003 - the ultimate lunch war

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Marinette walked next to Alya down the hall, steam still flying out of her ears from her previous encounter.

"Girl, chill out. It's not like the news is abnormal to anyone, Adrien gets with women all the time." The ombre haired girl spoke, calming her friend down.

Except, it had the opposite effect.

"I didn't sleep with him Alya! Don't tell me you believe the rumors too!" Marinette said louder than needed, drawing attention to herself as they had reached the cafeteria.

Alya raised her hands in defense. "Okay! Okay, I believe you. I didn't think you were that desperate, anyways." The ombre snickered as she finished the sentence.

The ravenette rolled her eyes in response and sighed. "You're such a child." She muttered, before grabbing a seat at her usual table.

Already sitting down were Mylene, Alix, Rose, Juleka, and Sabrina.

Coincidentally all girls who had fallen to Adrien in the past.

"Are the rumors true, Marinette? Did you really..." Mylene started, not even having to finish her statement as she witnessed the death look on the ravenette's face.

"I guess that's a no." Sabrina spoke in between giggles. "Did you even have to ask, Mylene? You couldn't pay Marinette to stand five feet next to that guy willingly." Alix added.

"Gosh, at least some people know me, here." The ravenette spoke, discreetly glaring at the ombre, who shrugged innocently.

After placing her stuff down, the ravenette realized she didn't have anything to drink.

"I'm going to go buy a water, be right back." Marinette announced as she stood up again. "Don't bump into something on your way there, clumsy!" Alix added, sparking a conversation in the group, everyone beginning to share their "clumsy Marinette" stories.

"You guys suck." The ravenette shot back, before turning around and walking to the vendors.

The bottled water was nothing special, but Marinette's throat was feeling especially dry since her journey through the vents.

Even just thinking of the blonde brought a frown to her face.

Just as the ravenette was about to take a sip, a body grazed her from behind, enough force for the water to just barely spill out onto the girl's clothes.

She turned around, seeing the culprit, none other than Adrien.

"You totally did that on purpose, you ass-hat." Marinette growled, anger flowing through her once again.

The blonde frowned at her. "This jacket is brand new, and your dust just flew on it. I wouldn't purposely contaminate myself, what kind of idiot would do that?" He said, his frown turning into a smirk at her expression.

Suddenly, an idea came to the ravenette. Yes, it was risky, but so worth it.

Marinette smiled gently, causing a confused look to appear on the blonde's face. A sincere smile from Marinette to Adrien was never a good sign.

"My apologies for contaminating you, your highness. Let me help with that." The ravenette spoke quickly, a grin appearing on her face as she dumped the whole bottle of water onto him, wherever she could reach.

The ravenette's height only reached to the bottom of Adrien's shoulder, so the water mostly hit him square in the face instead of the top of his head like she was aiming to do.

By now, practically the whole cafeteria was watching their quarrel, each moment becoming more entertaining than the last.

Adrien stood still for a moment, disbelief washing over him.

The blonde gritted his teeth before smirking back. He opened his eyes, which had been stinging from the water.

"No, no, I insist. You need it more than I do." He responded, dumping his bottle of water onto her own head.

Everyone gasped, growing more and more interested in the drama. Some people were gossiping, some were filming, and some were cheering.

The lunch room had turned into a complete zoo.

Adrien and Marinette continued their "water battle", both ending up completely soaked. But neither party cared, the only thing set in their mind was victory.

Once they had run out of water, it was a new food category.

"Hah! How's your "new jacket" now, Agreste?" Marinette shouted, splattering ketchup onto the boy. "You should be more worried about yourself, Dupain-Cheng!" The blonde yelled back, dumping a tray of beans onto her.

Alya and the girls could do nothing but erupt into a fit of giggles. The sight alone was hilarious, but the amount of determination in their voices made it all funnier.

But of course, the joy had to conclude at some point.

"SILENCE!" A low voice bellowed, echoing throughout the cafeteria. Everyone shut up, turning towards the source of the voice. It was the principal, Principal Damocles.

Marinette and Adrien also stopped, the ravenette's eyes widening as she realized how much trouble she was going to be in.

The stubby old man turn walked towards the two in an ungraceful manner, pointing. His face was beet red, anger swallowing him whole.

"Adrien, young lady, in my office now." He directed, his tone calmer than before but not any less furious.

Marinette gripped her hands into fists.

She quickly strode past Adrien, not even wanting to look at him. Her heart was pounding out of her chest as she held back tears.

Her parents would not be happy with whatever punishment she was getting. Passerbys in the hallway stared at the two as they walked into the office, words not being able to explain the sight.

The ravenette could barely even see, as her eyes were partially stuck together by some gross, residue that made Marinette want to throw up at the thought. Her bangs were clinging to her face, and somewhere in the cafeteria were her hair-clips that had fallen out.

Adrien on the other hand, was calm. He had his hands in pockets, acting as if he was walking into his living room, about to sit on the couch and watch television.

"Sit." Damocles ordered. They did as they were told, Marinette a little faster than the blonde.

"In all the years I've lead this school, not once has an occasion such as this happened." The man began. "I don't know who started it, although I have a sneaking suspicion," Damocles added, glancing at the blonde, who looked away.

"So as your fair punishment, you two will be forced to stay after and clean the entire cafeteria, including the mess you made. Then after that, you will stay an extra hour in detention." He spoke, horror appearing on the ravenette's face.

"Hopefully, you two can do some bonding and sort out your differences, fights like these can not continue and are not permitted at my school." Damocles concluded, sending the two off.

The two walked out of the office, Marinette wishing for nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, and maybe take a shower as well.

"Well, see you later, detention buddy." Adrien bid farewell with a smirk. The ravenette did nothing but glare in return, as the only words that came to her mind were,

What on Earth was she going to tell her parents?

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