The Alliance Chapter 5- Not very dead

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The Alliance Chapter 5- Not Very Dead

Before slamming the door shut, Ambrose just looked at me his expression filled with sympathy. I shrugged it off and prayed he wouldn't concern himself with my issues.We walked to Alistair's private office in pure silence, when we arrived Alistair stood at the door's entrance looking impatient. He gestured us into his office which I rarely got the chance to see. It was really nice and had a comfortable home like feel to it. The walls were an autumn red colour with a fireplace seating two leather couches in front of it. Over the mantel there were portraits of what I could only assume to be his family, if I wasn't mistaken the one picture to the far left was of me and him when I received my award in The Alliance's Annual Spar Tournament. That was my second year of schooling here only third and fourth years are permitted in the tournament but apparently I showed "potential".

Looking at that picture made me strangely proud to have that plastered in his office, a strange warm feeling consumed me. Looking to my left where his desk sat it was your typical office with desk and chair and towards the wall had one of those lounging chairs like the ones you see in movies where the shrink tells you to lay down so they can tell you things you already know but word them in an annoying question like form.

"As you already know I've spoken with Kovacs, he assured me it was a simple accident. I believe his intentions were harmless for now." Alistair's stern deep voice had me staring at him wondering what he meant by the "for now" bit. Ambrose seemed a bit stirred by Alistair's words.

" For now? Do you honestly think keeping him here is in Trinity's best interest?"

Ambrose stood up and I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, did he actually care about my best interest? No, he definitely didn't care about anything unless it affected him some how and playing " Follow Trinity" would be more of an annoyance to him.

I shot a look directly at Ambrose. "Really? My best interest. Let's ask Trinity what she believes is in her best interest. Hey Trinity, what do you believe is in your best interest? Well, Trinity, I'm glad you cared to consult with me on the matter. I don't believe Kovacs is a problem that I can't handle now that I'm properly informed. I don't need a babysitter."

Ambrose didn't show a single emotion in his face, but I saw his fist contract slightly while trying to keep his cool. "You couldn't even see that Kovacs was using you, I think what you need is exactly a babysitter. Alistair, I'm truly sorry I know how much Trinity means to you but I don't believe I'm the right person for the job."

He refused to look at me and I shouldn't have been shocked by what he just said because other than our minuscule arguments I thought we got along fairly well, well for him being a vampire and all. My views on vampires haven't changed a whole lot there were vampires that took my brother and the small things that differentiated one type of vampire from another wasn't enough to prove to me that they were much different.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, if you two could set your differences aside you'd make a great team. However, I'd feel more at ease if you were the one to keep an eye on her." Alistair half smiled at me reassuring me he knew what he was doing. Which I'm glad he knows what he's doing because to me his choice was distasteful.

"I'm sure Dalton would make a good choice, if you'd consider him...." Ambrose tried swaying Alistair which I knew would be amusing to watch since I knew Alistair well enough to know he's always convinced wholeheartedly into something.

"Actually that isn't a bad suggestion, I will have Dalton and yourself alternate throughout the week."

Ambrose let out a long thwarted sigh in defeat as he stood from his desk before excusing himself for the night. He looked at me just enough to give a nod goodnight, which he likely wouldn't have done if Alistair hadn't been there watching. I just sank back into my seat wondering how we came here to discuss Kovacs and instead we discuss my babysitter's agenda, this was disappointing. After Ambrose left I stayed to talk to Alistair, he just chuckled while shaking his head.

"You two are amusing to watch did you know that?"

"I'm glad I could amuse you." I huffed while crossing my arms. "So what's with the babysitters? Don't you think I can handle my own, besides, if Kovacs is really a threat or might be why keep him around?"

"There's a saying you keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Since he's unaware we know his true intentions this could be very beneficial to us. When he does attempt something with you we know that's when we need to act." Alistair made a lot of sense putting it that way, I guess it was better to have an enemy in our quarter so we can keep an eye on him. I'm glad I found this out now rather than later, I was really starting to become fond of him. Then I started thinking if he really worked with them he would know about my brother, maybe if I got close to him he might trust me. I know my plan didn't make much sense but what other alternative did I have? Just walk up to the enemy " Hi I know you want my blood or worse want me dead but could you tell me about my brother?" Yes, that's so much more realistic. Suddenly, I felt my cell phone start to vibrate so I said goodnight to Alistair as I left the room. I stood outside the door pulling out my cellphone.

