Most Serial Killers

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April sat on the closed toilet lid, cradling her phone in her hands. It was midnight, ten o'clock in the morning DC time. Jae was sleeping soundly, so exhausted and emotionally drained he hadn't even noticed that she had gotten up. They had agreed to call her mother together at some point but it was difficult to get him to stay up late enough for the time difference to catch her awake and she couldn't keep her pregnancy to herself anymore. She didn't really have any good friends back home, choosing to spend most of her time alone. Her one-year single party was full of people she considered friends but to whom she wasn't particularly close. They just showed up for the free booze and because they hated Kenny.

She stared at the phone, knowing who she was going to call. The only person she could call when she had a problem or news to share and her mother wasn't an option. She pulled up WhatsApp and called Kenny's number. It rang exactly half a ring before he picked up.


Kenny's raspy morning voice made April giggle as she pictured him sprawled across his California King sized bed, not a care in the world, as the day wore on without him. She couldn't imagine the freedom he felt being so rich, successful, and handsome. Waking every morning and never having to do anything he didn't want to do, never feeling discomfort of any kind. She could so easily hate someone like him but he never used his name to get ahead in life. Everything he had he worked for and she was proud of him.

"Hey, Kenny. How are you?"

"I'm ok. Isn't it, like, midnight there?"

"Yeah. It's the only time I could talk to you alone."

"Is everything alright? You're not in trouble are you?"

"No. Nothing like that. I'm fine. Well, as fine as I can be. Jae's mom passed away last week."

"Oh my gosh, April. I'm sorry. How's Jae taking it?"

"Surprisingly well. I was afraid he was going to shut down and close himself off from me but he's getting through it."

"That's good. I've been worried about you both. Is he sleeping right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're whispering and echoing. In the bathroom, huh?

"Maybe. Look, I called you for a reason but you have to promise that you won't tell my mom what I'm about to tell you because I don't want her to know that I didn't tell her first. Got it?"

"April, I haven't seen your mom in three years. But just for you, I'll stay away from Studio Chic and Lord and Taylor."

"I'm sure it will be difficult. I know how much you love your blowouts."

"Just tell me."

Suddenly, April's stomach lurched and she felt the urge to get sick. Is this morning sickness or nerves, she wondered. Can you have morning sickness this late at night? Anything after midnight is morning technically.


"Sorry," April said, swallowing hard. "So, I fainted at the hospital."


"Yeah, remember how I used to get around my period? The headaches and the dizziness."

"I remember. You never fainted, though. Did you get checked out?"

April could feel Kenny's concern and she wished more than anything that she could be with him and tell him in person. She needed one of his big bear hugs, his crazy over protectiveness, and his unconditional love.

"Kenny," she said, swallowing away another wave of nausea, "I'm pregnant."


"Did you hear me?"

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