Chapter 6

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Offender POV
I take off my coat and throw it on my coat rack. I recently been thinking....Y/N makes me feel different. Yes I want to fuck her ass right now on the spot but....I want to keep her afterwards...keep her by my side for the rest of my life.
She makes me.....happy? In love...?
Sighing, I pull out a cigarette out of thin air and place it in my mouth. It magically lights itself of course.
I huff in the toxic fumes making me chokes little, when's the last time had I smoke?
I walk to my room in the process of taking my boots off.
I've been off it because of her?

I shook my head, it's because the night of the Shadow Queen is happening in a few weeks. And every 1000 years Zalgo always ends up getting her, on his side. Slendy lost hope of getting the Shadow Queen after so many years, he thought it would be useless since Zalgo doesn't take care of them well.
The Shadow picks the next host, every 2000 years or so depending on how long the host lives thru the inner trials. Meaning not that long. But they're hella powerful and no human last more than a day with it. The shadow Queen is rare to see or last past a day. Like mayflies, only last a day.
I open my door and flop on top of my bed. I don't really care much or know much about it. That's all I know about the Shadow Demon.
I place my cigarette in the ash tray and pull a pillow to my chest holding it close.
I wonder....does Y/ me? I mean she appreciated the dress and rose but does she actually Love me?
My claws sink into the pillow I grasp.
Perhaps I should keep a close eye on her maybe tease her a bit.

Chuckling to myself, I threw my Fedora on the ground to get some rest.
I'll see her in her dreams~

8:30 am

I blink my eyes open to a small girl with long brown hair, big green eyes and torn up pink dress.
"Oh your awake!" She squeals with joy and runs out.
I sit up and rub my eyes trying to process where I am.
I remember....being chased by Offenderman.
The thought of him makes my face light up like a Christmas bulb.
His rippling body poking thru his trench coat, his hands were so smooth and rough at the same time and his kiss....I want him to do it again. And maybe something more-
The door creaks open it was Slenderman.
"Good your awake It's time for you to head home Y/N"
I nod, "thank you for helping me."
"No need to thank me." He walks out, "I'll wait for you outside."
"Okay." I walk to their bathroom and wash up. Once and awhile I see some Creepypasta walk by and stare at me. Ben Drown, Sally, Jane the killer. One time Laughing Jack stops and looks at me,
"A human...? In the mansion? What are you doing here?"
I look at him in the process of brush my hair, "Oh umm I'm about to leave so you don't have to worry."
"Why are you even here in the first place?"
"Oh" And walks away immediately. Weird..
After I finish getting ready I walk out shoving some shoes on that Slenderman gave me he also gave me a bag to put my clothes and high heals in.
I walk out to the door, "I'll see ya around Y/N." Jeff said as I walked by.
"Oh see ya."
"Make sure ya don't end up dead will ya Slendy might let you come by once and awhile."
"Umm cool I won't die. Bye."
I smile and wave at him he waves back. I open the door and walk out seeing Slendy.........
Talking to Offenderman.
They look to be yelling at each other, Offender was frowning with his tentacles flaring out and Slenders face read angry with his tentacles also Flaring.
"I told you not to near my territory Offender..."
"I wouldn't have if you didn't still have Y/N~" he growls.
"She's not yours she's not anybody's! Just leave her alone!"
"Oh fuck you~! You can prevent me from taking what's mine~!"
I clear my throat, they both jerk their heads to me.
"Speaking of an Angel~" He winks at me.
"Offender Go now."
"What I can't say hi to her now~?!"
"No you'll end up kidnapping her!"
"Jesus Christ I can say hello to My Love~" He shakes his head and disappears. Leaving me thinking about what he said...His....Love, angel and I'm his?
Slendy tentacles slipped back into his back as he sighs, "Sorry about ready?"
"Good follow me." He walks.
We walk in silence for a good moment.
"You know you can't tell anyone..." He broke the silence.
"About us can't tell anyone about us..."
"...I figured that."
"You're a smart woman Y/N this is why im trusting you with our secret....and our lives..."
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For letting me live and keep your secret." I told him.
"Ah yes you are welcome."
"But why do you trust me? Why not just end me on the spot?"
"....hmm I don't know why..." My building was in sight, he stops but I keep walking. "But I think we'll see you again...I think you're going to play a very very important part someday." His voice fades away.
I look at him and before I knew it he was gone. And I was alone...
I turn and walk towards my complex, for the rest of the day I did nothing, didn't see B/N nor Tyler. I did receive a very angry letter from Tyler on my door though. This is fine I guess at least he knows I don't love him anymore.
Today, I just realized how lonely I was, in the mansion there were psychos....who cared for each other, like a family. And there's me....with an empty apartment not even an animal lives in here. My Best friend hardly hangs out unless I'm drunk or there's sex/alcohol involved. Other than that, I'm all alone.
A cold sensation trickles down my nose, slowly I raise my hand and wipe my nose yet it wasn't very effective because my nose kept running. I look at the back of my hand.
Thick black liquid, almost like tar, was stuck to the back of my hand where I wiped my nose.

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now