"Main Entrance, 5 minutes. -Sarg"

I sighed. " Yay" I muttered while heading up to my room to grab a few things for this mission. I dreaded the thought of seeing Ambrose but I decided to ignore him which shouldn't be too hard to do. Upon entering my room I pulled out my long sleeve black shirt with my puffy vest. The vest was useful for concealing my weapons, plus it looked cool. I pulled out my lucky jeans, they were well loved and anything good that happened to me occurred as I was wearing them. First when I won the sparing tournament , then I walked into a corner store stopped a guy from trying to rob the place ( sounds way more badass then it was ) then I won on a bingo ticket 500$. Other than that well I guess my life is fairly uneventful, I have a few friends, no family and no stupid guy to obsess over to make me all love struck so my life isn't as colourful as it could be.

I grabbed a few arrows and my bow placing them in my backpack, my blades , heck I even threw a gun with silver bullets in it just to be extra cautious. I closed the door and made my way down the stairs, I felt the adrenaline pump through me I couldn't really believe that this was my first real assignment, nothing could ruin this high.

At the Doors I saw Sargent Peters along with Saddie, Seth and Ambrose. I smiled lightly as Saddie complimented my vest.

" I absolutely love it, comfortable and you can really hide all that in there?" Saddie was a lot friendlier than her reputation, then again I guess everyone with a totally amazing track record
would be assumed to be hard asses.

" Thanks, and yeah it's like my personal storage facility." I joked lightly while awaiting Sarg's orders. I noticed Ambrose's eyes fall on me and I completely made it obvious I had no intention of speaking to him.

Everyone looked so much more prepared to do this, I couldn't help but feel like I missed the instruction manual handout. Seth looked totally savage, wearing dark jeans and a navy sweater that hid his knives around his belt. Saddie had her hair tied back being held up by two very poisonous darts. Lastly there stood Ambrose, he looked pretty human for the most part actually. Dark navy jeans and a black leather coat, totally predictable right? I couldn't see his weapons but I knew they were there, he was just better at keeping them hidden that's all.

Sarg cleared his throat before speaking up. " Kelly Halliwell was spotted going to work she's working the night shift at Nuit de Vie , this could very well be a setup and that's a risk we're going to take to find Mai." Wow not only were we going to get information from a probable informant to our enemy but we get to go to the hottest club around. " Now we're splitting up, Saddie and Trinity will go with Ambrose and Seth will come with me."

I decided I would pretend Ambrose was nothing more than a chauffer as we climbed into this big black H2 Hummer.

" Well isn't this inconspicuous?" I joked while looking at Saddie who laughed.

Ambrose shook his head " Can't you stop being sarcastic and negative for two seconds?"

" Oh you're right All Mighty Ambrose, it could have been worse we could be in a bright yellow hummer."

Saddie burst out into a fit of laughter. " What's his issue?" she whispered to me.

" Sex deprived?" I suggested in a low tone so he wouldn't hear us.

" Their.... parts work?" Saddie laughed.

"Ladies, supersonic hearing in the front seat."

I rolled my eyes as Saddie blushed slightly.

I noticed Ambrose glance into the rearview mirror looking directly at Saddie.

"I assure you all my parts function properly, and doll if you feel the need to put them to the test....."

My jaw dropped I could not believe how shocked I was , and Saddie just blushed a tad deeper shade of red before turning down his offer. We continued to drive in silence until we reached a lively street in the middle of downtown that had loud music to be heard clearly in the distance and crowds lining up to the entrance of Nuit de Vie. We ended up driving around that street through an alleyway when we came to a stop. There were two white doors that led me to believe this was a back entrance to the club. The alley was disgusting, filled with broken glass graffiti plastering the brick walls. After getting a quick feel for the surrounding area I definitely felt less than comfortable but awaited Sarg and Seth and started preparing for the mission. I slipped in a clear ear piece that was to be our peripheral vision.

Ambrose slipped on some brown contact lens' so he'd mesh in with the crowd, then decided to light a cigarette. Saddie laced up her boots that had a flute like instrument and more darts.

"What the heck is all that stuff for?" I asked looking oddly at her weapons.

