015 - tears and confessions

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Marinette woke up the next day, her vision slightly blurred and her mind still groggy from the previous night.

The ravenette groaned loudly, stretching her arms, then squeezed her fists into her pounding head.

"Ow," she muttered, rubbing her eyes.

Marinette sighed, swiping her messy hair away from her face and slowly climbing off of her bed, careful not to fall over as she did.

When the ravenette got to the lower floor, she saw her parents sitting on the couch with the tv off, both sitting there sipping coffee while staring at their daughter intensely.

Marinette flinched, a bead of nervous sweat dripping down the side of he head.

"Uhm, g-good morning?" She spoke slowly.

Sabine's eyes slimmed a bit, and Tom rested a hand on his wife's shoulder. Sabine crossed her arms, standing up.

"Would you like to explain what you were doing last night, young lady?" The raven haired woman questioned her daughter.

Marinette opened her mouth to answer, then closed it. She scratched her head, confused.

She had no idea what she did the night before. All she could remember was going to Chloe's party and drinking some strange substance irresponsibly, then feeling sick and...

and then some guy with blonde hair picked her up after that.

And Adrien would be her best guess at who the guy was.

The ravenette's eyes widened slowly, her face slowly filling with horror. "I... I uh..." Marinette squeaked, her face paling.

The raventte repeatedly cursed at herself internally, only hoping she didn't do anything to permanantly embarrass herself.

"Well whatever you did, some guy dropped you off here not much later than when you left. He said you looked unwell, so he rushed you back here as fast as he could. He also told me that you borrowed his jacket, and that you could bring it to school today." Sabine informed, pointing to a white jacket that had been slung on a chair.

That same white jacket, the one the blonde wore everyday, Adrien's favorite.

That evidence fully justified Marinette's claim.

A part of her was relieved it was him and not some random creep, but another part of her was completely horrified. The ravenette wanted to hide under a rock.

Adrien had seen her in such a vulnerable state, how would she be able to face him again?

"Ugh, why do I feel so embarrassed right now, it's just Adrien." Marinette muttered, biting her lower lip as she covered her face with her hands.

"Is he someone you know, honey?" Sabine asked in a hopeful tone.

The ravenette uncovered her features, nodding slowly. Her face had reddened slightly and her eyebrows were furrowed.

Tom sighed in relief, patting Marinette on the head.

"Well according to your reaction, I'm guessing he's more than 'someone you know', as long as I don't have to teach that kid a lesson I'm not angry." Tom said with a smile.

The ravenette turned completely red at this statement, flinging her arms in the air as she quickly ran back up the stairs, taking the jacket with her so she wouldn't forget it.

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