Chapter 23

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I collapsed onto my couch-bed and let out a weary sigh. I'd run the Jungle three times this morning, only stopping because the first group of young wolves had come for their class. Having mostly used my legs, we switched to archery to give my arms a workout. Thankfully, I still had enough muscle memory from my younger training days to make me a decent shot. Stitch walked me through some sparring routines after that, testing my speed and agility when I was already tired. Once he was satisfied with my performance, he 'suggested' a trail run through the woods.

Despite the weariness of my body, all of the activity had distracted my mind from thinking about the spy from Midnight who'd sneaked into the territory.

"Stitch tells me you put in a full day."

I turned my head to see Luna standing in the open doorway. She wore an exercise outfit similar to mine, but the only sign of exertion was a slight rosiness in her cheeks. Maybe one day I'd be able to put in a full day's work and look that good. Until then, I'd continue looking like a misfit that had just come from a wrestling match in the desert.

"I haven't worked out this hard since my youth training," I moaned, "and my body was more suited for it then."

She glided across the room and seated herself on the edge of the couch. "I can imagine that it's much harder for you because you haven't maintained your training. Stitch said you're doing very well for someone who hasn't actively trained in seven years. Stamina takes a while to build up, and it's easily lost if you're not active."

"I kept up my stamina surviving Jax and his beatings," I murmured, staring up at the ceiling. Most people didn't think of the physical strength it took to steel yourself against blows from another person. Moon goddess knew how many times I'd clenched my body to receive a kick or punch. Holding that tightened defense position for any length of time was exhausting, but I'd gotten to the point where I could hold it for up to half an hour. Jax was unpredictable and even breathing could set him off when he was in a mood. Survival required stamina, so now I had the latter in abundance.

"I never thought about it that way before," Luna mused. "I knew you were strong in your own way, just having lived in that pack for as long as you did. I suppose you would have built up some internal stamina from everything you endured."

My body gave a little shudder at the word endured. I had to keep reminding myself that I had indeed come out of that pack alive, and that I wouldn't go back there. Who I was had been shaped by my time in Midnight, but I was not forever defined by it.

"You're among friends now, Zoey," Luna said, placing a hand on my leg and squeezing. "We will protect you from Midnight pack, no matter what they try to do to get you back. One of their own rejected you, so they no longer have any claim to you. They can say whatever they want, but we will not let them take you back. Even if the men around here can be a bit thick-skinned when it comes to emotions and feelings, you will always have me by your side. I promise you that."

A warmth flooded my chest, and my wolf stirred out of her weary snooze. Only a weak wolf needed to be encouraged with promises like that, but at the moment I would happily call myself a weak wolf. After being alone for so long, I would cling to any friendship I could find.

"Let's go for a run tomorrow," she said with a smile. "Just you and me: girl time. I promise I won't push you as hard as Stitch does."

"He's not that strict," I countered, though my muscles protested the thought. "But I'd like to spend the time with you, no matter what we do."

"Excellent. We'll go mid-morning when everyone else is in their classes. For now, get some rest."

"I will. Thanks, Luna."

When she'd left the room, I dragged myself off the couch towards the bathroom. Even though my body screamed defiance at every movement, I didn't want to sleep in sweaty clothes and wake up smelling even worse than I probably did now. Not to mention the grimy feeling of sleeping all sweaty.

I took a longer-than-necessary shower, letting the water wash away the sweat of my labors and ease a little bit of the ache. The sound of the water provided a good background for my thoughts: surrounding me like a bubble for my own musings. Having someone like Luna looking out for me gave me some peace, but it didn't quite put me to sleep at night. The rare calls or texts from my mom certainly helped, but the rest was a mental game. It was all too easy to fall back into the mental spiral of fear and self-worthlessness.

I lathered on a layer of lotion before putting on my warm fuzzy pajamas. Something in me desired comfort in every form I could get it. Hot shower, warm pajamas, fuzzy blanket... I'd surround myself in a protective cloud of comfort. The quiet night would give my mind a chance to retrace steps and start panicking about Jax again.

Turning off all but the bedside lamp, I retreated to my couch and curled up under the blankets. As much as I feared the unknown of my future, I currently feared sleep even more. Sleep meant dreams. Recently, my dreams were full of my worst fears. Every night I relived the hell that had been my life for years. I'd wake several times, stifling screams, only to be dragged back into it. The morning was my rescue.

Closing my eyes, I prayed that... he would stay out of my dreams for one night.


Van stepped into his room and sighed when he saw Zoey curled up on the couch. A small part of him had hoped to talk to her a little more before the end of the day, maybe pick up somewhere close to where they'd left off. The briefing with Snuff and Goggles had taken far too long, and then he had to go meet with patrol from the southern border to address that wooded gap. All together, he hadn't gotten to the Jungle to see Zoey run the course. He hadn't gotten to see her do anything all day. From what Stitch told him, she'd done it all.

He shuffled into the bathroom and pulled his shirt off. A quick, hot shower would set him to rights before going back into that room. For whatever reason, Zoey kept messing with his head and puzzling his wolf. There wasn't a mate pull, but something was tickling his senses.

After a quick stint in the shower, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and opened the bathroom door. The chill of someone else's nightmare hit him in the chest like a punch. On the far side of the room, Zoey whimpered in her sleep. Unable to hear her words, he padded to the couch and stood over her. She shrank away a little, still asleep but most definitely "seeing" someone else above her.

"Please, Jax..." she whispered. "What did I do wrong? Please don't do it to me again."

He swallowed hard, fighting against his racing pulse. Jax... the son of Midnight's alpha... her ex.

"Why don't you want me?" Zoey cried. "I'm your mate. Just let me go..."

She made no sense. It was none of his business. But he still wanted to protect her from whatever pain she was reliving.

"Leave me alone." She swatted a hand at him. "Go away. Don't hurt me."

Without thinking, he crouched beside the couch and caught her hand as she pushed at him. The gentle contact seemed to calm her instantly, similar to when he'd massaged her ankle when she'd twisted it. She sighed and stopped thrashing, like her attacker had disappeared. When he let go, she began fidgeting and whispering again.

"I'll never sleep with you doing that," he muttered. He scooped her off the couch and carried her to the bed. If the only way to get a peaceful night's rest was to hold her hand, then so be it.

Settling her under the covers, he climbed in on the other side and interlaced their fingers to maintain contact. If only bothered him slightly that this crazy idea didn't bother him at all.

He looked at the now-quiet Zoey and held up their joined hands for her closed eyes not to see.

"This means nothing," he growled. "I just want to sleep."

Having said that out loud, he laid down and closed his eyes to do just that.

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