and invisible ropes covered the man.

You knelt in front of him and grabbed him by his hair in order for him to face you and to get a good look at who he is.

"Who are you and what do you want?" You said, whilst Fred checked the rest of the flat for any more unexpected guests.

The man didn't speak. He just coughed lightly. "Speak!"

"You think— I would give in— so easily?" He coughed again, and chuckled a bit.

"Why are you here?" You said, getting more frustrated by the man every single time he said something you didn't want to hear.

"For the dark—" he coughed again "—lord of course. You firstly half-bloods—"

"I'm going to stop you there, buddy." You interrupted him. "Y'know that your Dark Lord is a half-blood as well?"

"No, he isn't." He said laughing. That man was crazy.

"Why did you come here?"

The man continued to laugh. He annoyed you more and more.

"STOP LAUGHING AND TELL ME!" You let go of his hair and pointed your wand at his neck.

"Well well well, Ms. Black." He said and you lowered your wand, wide-eyed and shocked that he knew your name. "I think our time is," he smirked and checked the clock on the wall "up!"

With that, he disappeared into black smoke. Hearing your name fall from his lips left you disgusted and confused. Why was he here in the first place? Guess you'll never know...

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