Chapter 30

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I shifted a little and immediately winced. It didn't take long to remember the events of... yesterday? How long had I been asleep?

I hope all this lovely pain has taught you not to force me to do things I'm not ready to do, my wolf moaned.

Don't worry, I assured her. We won't be doing anything like that again.

I should certainly hope not...

My eyes flew open as a new voice echoed in my mind. That wasn't my wolf, and it certainly wasn't me. From the pitch of the voice, it was a guy. But how...

"You're awake. Good."

I glanced over my shoulder, wincing again as my skin pulled across my collarbone. Stitch sat in a chair a few feet away, flipping through a folder like nothing big was happening. A slight smile pulled the corners of his mouth upwards, and a little sparkle danced in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled, not understanding his reaction.

He cocked an eyebrow and set the folder aside. "You forced a shift yesterday and were seriously injured. I'm the team medic, so naturally I'm here to make sure you're okay."

"Okay, but how did you just talk into my head like that?"

Stitch jumped to his feet as I slowly forced myself into a sitting position. My body ached a lot less than it had yesterday, but my upper body still burned quite a bit. The pain of healing cuts was still familiar, so I didn't worry about it too much.

"Now that you shifted, I can feel and talk to your wolf," Stitch explained. "The mind link connection is rather unstable, but it's there. You're just not used to it because you've hidden your wolf for so long."

"So... anyone can just talk to me through our minds now?" As great as it was that I was that much closer to being 'normal' again, I wasn't quite ready to be available to anyone and everyone. I remembered what it was like the first time I connected with the mind link... major over stimulus. It took training to learn how to control it.

"Not anyone." Stitch sat on the edge of my bed and set about unwrapping my left arm. "As I said, your mind link connection is unstable. Most wolves still won't be able to detect you, but I've had training through the Special Forces to be able to pick up on even the slightest links. It will probably just be you and me for a few days, especially with all the other healing your body is doing right now."

"But once I'm more healed..." A terrifying thought crashed into my brain. "What about my mate? Will he be able to find me when my mind link is open?"

My heart pounded against my ribs. This was exactly why I'd kept my wolf hidden! Now that I'd forced her out, I'd probably sent a big 'I'm Here!' signal to Jax! What had I done?

"Zoey, breathe!" Stitch grabbed my hands and squeezed hard. The sudden pressure kept me grounded before I mentally spiraled off.

I forced myself to look into his eyes and believe whatever he was about to tell me.

"Do you really think we'd be that careless?" he asked quietly. "Even if you were completely back to normal, you're being sheltered by the lycans. They have security measures to keep unwanted guests out. No one on the outside will be able to detect you."

A deep breath left my lungs. Of course they'd have security measures in place... How could I think otherwise?

"Sorry," I whispered, letting my head drop forward. "I'm a little rattled right now with the whole forced shift and all."

The Alphas' Legacy (Alpha Eyes: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now