Chapter 40

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Despite being past the worst day of the month, the day's planning had drained the little energy I had. When big changes were made, Van typically liked to talk me through it to make sure I understood everything. Today, I just wasn't feeling up to talking. My plan was to be in bed on the couch when he came in... no conversation at all.

I stepped into the bedroom and knew that my plan was scraped. Van stood at the balcony doors—shirtless, as seemed to be becoming his nightly usual—staring out into the night.

I paused to take a breath before moving toward the couch, not shuffling in effort of being quiet. Maybe I could still get to bed without opening a discussion.

"Hey," Van sighed. "Interesting day, wasn't it?"

"Yeah," I agreed, grabbing my pajamas off the couch.

"You okay? You need to talk about it?"

"I'd rather not," I sighed. Just get to the bathroom...

He intercepted me in the middle of the room. I nearly bumped into him because he'd moved so fast.

"This will work," he promised, rubbing my upper arms.

My wolf purred a little at the contact.

"I'm sure," I said. "For now, I'd really like to not think about it and just go to bed."

"Sure." He stepped aside and let me proceed to the bathroom. While I was surprised that he'd given in so easily, I was more thankful that he had.

I took longer than usual in the shower, relishing the heat and general feeling of cleanliness. My wolf enjoyed the comfort with a twist of something I couldn't quite figure out. She was almost... twitchy about something, but she wouldn't tell me anything.

When I finally went back into the bedroom, Van was propped up in the bed with a book. I headed to the couch, threw my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper, and fluffed my blanket.

"What are you doing?"

The bedframe creaked a little as Van moved. I closed my eyes for a brief second to prepare.

"I'm going to bed, Van."

"Okay, but why are you on the couch?" He wasn't angry, at least. I could deal with that.

"Van... I'm still kind of recovering from yesterday," I started to groan. "I really don't—"


He'd materialized behind me. As he said my name—very softly—he gently my shoulders and turned me to face him. Despite knowing that I shouldn't, I looked up into his face. Gone was the stern-faced giant who once made me shiver. He'd been replaced by a softer, gentler man who looked at me like I was his world. But that couldn't be right, could it?

"Zoey," he murmured, running his thumb over my cheek, "just get in the bed."

Under different circumstances, I would have heard that comment with every warning bell possible. But he'd said it so gently and didn't mean it like that... So I nodded and let him steer me to my side of the bed. Once I'd pulled back the covers, he circled around to the other side and climbed in. I stared at him for a moment—noticing that he'd positioned himself in the middle—but gave up trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Come here." Van motioned me closer as I slid under the covers.

My wolf hummed her encouragement, almost pleading with me to get close to him.

"Come on," he urged.

I sighed and scooted closer. Van slid an arm around my waist and pulled me tight into his side. I swallowed hard, waiting as he settled my head on his shoulder.

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