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When finally the plane touched down at Incheon airport, April could sense Jae's anticipation. It felt like he was about to jump up and run for the door the second the wheels hit the ground. After they retrieved their luggage, Jae rushed them outside to get a taxi to Ansan. He had barely spoken to her since they arrived, rushing from place to place, leaving her to catch up to him or be lost in a sea of people with whom she couldn't communicate. She knew he didn't mean to leave her behind but he was running on pure emotion. Every once in a while, he looked back to make sure she was still there and when he saw her fighting through the crowd trying to keep him in her sight, he waved and plowed on until they were finally in the taxi and able to slightly relax.

Jae exhaled deeply as they began the ride to his hometown. The taxi driver tried to make pleasant conversation with him but he answered his questions curtly, as he gazed out the window, his mind laden with worry and anticipation. Finally, the taxi driver took the hint and drove in silence. As they got closer to Ansan, Jae's grip on April's hand tightened until she felt that if they didn't arrive soon, he'd break it. Finally, they stopped in front of a small apartment building surrounded by shops and restaurants. It seemed like a nice neighborhood. Around them people sped by on bicycles, a group of young women dressed in business attire walked by laughing, two young children ran in front of their mother and father, playing a made-up game. April smiled at them and they waved to her then shyly ran back to their parents.

"Come on."

April had been so enthralled with her new surroundings that Jae had been able to retrieve the bags from the trunk and pay the driver before she had even noticed. She followed him into the building and onto a cramped elevator. When they reached the fourth floor the doors opened revealing two young men who were waiting to board. Jae greeted them politely and April smiled as she pulled Jae's suitcase behind her into the hall. One of the boys pushed it as he entered the elevator and it fell out of her grip. Sure it was an accident April smiled at the boy who mumbled something to his friend and laughed. April had no clue what he said but whatever it was sent Jae into a rage. He shouted at them and lunged at the elevator. Luckily for the boys, the doors closed before Jae could reach them.

April stood beside Jae, stunned by his sudden outburst. She had never seen him so angry before. His demeanor was usually so calm she had doubted he could even be provoked to such a violent reaction.

"Jae," April said, cautiously touching his arm, "what did they say?"

"It doesn't matter," he said, taking her hand. "Gaja."

April nodded and followed behind him as he led her to his mother's door. He had explained on the plane that one of the reasons he had been working so hard was to pay the rent on the small one bedroom apartment she had moved into after he left. No matter how much she had resisted the help, he couldn't imagine letting her continue to work three jobs just to barely survive.

Standing outside the door, Jae hesitated. He lifted the cover of the security keypad but punched no buttons. Instead, his shoulders slumped and he began to cry. All of the rushing was over. He was here. There was nothing left to do but deal with what was real and what was real was that he was about to enter the apartment his mother had been living in alone for ten years. The apartment she'd probably never step foot in again.

April pulled him into her arms and held him as he wept. All the years of sadness had led to this moment. Soon, he'd have no more secrets, he'd no longer have to lie. He was going to be relieved of a burden but in its place would be an even heavier one. Living motherless for the first time in his life.

Finally, he pulled away from her, his face streaked with tears. She wiped them away and he kissed her gently.

"I'm glad you're here," he said.

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