The End

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As April and Jae prepared to return to the United States, April reflected on all they'd been through.  She watched as Jae collected the photographs from around the apartment and lovingly packed them in his carry on bag.  She was glad she decided to travel with him to Korea, to meet his mother and to comfort her in her final moments, to be there to thwart the efforts of his ex-wife to reconcile and to witness his reunion with his father.  They had grown even closer and had learned to trust and lean on each other.  Together they would navigate their uncertain future.

As they flew over the ocean that separated her home from his, they talked about baby names, both favoring traditional Korean names over all others.  April suggested naming the baby after his mother, but he felt that her name carried a burden he didn't want to lay on his daughter's shoulders.  He wanted a name that was new and full of promise, not laden with memories. 

Jae was already proving to be a doting father, just a week after learning he was going to be one.  He dreamed of the child's future and was excited to  give all his love to his little family.  He would never repeat the mistakes of his father, instead he was determined to learn from them. 

His father, who was still mourning the death of his ex-wife, his one true love, planned to meet them in Washington after her affairs were in order.  They had both suffered enough.  If there was some way they could find common ground in their love for Jae and April's baby, they would use it as the catalyst to form a relationship, one Jae had been certain he'd go the rest of his life without.

Finally, the weary couple opened the door to their apartment, ready to fall into a jet lagged coma, when Kenny jumped out at them, causing April to immediately regret telling him when they'd be home.  She had done it mostly so that they wouldn't walk on him half naked in her bed.  Kenny's new girlfriend stood close beside him.  When they last talked he let it slip that she had been staying with him there.  April would learn later that she was a Kenyan model he met at the gym.  They started seeing each other just before April left but he didn't want to upset her with stories of his new relationship when at the time the future of hers had been so uncertain.

Kenny hugged April tightly and she hugged him back, so glad he was always there, even though sometimes it was inconvenient.

"I have a surprise for you," he whispered into her ear.

She pulled away, wiping her tears, which began to fall again when her mother cautiously stepped out of her bedroom.

"Mommy," she cried as she ran to her mother's arms.

"Oh, baby.  Look at you."

April knew she was a mess after a long flight and little sleep but she hoped her mother could ignore that for once, and be happy to see her.

"I know," April said, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"You look beautiful."

After about an hour of catching up, everyone left  and April and Jae were alone, basking in the loving glow of their family and friends. 

"I thought of a name," Jae said suddenly.

They were sitting on the sofa, his arm around her, watching as the sun descended through the sky.

"Really, what?"

"Well, I was thinking if we have a girl we could name her SooAe."

April looked up at Jae, surprised he remembered the girl's name after hearing it only once or twice in the middle of a very emotional time for him.  But she realized she shouldn't be surprised because it was so indicative of who he was.  He was so aware of her feelings even when dealing with pain of  his own. 

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