016 - until I see you again

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Name: Gabriel Agreste

Age: 42

Crime: child abuse

Victim(s): Adrien Agreste, 17 (son)

Sentence: 14 years in prison


They had finally done it.

After filing reports, gaining the help of other parents on their side, and lots and lots of time, Gabriel Agreste was finally arrested.

Adrien was free from him until he was a grown adult, but by that time the blonde would be on his own and wouldn't need to depend on his father anyways.

They would never be in contact again, Adrien was safe.

And Marinette was happier than she had been in her entire life.

She could sleep at night, knowing that the one she loved was finally safe at last, and they could live their happily ever after.

Except, they weren't adults yet.

And Adrien couldn't live alone, pay expenses or support himself, and he didn't have any legal guardians left either or family members he could stay with.

Which meant he was going to be staying with a foster family, one that took care of him, helped him succeed and build his way to a bright future, one where he could live peacefully for the first time in his life, a real family that took care of him as if he was there own.

But also a family that didn't live in Paris.

Which meant Adrien was moving.

Harsh reality hit Marinette harder than she had expected for it to, but she kept her emotions in check as her open sadness would only push onto the blonde and cause him to become even more depressed than he was before.

This was a good thing, Marinette told herself every day. She told herself that this was the best experience Adrien was ever going to have, that he needed it.

He deserved it, and she wasn't going to let her greediness ruin it for him.

The ravenette stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself and drying off.

Marinette blow-dried her hair and straightened it, tucking loose pieces behind her ears. She tossed her hair onto her back, which was so long that it fell all the way down her back.

She put on a loose black crop-top and ripped jeans that were high waisted.

She put in her favorite garnet earrings, and a small necklace. Marinette didn't put on makeup, as she knew Adrien wouldn't care either way.

By the time she had made it downstairs, her parents were already waiting for her.

"You ready to go, Marinette?" Sabine asked, sorrow lacing her words. The ravenette gave a reasurring smile, making it known that she was okay.

"Yeah, let's go. I want to get there early." Marinette responded, "there" as in the airport.

The ravenette hopped into the car, motioning for her parents to quicken their pace as soon as she had buckled in.

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