017 - familiar faces

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the epilogue

Marinette Dupain-Cheng slouched in her seat.

"Ughh, can't we just leave already? This class is so boring." A brown curly-haired girl stated next to the ravenette.

"Aeon, class literally started less than two minutes ago." Wayhem mentioned, rolling his eyes.

"Not everyone in the university an english major, Wayhem." Aeon scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Gosh, they're at it again." Marinette muttered to Jess, who was sitting on the opposite end of the table.

"Both of you, shut up." Jess muttered, causing the ravenette to snicker as her face was annoyed, but her words were spoken with absolutely no energy behind them.

In the past when Marinette had first entered the Parisian University of Arts, she couldn't help but notice how similiar her friend Aeon was to her old high school friend Alya Cesaire, which may have been the reason the two became friends in the first place.

Aeon was bubbly, but snappy with low patience, Wayhem was a know-it-all that could crack a joke at times, and Jess was tough as nails but still knew how to have fun.

The four of them were nothing alike, but the topic was never really noticed or spoken of.

Suddenly, Aeon's eyes lit up and a michevious smirk made its way onto her face.

"Oh no, she's got an idea." Wayhem muttered, scrunching his nose. Aeon ignored the comment, and leaned closer to the other three.

"Let's go drinking tonight, all out. Let loose, and forget about this college crap." She suggested, smiling in honor of her "great" idea.

Everyone face palmed.

"Oh hell no, you guys know how much of a lightweight I am." Marinette murmured. Wayhem chuckled, remembering the last time they went out.

Aeon huffed in annoyance, resting her chin on her hand as she leaned her elbow onto the table.

"Come on, Mari, you're twenty-one! If you're a lightweight, the best thing for you is practice! Plus, you can get a guy easily." Aeon said with a wink.

Jess rolled her eyes.

"It's no use Aeon, you know Marinette doesn't date." Jess muttered.

"Yeah, she's still waiting for her prince charming to come back, right? Your 'love from the past'?" Wayhem added, smirking at the ravenette.

Marinette groaned and hid her face, which had grown hot.

A few years ago, the ravenette had made the mistake of telling her friends about Adrien, only an extremely vague version of the story.

Aeon ruffled the ravenette's hair with her hand. "Hey, don't make fun of her! It's okay, Marinette. We know you're an innocent one, there's no need to hide it. The drinking party wasn't a joke, though." The curly haired girl giggled.

"You messed up my hair, bitch." Marinette growled, fixing her red clips.

"Ooh, maybe our little girl isn't so innocent after all. I didn't know you were so exposed to that kind of language, Mari." Aeon snickered.

Wayhem ran a hand through his hair. "She is literally exposed to you, how much worse can she get?" The brown haired boy asked rhetorically.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Aeon snapped, grabbing him by the shirt collar. All three of them sighed in union. "There it is." Jess muttered.

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