Miss Bailey

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Walking into Jae's apartment was like walking into another world. Bookshelves lined the walls and any space not designated to books was covered with beautiful art. The prints looked expensive and original. His furniture however, seemed cozy and worn, like it had been lovingly used in a family home. For some reason, perhaps because he always looked so polished, April expected Jae's taste to be ultra modern, beautiful yet somehow unpleasant in its starkness. It wasn't like that at all. As soon as she stepped inside, she was filled with a kind of warmth, the warmth you feel when you're coming home.

Jae let go of April's hand and watched as she wandered through his living room. She didn't know why she felt comfortable doing so. It was as if she was in a museum, but she also felt, as she looked around, as if she had walked into Jae's heart. His love of art was evident as well as his love for his mother. All throughout the room were pictures of a beautiful woman. Some grainy photos of a schoolgirl with her parents and others of a young mother with a smiling boy at her side. Though the years went on and stole her youth, they did nothing to diminish the sparkle in her eyes. A sparkle that April could see was hiding significant pain.

As she made her way around the walls, April found herself drawn to a piece of art. Dramatic splashes of black, blue and red paint speckled with white covered the canvas. It was so moving it nearly brought April to tears.

"You like that one?" Jae asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind. She leaned back, thankful for his embrace.

"I love it," she replied, unable to hide the emotion in her voice.

"I painted it."

April couldn't have been less surprised. The sorrow that she saw in Jae was so perfectly encapsulated in the painting it was as if he had literally poured his soul onto the canvas.

She turned to face him, gazing into his eyes for probably too long, but she didn't care. There was so much to see however it was all hidden in darkness. A sadness the likes of which she had never known. It was painted on the canvas and etched in his heart. The longer she stared the more she felt she knew and he just held her there, allowing her to study his features. She felt as if she was learning more about him just by looking at him. Like she was reading his story in the contours of his face and the story broke her heart.

"Jae," she whispered before pulling him to her.

He nuzzled her neck and her heart filled her chest. She was glad he could find solace in her nearness. She longed to be where he came for repose.

"I knew you would see it," he said about, but not particularly to her.

She felt his lips graze her neck then part as he trailed soft kisses from her clavicle to her jaw. He pulled away and smiled, obviously amused by her expression. She was feeling so many things there was no telling what was showing up on her face.

"Let's eat," he said, leading her to his dining table. April smiled and sat when Jae pulled out her chair. He disappeared into the kitchen and she tried to mentally prepare herself to consume animal flesh. Could she do it? What if she got sick all over his furniture?

"Jae," she called out to him.


"Where did you get your furniture?" In case I have to replace it.

"Most of the pieces are from my childhood home in Korea. My mother insisted I bring them when I came to America so I'd never feel far from her. It wasn't easy, but I managed to get them here."

He couldn't have said Ikea?

"I have to tell you something," she said. "I should have said it in the hall but, well, you know."

April's HeartOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara