The Alliance Chapter 9- Failed Mission and Confrontation

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The Alliance  Chapter 9- Failed Mission and Confrontation

" Kassandra? Who told you about her?" Ambrose growled as his eyes shone the brightest hue of gold I've ever seen.

" Maybe I'm psychic, does it matter?" I raised an eyebrow, if Ambrose wanted to make peace with me than it came at a high cost. It wasn't that I was trying to upset him It was just I was curious I guess, Mr. secretive and mysterious had me wanting to know a bit more.

"The bloody deals off." Ambrose looked pain filled but the anger consumed him as he stormed off. Well so much for my babysitter, didn't anyone inform him that leaving a child alone could be dangerous? Hmm... I let out a small laugh , I now found this babysitter thing extremely amusing.
I decided to do some outdoor training today since it was warm and sunny out. I threw on sweat pants and a tank top and made my way outside to the back. I went outside into the courtyard that was more filled than usual, people were likely getting a fix of this glorious weather. I made my way to the Eastern Gate and slid out into the Training Field. The Training field was next to the Guest House where our lovely Elite vampires held temporary residence.

The training field looked more like an obstacle course, we mainly did slalom here. Personally it felt more like a bootcamp than anything else but our obstacles were intense and it really helped out with training or in my case burning steam.

I laced my shoes up and headed to the first obstacle, it was a giant rope hanging from a tree above quick sand it was meant for climbing and when I reached the top I leaped from the one tree over to the next . After that I carefully climbed down as there were stiff , sharp- pointed nail-like fasteners spontaneously ejecting from tiny holes within the tree. One slip , one false move and you would be jabbed with lovely metal spikes. Once I landed on the ground I started racing on a track and the obstacles were laced with barb wire you either had to crawl through ( if you took too much time censors would go off and multiple tiny sharp pins would protrude from the ground causing very painful wounds) while other obstacles you had to find a way over. I had mad speed so the heights were easy to jump over ,which I usually managed to do in one quick motion.

I continued until I felt my energy fade a little bit, I always rested better after training and the nice change of scenery was welcomed with open arms. After the commotion and unsettling morning
I've had I decided a nap was well deserved. On my way up to my room I noticed Kovacs coming down from the gym, he faced me and smiled nervously.

" Hey!" I stood directly in front of him as he stopped to greet and hopefully have a friendly chat. From the corner of my eye I noticed Ambrose not far away just at the main doors when I was only 10 feet away from him.

"Hey I've been really worried about you, I wanted to apologize-"

"Don't worry about it , none of that was your fault. Anyways I'm sneaking out tonight I want to go dancing , do you think maybe you..." I stopped mid sentence pretending to be nervous so my interest would seem genuine to him. Although now that I knew he wasn't a good guy I was disappointed but either way a job was a job.

"Want to come, yeah." Kovacs smirked eagerly at me while his eyes held my gaze as though he actually liked me, dammit they sure did hire a good actor because I was almost buying his act.
I blushed slightly. " See you at the front gate around 8?"

"Of course." He gave me a peck on the cheek, why hadn't flirting always been this simple. I glanced over at Ambrose who was no longer there, probably had other more important business to attend to maybe he started an "I can't stand Trinity fan club".

My mission was to get Kovacs to come to town with me using any means necessary and we would be watched the entire time in hopes that he would inform someone on their side and maybe just maybe we'd get lucky and bag ourselves an enemy. I had to gain Kovacs' trust and I knew it wouldn't be an easy task but maybe I could use my charm. I don't know why Alistair didn't just get someone to use compulsion on Kovacs and be all " You want to tell us all the plans of the enemy." Then Kovacs would smile all dopey like and be like " I will tell you all the enemy's plans to destroy you...blah blah blah...." Then Trinity saves the day and they make a lovely statue of me for everyone to worship. I laughed out loud to myself wondering if the endorphins ever left my body , because ever since Dalton fed from me I felt my senses dull not to mention I found stupid things funny example having a statue of me.

I was making my way to my room to go lay down for a bit before getting ready for the date tonight when I noticed Dalton walking towards me. "Hey!" I smiled as he came towards me.

" Guess who's babysitting tonight?" Dalton handed me passes to this new club called " Nude."

"Sorry I have a date tonight ,mate." I winked grabbing the passes.

Dalton signalled me to finish our chat in the empty meeting room across the hall so we could talk privately. Once he closed the door he started talking business.

" Anyways tonight take Kovacs to "Nude" I'll be watching you guys."

"That's not creepy at all. I wondered why you didn't want me to kiss you, it's Kovacs your crushing on." I joked teasingly as Dalton looked annoyed.

"I'm not gay."

"Oh yeah?" I raised an eyebrow glaring at him.

Dalton crossed his arms disapproving of my less than humorous joke. I sighed I thought there was something special about Dalton , I may have a small crush on him but maybe that's just because he wanted nothing to do with me.

" You don't find me attractive!" I spat out trying not to sound bitter.

" I never said that." Dalton teased starting to walk away in an attempt to end our conversation. I was about to say something else, unknowing what might come out with all these new thoughts floating around but I thought it best to not start something. Afterall I do have a date with Kovacs even though this was strictly business. As for Ambrose, he's an annoying twit and impossible and he was so hot and cold. Until he gave me a legitimate reason as to why he's been a jerk to me I'd make him life as uncomfortable as mine was so seemingly now a days. Heading to my room I was alleviated to find I had the room to myself and striped down sliding my clothes onto the floor before crawling into the comfort of my bed.

"No I will not leave you." The girl's voice was adamant as she clung to the man standing beside her.

I was standing in an old looking stone cabin filled with wooden furniture and soft plain curtains, it had a real home like feel to it. Before me stood two individuals a young girl with long brown hair pinned up with an old fashioned dress hugging her petite frame. I couldn't see her face but from the distance she looked beautiful. The man standing next to her looking hauntingly familiar, the deep rich brown of his eyes contrasted the dirty blond hair that was tied back with sideburns adding more prominence to his facial features. It was those lips that drew me to recognition.

"Please, it's not safe here for you." Ambrose's eyes pleaded with those of the girl before him. He held her hands bringing them to his lips as a sad expression filled his face. His skin was so tan it suited him well, seeing Ambrose as a human was the strangest thing. I walked closer to get a better view of what was going on.

" I won't leave you here to die, if you die then I will be right here by your side and we'll die together." The girl was crumbling in Ambrose's arms as her tears drenched the front of his button up shirt.

"Shhh.." Ambrose wiped away her tears, his face was full of love and concern it made my heart sink a little.

" I promise you it's safer this way, you will ride out of the village with the others while you can still get away. Love please, I promise to meet you in Riverton."

The girl raised her face and kissed Ambrose so passionately before nodding her head. " You promise?" Her voice was clear despite it's shakiness and sniffling.

Ambrose gave one of his reassuring smiles " We'll start our life just as we planned, buy a piece of land and start a family."

I felt myself start to fade but not before getting a good look at the girl's face it looked way to much like my own, next thing I remember was waking up in my bed. What a weird dream I felt something inside me maybe it was guilt for how I treated Ambrose before. I always knew he was human at some point in his life but to witness it was just so sad. I wasn't going to say a word of this to anyone, maybe it was just some coincidence I had this unusual dream and honestly I hoped I wouldn't have any other , it's unsettling.

After I was awake I decided to shower and get dressed for the evening. I won't lie I was pretty stoked I haven't really been on a date, even though I had to remember this wasn't a date. After I squeezed into a tiny black dress that barbie would be embarrassed to wear I started straightening my hair and putting makeup on.

" Ou la la, who's got the hot date?" Anna came in all happy and love struck again. She came into the bathroom sitting on the counter staring at me.

" I do... well sort of.... Kovacs and I are going dancing." I didn't want to tell Anna the whole truth, the thing about our missions is it's a " don't ask ,don't tell" type of thing. Telling Anna would be compromising my mission even though I really didn't see any harm from it.

" Aww that's so romantic, so you think you might lose your big V tonight?" Anna nudged me.

"Oh my god, eww.... Anna... god..... He's sort of apart of a mission." I added after 2 seconds of caving.

" Mission....right If you consider losing your V a mission I'd hate to see what you consider a science project." Anna's tone was mocking as she laughed teasingly.

" No seriously." I added frustrated, I hate how Anna did this she was so damned girly.

After I finished my hair , I applied some mascara and blush and put in a pair of pearl earrings. I heard a knock at the door and figured it was Dalton ready to dodge bullets for me. I answered the door and to my surprise there was Dalton and Ambrose standing before me.

Anna's jaw dropped when she saw Dalton and Ambrose up close and personal, she made her way out of the bathroom to get a better look.

"Trinity you skank, 3 guys in one night? No wonder you called it a mission." Anna's voice was
shocked and accusing.

I heard Dalton snicker as Ambrose made his usual pointlessly rude comments which I ignored while letting out a little laugh.

" First off these two are my babysitters for the night and for second, Anna you thought you could date a soon to be priest and not think there'd be problems?"

" Bodyguards, watchers. Whatever you prefer but don't call us babysitters." Ambrose added while him and Dalton sat on my bed patiently waiting for me to hurry my ass up.

" Whatever, mate." I added while returning to the bathroom to find shoes and a purse to match my outfit.

" Jesus , you look fine already let's go." Ambrose shook his head impatiently.

I came out and Dalton smiled " You look really lovely Trinity. I really like the earrings."

A smile grew on my face " They used to belong to my mother."

"Can I come? Please Trin? I haven't been dancing in ages!" Anna whined beggingly at Dalton and Ambrose.

" Of course doll, you can be my date for the evening." Ambrose smirked looking at Anna as she took off her sweater revealing a tight white lacy shirt exposing all her curvaceous mounds. She pulled out her bun and fluffed out her gorgeous hair. I couldn't believe that Ambrose was beyond a jerk to me but charming to everyone else, it's as if he had a specific hate on for me.

Either way I decided to ignore him and he useless comments, and Dalton even told Ambrose to ease off his attitude for a few hours which I found extremely sweet. What a turn around, I used to hate vampires and now I was spending quality time with them. Ambrose seemed decent and turns out he's just a jerk and Dalton seemed like a tight ass prick and he's pretty down to earth.
We arrived at the gate it was 7:30 so I decided to text Kovacs since I still had his number in my phone from earlier.

' Going shopping with Anna ,meet me at Nude around 8?'

"So who's wheels?" I pointed to the maroon coloured dodge charger sitting in front of us.

Ambrose turned to look at me " Mine." He had his devious care free look about him as he opened the car door for Anna but not me as he turned to get into the driver's side. I rolled my eyes and got in sitting next to Anna.

"Why is he such a jerk to you?" Anna whispered to me, I knew Dalton and Ambrose could hear since they had amazing hearing.

" I tried to get to know him." I added as I buckled my seatbelt noticing Ambrose looking at me intently. I felt my cellphone vibrate as I pulled it out there was a reply from Kovacs.

'Can't make it sweets , something came up. I'll make it up to you?-Kovacs.'

I cursed after reading the text. " Turn around, Kovacs just bailed." I added while slumping down in the seat. I thought for sure we'd get a bite but no.

"We don't need to spoil our night 5 was a crowd anyways." Ambrose added winking back at Anna causing her to giggle. Funny how she was so in love with Oliver but hung up on Ambrose.
We continued driving out to "Nude" which I won't lie the outside looked dead and the building looked rusty.

"You're sure we're at the right address?" Anna stared out the window trying to find a club hidden in between buildings.

We pulled into a far away parking lot and walked a short distance to the same building. After knocking at the entrance door a girl with purple hair and piercings answered with a huge grin.
"Welcome to Nude." She led us down a corridor to another entrance where bright lights shone from under the door.

There were lights and loud music while some girls danced on tables, some danced off of them.
There were poles that were raised on tiny stages throughout the club. Anna was giddy and pulled me onto the dance floor as Ambrose and Dalton went to get drinks.

The music was so soothing I went with Anna to the center and started dancing with her. It's been a while since I've had fun so I was going to enjoy this. It wasn't until the guys came back with drinks that Ambrose pulled Anna's waist to his and started dancing with her. I rolled my eyes and went to find a table to sit at, moments later I was joined by Dalton.

" He wasn't always a jerk." Dalton added.

" You mean he isn't a jerk, only with me." I sighed sipping at my cosmo.

"Maybe he has his reasons?" Dalton suggested.

I laughed in response " I asked him about Kassandra." I mumbled looking back at my drink that seemed lonely sitting on this table ledge all by itself.

Dalton's face turned a bit darker " You should have left things alone Trinity."

" Don't I know that now..."

Dalton noticed how down and in the dumps I felt and smirked before offering me his hand.

"A pity dance?" I looked at him strangely.

" Why do you feel that bad for me?" Dalton grinned as I took his hand encouragingly as we made our way on the other side of the dance floor. I didn't want to be around Ambrose, especially now that I was upset with him I refused to speak to him.

I didn't want to be too close to Dalton so I stood a fair distance while dancing. I felt like a kid again giggling every time he twirled me, I can't imagine how funny we looked while everyone was bumping and grinding their riled up parts while Dalton and I were just having a good time.

" You know I went to Spain and learned the Rumba." Dalton pulled me towards him as he showed me how to dance the Rumba.

"This is fun." I smiled as he shifted me back I quickly caught on to the paces, when it came to moving my hips gracefully I 'll admit this was a bit new for me. Dalton came up behind and placed his hands on my hips swerving them in a clockwise direction but slowly against him. After he grabbed my hand he twirled me outwards and as he brought me back to him he dipped me. I thought for sure I was going to fall instead I couldn't stop laughing. For something that was suppose to be extremely sexual it ended up being loads of fun.

When I looked in Anna and Ambrose's direction I saw Ambrose continuously looking at me while his hands were all over Anna. For some reason beyond my understanding this upset me and I asked Dalton to take me outside for some air.

" Why do I feel like this?" I asked putting my head in my palms feeling so frustrated.

