Chapter 42

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Now that Luna had her deadline, the house seemed to explode in a flurry of activity. Between maids cleaning at a dizzying speed and extra workmen carting around stage equipment, there wasn't an empty or quiet room to be found. In the beginning, I asked for tasks to help out; but after a few hours, it became quite clear that there was a pre-established system in place to pull off an event of this magnitude in 5 days. The guest list only consisted of those who could arrive in two days' travel time—and those who would have Formal wear ready at a moment's notice.

Even Chef was working in a flurry, so I opted not to beg a stool in the corner. He happily took a break just long enough to make me a coffee before launching back into the fray. I took my little cup and slipped out to avoid being run over.

Van and the guys were in their own spectrum of planning chaos. They weren't running around like madmen, but they had very in-depth meetings to talk through every single step of the process. Part of it was keeping Snuff calm and making sure Bug didn't accidentally activate the homing beacons early. He was so paranoid about them working that he would check the signal every three hours. All it would take was one wrong keystroke and everything would get thrown off.

The only safe place seemed to be Van's room, so I took my coffee to the safe haven of the balcony. I would have gone to my attic hideaway if I'd needed a complete escape, but I wanted to be semi-close to the team if the needed to find me. Curling up on one of the chairs, I sucked in a deep breath of fresh air and let it filter through my veins like a cleanse. When all of this was finally over and I was settled somewhere, I would pick a special place to call mine. Only those I wanted would know about it, and it would be my safe zone. Until then, I'd take what I could find.

The activity of the pack hummed in the air. Now that my wolf was gaining strength, her mind link connection was getting stronger too. I could hear whispers and snippets from anyone who wasn't protecting their channel. It wasn't overwhelming yet, but I was already practicing what it took to block others out. I would not allow myself to be victimized by an open mind link.


I jumped, still not used to having someone abruptly speak into my mind. Thankfully only one person actively did that.


Did I scare you?

Could you tell? I winced.

I could pretty much feel you jump, he chuckled. But it's okay! It means the connection is firmly open.

Oh... What's up?

Where are you? All the activity in the house, I'm nervous about losing track of you.

I couldn't help but smile. The original Van I'd met wouldn't have cared so but, but we'd come a long way from that guy. And the fact that he wanted to know exactly where I was made my heart skip a beat.

I'm in your room out on the balcony, I offered. It seemed like a good place to chill out of everyone's way yet still close by.

He didn't respond, and I cocked my head. Had I lost the connection of somehow blocked him?

Van? You there?

"Stop panicking. I'm right here."

I swallowed the squeak and turned as Van appeared from the bedroom. He looked a bit calmer and more collected than the last time I'd seen him. With his hands tucked into his pockets, he gave the outward appearance of someone completely at ease.

"How'd you get here so fast?" I gasped.

He scooped me out of my chair and sat down in my place with me cradled on his lap. Once I'd settled, he locked his arms around me and cocked an eyebrow.

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