A Year and a Day

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In the shower the next morning, April was surprised yet thankful that she wasn't hung over. With a wedding to photograph that evening the last thing she needed was a headache and sensitivity to light and sound. Her own equipment would be her worst enemy. She had slept in quite a bit, though, not rolling out of bed until after eleven AM. She brushed her teeth both before and after her shower, unable to get the taste of old, cheap wine out of her mouth. She dried her hair and pulled it up into a poof, her favorite hairstyle. She put on a black turtleneck sweater and blue jeans and black boots. Looking in the mirror she was impressed by her fashion and figure and headed for the door with the intention of getting some groceries before she had to get to the hotel and set up. Just as she was about to leave, a light knock on the door stopped her. Through the peephole she saw someone quickly turn and walk away.

"Hey," she said as she stepped out into the hall.

Slowly, Jae turned and faced her, so guilty and cute April had to smile.  He looked like she should have felt. His usually perfectly coiffed hair was messy and his clothes, the same he had been wearing the night before, were wrinkled and obviously slept in.  Or, if the dark circles under his eyes were any indication, stayed up all night in. 

April's eyes widened as she tried not to seem as taken aback as she was. She knew she failed though because Jae tried in vain to straighten his shirt and calm his wayward hair.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," he said, staring at his shoes.

"Yeah, I'm good. How are you?"

Jae looked up into April's eyes. They were begging her to see through the lie he was about to tell.

"I'm ok."

"Do you want to come in? I can make you some coffee."

"I hate to intrude. Anyway, you look like you were about to go out."

"Not yet.  I have a few hours before I have to leave.  Come in, please."

With a final tug on his suit jacket Jae nodded and followed April into her apartment.

"Do you want me to take that?" She asked, motioning to the jacket.

"Sure," he said, pulling it off and handing it to her. Without it he looked a little more put together, more like the Jae she was used to. She hadn't realized last night or any time she had seen him before, how fit he was. And tall.  Though his hair was a mess it was till shiny.  He looked like he had just stepped off the movie screen and into her living room.  Forcing herself  to stop  staring she  hung his coat in the closet.

"Have a seat, I'll start the coffee."

Jae nodded and sat obediently on the sofa, looking so ill at ease April was beginning to regret inviting him in.  But he had been on her mind since she woke up.  She wondered mostly what had caused the obvious pain he had been in the night before and seemed to still be in as he sat, fiddling uncomfortably with the corner of a pillow.

She measured out enough coffee for four cups and started the machine. As she moved around the kitchen she fought the urge to look up at Jae.   He was obviously upset, the last thing he needed was to be ogled by a lonely stranger.  Still, she had a strange feeling that he was watching her.  Casually, she glanced up and as she thought, his eyes were on her making her feel suddenly very self conscious.  She cleared her throat.    

"How do you like your coffee?" She asked as she poured.


He said it slowly with a cocked eyebrow, so unintentionally sexy she nearly spilled coffee all over the counter. Keep it together, she told herself, he was talking about coffee, not women. Anyway, it hasn't been so long since you've had a man. Actually, it had. A year and a day. Her mother would call it a drought.  She called it necessary, though not intended.  She needed the time alone, after the upheaval that Kenny caused  in her life, but she didn't want to be alone forever.  And here was Jae, showing up almost a year to the day after her heart was broken.   His sleepy eyes, full lips and smooth skin were so welcoming. All the times passing him in the hall, or seeing him in the laundry room. How had she never noticed him before now? Even the night before she had been blind to his charm.

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