Dalton put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him and the warmth in his golden eyes and the second I remembered our almost kiss it made me curious enough to pursue it. I took his hand and held it in my own while tracing the inside of his palm with my fingertips. When I looked up to see that Dalton had neither tried to kiss me nor pull away I locked the distance between us as my lips swept over top of his. That cold electrifying feeling rushed back as he started to kiss me, Dalton's lips began to trail down my jaw as I began to moan in pleasure.

I couldn't begin to imagine the kind of experience he had under his belt, just the words under his belt had me breathing heavier. Dalton's lips came to a stop over my neck and hovered there briefly I almost wanted him to bite me. That feeling was weird and way inappropriate but the more I felt his teeth graze the skin so softly I wanted to pull his teeth into me.

Before I could rationalize what was going on and be completely disgusted by that, Dalton had pulled himself off of me. He was panting as his eyes glowed he looked out of control.

"Go back inside." Dalton ordered me, his voice as stern as ever.

"Dalton? What's wrong?" I placed my arm on his shoulder and he freaked out throwing it off of him.

"Don't touch me."Dalton snapped his voice sounded terrifying almost threateningly.

I went inside to find Ambrose who was sure enough still grinding up against Anna. I went over and stood there crossing my arms until they came to a stop.

"I need you." I looked at Ambrose impatiently. A cocky smirk was on his face he looked drunk by the looks of it.

" Well isn't that sweet." Ambrose went back to dancing with Anna until she pulled away from him and scolded him without having to say a word.

Ambrose came outside with me on the balcony, I looked around frantically for Dalton.

"What's this about?" Ambrose asked , his voice sounding softer almost sounding like he cared.

" Dalton and I were out here and we were kissing but he was hovering over my neck then he completely freaked out and now he's gone."

"You two were kissing?" Ambrose's eyes immediately became darker before he looked deep in thought.

" He's tasted your blood, Nephilim blood is ridiculously addictive. He's just having a problem coping with his blood lust, he'll be fine likely took off to feed." Ambrose said that so casually as though it was something everyone did like smoke or drink.

"I'll take you guys home and go look for him." Ambrose and I went inside and found Anna to go home.

"Aww but we only just got here" Anna whined.

"If you're bored when we get back , why don't you go to church?" I suggested knowing how low that was but Anna had ticked me off without her even really knowing it. Her goofy drunk grin turned into a worried and sad look.

"I'm sorry." I added while we got into the car and headed back to the Safe House. Without saying a word Anna raced inside and I quickly started to follow her lead when Ambrose shouted my name.

"Trinity?" His voice saying my name sounded so natural I couldn't help but look at him.


"Can we talk?" We walked around side of the Safe House to talk in private.

" What is it you want?" I asked looking at Ambrose still confused and really upset by the events earlier today.

His eyes lingered on my lips before returning to my eyes. " I can't stand to be around you." He muttered in a deep whisper while pressing me up against the wall. I looked at him in wonder, my body set off almost like fireworks this was definitely a frightening experience. I've been in awful positions, near death positions and was afraid but how I felt right now ; what my body was feeling, how the blood coursing through my veins came to a boil it was down right terrifying. My eyes refused to look at his all I could look at were his full deliciously soft lips as they curled into the most intoxicating smile that drew me closer to him.

" You asked to speak to me to tell me you can't stand to be around me?" My focus snapped back into place, feeling more confused than ever. Ambrose slid his hand up my arm causing my heart to speed up as he gradually reached my cheek and gently stroked it in such a sensual way that had me edging my lips closer seducing his lips to mine I teased his top lip with my bottom lip just brushing it ever so softly luring him into an almost kiss when Ambrose abruptly came to a stop .

" I asked you here to tell you ,I asked Alistair to re-assign me and starting tomorrow I will be." The harshness in his voice was condescending , as if I did something wrong and was being penalized for it.

"Why?" My eyes widened , not sure what to think I chose to stay silent.

"You repulse me."

" Are you sure it's not because I look like her?"

My eyes grew even larger , why do people never cease to amaze me when I think I can't be any more shocked I get gobsmacked with it. With that said Ambrose left me there, standing alone outside pressed up against the wall of the Safe House. I was downright furious I took off in haste as I made my way to the track and started speeding through it, I must have looked like a maniac but I could definitely kill right now. By the end of my run I was panting fully out of breath, I was exhausted and decided I was going to get some sleep. I just made my way back from the course when I heard rustling in the bushes from behind, in a state of alert I pounced back staring intently.

"Come out here before I drag you out here!" I snapped.

To my shock a tall blond man stood in front of me looking amazed by me, I definitely found that to be creepy until I saw something familiar in his eyes that was so comforting to me.

'Tristan...." My voice was soft and I didn't feel the least bit threatened.

" Trinity."

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