013 - party preparations

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It had been about a week since the incident in the closet with Luka, and a few days since Marinette and Adrien had met at her parent's bakery.

The ravenette had thoughts swirling in her head, each individual one taking a different twisty route that caused her brain to ache more and more as time when on.

Marinette and Alya were both sprawled out on the ravenette's bed, bored. Suddenly, their phones buzzed.

The ombre sprang up, grabbing her phone as if it was her life line. Alya's face lit up as her eyes trailed the luminous screen. She then looked back towards the ravenette and smirked.

"Girl, check your phone." She spoke, a mischevious glint in her eyes.

Marinette gulped. The expression on Alya's was never a good sign.

The ravenette picked up her phone hesitantly, glancing at the screen notifications.

Her face dropped.

"Seriously, Alya? I am not going to that." Marinette groaned. Alya's eyebrows furrowed and she pouted her lips. "Please Marinette? Come on, it's a party hosted by Chloe Bourgeois, only the richest, most popular girl in the whole school. We have to go." Alya clasped her hands together, begging.

The ravenette rubbed her temples hastily, sighing and glaring at the ombre.

Alya smiled a teeny smile, and Marinette covered her eyes with her hands, groaning.

"I hate you." The ravenette muttered after a silent minute, giving in.

Alya grinned, squeezing her best friend in a giant bear hug. "Yay! I love you girl. We're going to walk in there and show those bitches who's boss." The ombre cheered.

"Yeah, maybe I could if I had something half decent to wear." Marinette muttered.

Alya cocked a brow.

"Girl, what the hell are you talking about? You have so many nice dresses in that closet, I'm literally jealous." The ombre scoffed.

Marinette figetted anxiously, causing Alya to be confused.

"They... show too much." The ravenette murmured, shuddering. The ombre blinked a few times, then sighed. Alya placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder.

"Understood, girl. Let's just got to have fun, let loose. Just wear a normal tee-shirt if it makes you more comfortable." The ombre suggested reasurringly.

The ravenette gave a small smile.

"You sure I won't embarrass you showing up to a party like a loser?" Marinette joked. Alya punched the ravenette in the arm lightly. "Maybe a little, but I won't say anything." The ombre winked.

Marinette smirked, and she tackled the ombre both falling off the bed in a fit off giggles.

"Don't break my back Marinette, only Nino has permission for that." Alya spoke nonchalantly. Marinette fake gagged. "Oh jeez, Alya." The ravenette sighed, getting up. The ombre couldn't help but giggle at her reaction.

"Alright, time to stop goofing around. We have a party to get ready for...well atleast I do." Alya shrugged, earning a glare.

The two girls stepped through the door of the giant hotel. The ombre was wearing a tight silver dress with spagetti straps, and the ravenette was wearing a plain black shirt with jeans.

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