" Simple you put these darts into the flute and they shoot so fast nobody knows what hits them, I
made it myself. These right here are the darts the ones with silver are obviously harmful to werewolves, and the green ones are my tranquillizers their great they knock those mutts straight off their feet." Saddie grinned while handing me the darts to look at.

I was starting to feel a tad antsy and anxious but I wanted to kick some serious ass tonight. Just then I heard something come from inside the hummer, it was the radio. The second I heard Sarg's voice I opened the door to hear what was being said.

"-abort." The only word I heard out of all if it and it's not one of those kind of words you want to hear.

I quickly picked up the receiver " Sarg, what's going on?" my voice was frantic something had gone wrong. How, I had no idea but this wasn't a good sign.

" Werewolves near Central Park." Central Park was about 5 minutes back from where we stood now.

Ambrose and Saddie stood behind me plotting something. Saddie looked shocked, we knew there was a possibility of an ambush just not this early.

" I'm going in to find the girl, I'm taking her to Central Park. Ambrose take Trinity with you to Central Park." Saddie raced off through the back entrance to the club meanwhile Ambrose and I were running faster than humanly possible to get to Central Park.

My adrenaline started pumping furiously , I'd so bet I'd be able to outrace any car but focused squarely on getting there as fast as possible. When we arrived there were 6 maybe 7 werewolves and 2 dark ones. Ambrose set out for the pair of werewolves that Sarg was fighting off modestly on his own. Seth was in one of the trees he was about a good 9 feet high and he threw a knife at one of the werewolves striking it directly through the top of his skull inducing awkward, pain filled whines as it attempted to run off before dragging itself to a standstill as the blood seeped onto the grass.

I stood where I was calculating my position when the dark ones started to approach me, they started to circle me in an attempt to throw me off. I grabbed my blade jabbing it through the chest feeling the rib cage crackle at my hand. I pulled the first one in front of me using him as a rag doll, his long raggedy height was semi- useful. The other one which was a female who hissed profanely before glaring at me with an evil smirk. She leaped into the air as I tossed the vampire at her causing her to fall back long enough for me to pull out my bow and arrow letting it fly out of my fingers directly in between her forehead.

"Bulls eye" I mumbled before looking around there were 2 more werewolves directly behind Ambrose. Sarg and Seth were still fending off the other two werewolves.

"Ambrose, duck." I shouted as one of the wolves sprung forward , almost instantaneously he ducked as my arrow slid through his heart in a way that was almost artistic.

I ran up to join the action, they had quite the uproar and the werewolves just seemed extremely hung up on us not getting a hold of that girl. At that moment I may not have known what the girl knew but it was something they didn't want us to get a hold of. I used all my force to push the other werewolf into a tree as Sarg managed to decapitate another wolf as Seth held him in position.

" Trinity are you alright?"

Ambrose asked as his back was up against mine as we circled the two remaining werewolves. Just as contiguously I slammed the werewolf into the tree that lay ahead of me . To the sound of my name the beast cocked his head awkwardly.He was panting, not howling or clawing at me he just stood here almost helpless refusing to fight back. I looked at him extremely baffled by this unusual behaviour, I wasn't around werewolves enough to pin point certain behaviours but this was far from normal. I stared at him deciding his fate.

"This is for my brother, you filthy mutt."

I said it in a low tone as I raised the knife to his throat when I saw a flash of something that would soon haunt me for a very long time. His eyes changed to the exact same silver as mine, I was so distracted that he shoved past me taking off in the opposite direction.

I shook my head , desperately trying to rationalize what just happened. I only recently found out my brother wasn't dead it just didn't make sense that it could be him. There's no logical way he was one of those.... monsters that killed our father. I stood there prolonging the inevitable I didn't want to think about this but I just couldn't snap out of it.

I felt myself start to heat up from the core , I felt things start to shake starting with my hands they were pulsating so strongly I felt like I just totally lost all control. The next thing I knew I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned myself around to see what was going on because from the voices I heard Saddie was back with the girl dragged over her shoulder. If I wasn't so taken a back I would have found this amusing. Ambrose looked at me with the utmost amount of concern.

"What is it?" he asked tilting his head exerting his gaze on me and from the looks of it I clearly had not calmed down because my eyes were glowing once again, only this time he was not the only who took notice.

" I just saw my brother."

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