Chapter 14

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Blinking my eyes to the beaming sun awaken me from my sleep. And maybe the feeling of someone cresting my back.
Wait where am I?
I turn my head slightly to see who's stroking my back, it was offended wide awake. He was cresting my old scars.
"Morning Toots..." He whispers softly.
"Morning..." I whisper back, "what are you doing...?" I yawn and stretch my legs out.
"These....scars came from Tyler....?" His voice sounded depressed and upset.
"..." He lays his jaw on top of my head and purrs. His arms were rap around my waist now, "You mine now My small bean~"
I couldn't help but blush, "S-small? Really?"
"Yup~ can't change my mind Toots~"
"You're a durp..."
"Oh really~?"
I puff my cheeks up, "Yes really."
"Yeah yeah whatever you say~" he kisses my neck lightly then gets out of bed.
"? Where are you going?" I sits up.
"Breakfast? Duh you gonna starve~?"
"You can cook?"
" I eat air for a living."
"...fair point."
"Heh I'll see you in the kitchen Toots~" He shoves a pair of boxers on and walks out.
I shake my and swing my legs on the other side of the bed then quickly realized my back is in excruciating pain.
"Offender you son of a....." I rub my aching back knowing why it hurts.
I stand up and take my phone out of my pants pocket on the ground.


"Ah shit..." I skip thru the messages B/N kept going on how she hopes I'm better and something is off with "Z".
Jeff messages were about how slenderman was gonna kill Offender.
"Not Normal."
I sigh and pull my big girl panties on and call Slendy.
"Heya Slendy..."
"Y/N?! Where in bloody blazes are you?!"
"A-at offenders..."
"Son of a...ok I'm on my way-"
"What no everything is fine I'm alive that's all that matters."
"But he took your innocences away!"
"No he didn't..." I lied.
"Y/N don't stand up for him."
"I'm not he did nothing wrong."
"He raped you."
"No I did it willingly..."
"Wait you did?" He sounded hella confused.
"Yes in fact we're dating."
"..." I had a feeling if he had a mouth it would be dropped. "Hmm...well you've got training Y/N be here by 12pm"
We both hang up.
Jesus Christ...that was scary as hell.
Throwing my phone on the bed I stand and walk to offenders draws since he destroyed my underwear and bra I'm stealing his shirt.
He's a hella lot bigger and taller than me so his shirts should be loose and not tight and revealing...
"You coming or not?" Smexy calls for me from his kitchen.
"Coming! Just getting some clothes."
"Check my closet!"
"Ok." I walk towards the red wood door and open it. It was fairly clean with lots of T-Shirts. "Bingo." I grab the biggest Shirt I could find and shove it on. I look at myself thru the mirror, the T-Shirt looks like a dress.
"I'm so tiny..." I glimpse at my legs they are fully covered in black all the way to mid thigh maybe a little above mid thigh.
This is me now I guess....I just hope....I live thru it...
"Y/N! You coming slow ass?!"
"Shut up! I'm comin!" I run out, "Marco!"
"Pollo~" I follow his voice thru the humongous house.
"Marco~" I sing the word.
"Pollo~" He coos.
I jerk my head to peak into what looks like the kitchen, but offender wasn't there.
"Smexy?" I step in looking around for him. "You in here?"
I felt his touch on my hips from behind causing me to jump a little, "Boo~"
"Aha aha very funny." I roll my eyes and look up at him.
"It was~" He sticks his black tongue out at me.
I couldn't help but giggle at his silliness, "You're such a weirdo."
"Yes yes indeed I am but your the one that fuck this weirdo last night~"
My face lights up with embarrassment.
"Making you an even bigger weirdo."
I cross my arms and look away from him in defeat.
"D'awww~ you look so cute when your mad~ especially when your partly naked~!" He pulls away and goes back to the oven.
"Excuse me but someone destroyed my clothes last night."
"Huh...bad habit~" He puts an Apron on that says "Kiss the cook"
"Nice apron weirdo~" I tease him.
"Well it's the only one I got besides it's a rule~" I could see him smirking at me. "And we both know your not a rule breaker~"
I sigh and shake my head knowing he won't let it go if I don't kiss him. I walk over to him while he bends down. Softly I press my lips to his, he presses his back in response.
When we pull away he comments, "Gets better each time!"
"Oml you're a child." I take a seat at the table.
"Only when it comes to you baby~ So I'm guessing Slendy gave you a timer?" His voice drops from sounding so happy and joyful to serious and a little angry.
" there by 12."
"...hmm it's 10:15 now so at least he was decent with time."
"Why do you do that?"
"Sound so happy one second then when you mention your brother you sound depressed..."
"...Well me and Slendy don't have the best relationship, he's very....Judgmental and not that easily to be trusted by him. Once you've earned his trust and do something stupid you broke his trust....Trust is like a vase, very fragile and touchy. The wrong move can knock it over and shatter it."
"But you can put the vase back together like trust." I object.
"It won't be the same though will it? It won't be smooth anymore, just rough with lots of gaps."
"...maybe you two can talk it over you know?"
"Maybe...but you don't need to worry about that! You need to worry about the Eclipse."
"The what?"
He walks to me with a plate of bacon eggs and French toast, "You know the moon covers up the sun."
"I know what an Eclipse is but why is it important?"
" didn't get the book did you?" He sits across from me and slides the plate to me.
"Book?" I nibble at my eggs confused.
He smacks his face on the table, "Slendy is gonna get you killed...I be right back." I cock my head as he vanishes out of thin air leaving me with my food.
"Ok??? Ooo~ French toast~"

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now