The Alliance- Chapter 12

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The Alliance -Chapter 12

I walked out of the library feeling victorious with a look of triumph plastered on my face, I was pleased with myself to say the least.

"Trinity, what did you do?" Dalton looked at me automatically unimpressed.

" I decided to take interest in my powers, that's all." I smiled  sweetly  convincing poor ,gullible Dalton.

"Well that's good to hear maybe it'll help you take your mind off Ambrose." Dalton added sourly.  If he only knew my ulterior motives for my new found interest in Nephilim powers.

"Oh please, I have better things to do with my time than think about him." I retorted in defence to Dalton's wild yet true accusation. A small smile crept on Dalton's face as he held a door open for me as I bumped into Saddie and Seth who greeted me like I've been their friend forever.

" Hey Trinity." Saddie smiled stopping in her tracks while Seth smiled genuinely pleased to see me.

"Hey guys, heard you guys killed two dark ones from the Oakville Clan. Those were the ones responsible for Mai's death right?"

By now we made our way to the side of the corridor as the halls were filled with students leaving for lunch.

"You heard right . We nailed those bastards. Trinity I've been meaning to ask you something." Saddie smiled anxiously.

"Of course." I returned her smile mildly curious.

"You know how we have the Annual Sparring Tournaments? Now we're having Sparring Pre-Tournaments, Graduated fighters against Instructors. It's more for the younger students to give them incentive I want to win this. Will you be my partner?" Saddie stared at her shoes nervously awaiting my reply.  I was blown away, Saddie was pretty well legendary it was a total honour she'd ask me.

"Really? I'd love to." I gushed feeling embarrassed for acting like an excited child.

"Awesome , they start next week. Here's my digits, we'll go over strategy tomorrow?"

"For sure." I turned around to look at Dalton noticing he was signing with Seth, that brought a smile to my face. He hadn't even noticed I was ready to leave so I skipped off in the direction of my room to grab my jacket, I felt like embracing the cold weather instead of complaining over it. I managed to slip past security I stood in front of the main doors looking back to ensure a safe getaway, besides Dalton earned himself a break from me. Up until now I hadn't thought of it but Dalton might very well be gay.

Seeing him talking to Seth, the look on his face and besides I haven't seen Dalton express interest in me or anyone else. Maybe losing his wife and family was so dramatic it drew him to the gay side, I totally respected whatever made him happy and if I thought he was gay my ego would be less bruised.

I stepped outside and to my surprise there was Ambrose smoking with a few Alliance members whom I wasn't all too familiar with.

"Where's Dalton?" Ambrose asked looking around notably curious.

"Oh, poor Dalton had a bad case of the runs." The smug smile never left my face as I started walking away from Ambrose.

"Is that so?" Ambrose had excused himself from his company and caught up with me walking by my side.

"Well no, I got a get out of jail free card. I deserve a break don't I?"

"Agreed but your life is at risk, you shouldn't be alone. It's not safe." Ambrose radiated concern. While the concern was appreciated,  these damn vamps were driving me crazy.

"Safe? You know what's not safe? My sanity. Ever since your kind has been here I've been on an emotional roller coaster." I was in a good mood and I was not about to let that get spoiled.

"Sorry, love."

"It doesn't matter. Trinity is in an exceptionally good mood. Saddie asked me to be her partner in the Pre-Tournament." I gloated as I spun in a circle with my hands raised vertically in the air.

Ambrose chuckled. " Well I suppose you can wander off..... if you're being accompanied." 

First he wanted to avoid me, now he's freely wandering off with me? It felt like some of the tension was lifted, I was in a good mood so I wasn't about to question it. I used my footprints in the snow to make a circle then stopped to jump in the center to make two eyes, a nose and a smiley face before hopping out. Ambrose watched me in wonder.

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