Chapter 35

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I woke the next morning with that terrible, telltale knot in my stomach. How had it been a month already? Would Jax be able to track me with the scent of my heat? Maybe I should do a little extra of my injection... or wear more lotion.

What will Van do? my wolf quietly asked. He's unmated...

My eyes snapped open. She was right. As a lycan, he'd be more tuned into my change of scent... it might affect him more as well. Everyone previous knew not to dare come near me because of the consequences. The rules might be different here. What if...

No! I couldn't let my mind go there. It wouldn't happen. Luna Karina wouldn't let it happen. She'd hide me in her room if I needed it. She had the authority over Van to stop him if needed. Not even the craze of the scent of heat could hold up against a lycan alpha's command.

Still wanting to take my usual precautions, I whipped the covers off and scrambled to the bathroom. Van had already left—thank the Moon Goddess—so I could cover myself in lotion without exposing him to the first sniff. Finding my particular bottle in the cabinet, I set to lathering my skin with the scented lotion. I didn't normally put anything on my neck besides this day of the month, but I felt particularly nervous to cover that sensitive skin.

We'll be fine, my wolf assured me. The lotion will help, and you still have your wolfsbane. As much as I dislike the side effects, I know how it helps us.

I finished with the lotion and stashed the bottle in the back corner of the cabinet again. I didn't trust Van not to ask the questions I didn't want to answer.

I left the bathroom but froze a step out the door. Van stood at his dresser, rummaging through the top drawer for a shirt... because he currently wasn't wearing one. My stomach did a weird little flip before dropping to my toes. Maybe I could retreat back into the bathroom...

His head came up as he stopped pushing shirts around. His nose flared once, and I winced, knowing that there was no escape now.

He whipped towards me so fast that I jumped. His nose flared again. "What are you wearing?"

"Lotion," I squeaked.

"Why?" he growled. "You haven't worn it before."

I shrugged. "I... I felt like wearing it today. It was a gift from my mom."

The lie stung, but I swallowed the pain as I shuffled across the room towards my stuff. I made it about halfway when he grabbed my wrist. In a blink, he backed me against the wall and planted himself in front of me. My mouth opened in a gasp as he braced his hands on either side of my head and leaned closer.

He sniffed a couple times, eyes half squinting. I prayed that I'd put on enough lotion to distract his lycan senses. He leaned even closer, pressed his nose against my neck, and drew a deep breath. A moment later, he launched himself away from me. I swallowed the traitorous heart flutters as he stared at me.

"You're in heat," he gawked.

I twisted my hands in front of me. He'd pushed away from me, so he had control of himself. That was good, a start. I couldn't read his tone very well, so it was hard to tell what he'd say or do next.

"Yeah," I finally answered. "The lotion helps cover my scent."

He took a step back towards me. "But you have a mate..."

"...who doesn't want one," I reminded him.

"Did he mark you?"

There it was, the first of a long line of painful questions. My throat tightened as tickled the corners of my eyes. I shook my head to answer his question, praying that he wouldn't ask any more.

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