Chapter 16

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"Hey Y/N It's time to go."

I look up from the book at Offender, "Already?"

"Duh, you've been in that book for an hourrrrrrr~!!!!!!!!!!!!" He whines while he stalks  towards me. "We were supposed to snuggle~" He crawls on all four on the bed and takes the book from me while closing it.

"You're a big baby." I smile.

"Yup~" He lays his body gently on mine and his head on top of my chest."

"Didn't you say it's time to go?" I rap my arms gently around his neck.

"Yeah~ Just a few minutes of this please~" His arms slither arounds my body as her burrows his face deeper into my chest. It was very comfortable....for him, I'm guessing my body is more sensitive now.

"Are you enjoying this?" I rub his smooth back.

"Yes~" He glances at me. "I asked Trendy to make you some clothes."


"One of my brothers."

"Jesus Christ! How many brothers you got?"

"Well there is Trendy, Slendy, Splendor andddddddddddd Tender."

"Who's Tender?"

"He is the one who takes care of everyone including us."

"Oh he sounds nice."

"Mhmm~ But I'm nicer~!"

"Aww~ Are you Jealous?" I tease.

He starts to mumble into my chest.

"It's okay weirdo."

He lifts his head at me and kisses me, I kiss him back knowing there is no way out of it. A small thud catches our attention, we both look to see a slender man wearing a T-shirt jeans tennis shoes and glasses. Mind you his clothes are very fasionable.

"I have the clothes you asked for Brother."

"It's called knocking Trendy."

Trendy looks at us, me wearing only a T-shirt nothing else and Offender...wearing boxers.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." Trendy looks embarrassed.

"Hi." I wave at him, "Thank you could you put them on the edge of the bed."

He nods and does what I asked, "She's nicer than the last one."

"Yeah Yeah~ The last one was my dinner Trendy~"

"Mhmm" He walks out.

Offender gets off of me and walks towards his closet. I dangle my legs from the side of the bed and take my only clothing off, reaching for the stack of cloths. I snatch them up and stand up while putting my first lay of clothes on.

"Done~" I look at Offender wearing that Trench coat.

"...You're not wearing any clothes under that are you?"


I shake my head and put the T-shirt and Jeans on then I sit on the floor and shove my socks and shoes on. "Alright I'm ready to roll." I said as I grab the enormous book.

"Okie Dokie." His Tentacle lightly grabs my waist and teleports with both of us.

I have to say teleporting is...strange it feels odd but does it cost energy to do so? I thought. The abilities stated in the book...does it hurt? Using so much energy.

My feet hit the ground in front of Slendy's mansion.

"Hey Smexy? Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." He said cocking his head at me.

We both start walking towards the door. "What does it feel like teleporting?"

"You tell me we just teleported."

"No I you doing it how does it make you feel since you did it."

"Oh um no one really asked me that before. Well the first time I did it I passed out as soon as I reached the destination, teleporting uses a LOT of your energy the first time you do it making you tired lanky and other words that mean tired. But when you do it over and over you start to build up your energy."


"Why do you ask?"

"No reason just curious." I mumble as I knock.

As soon as my hand makes contact with the door a small child, looks kinda like Link from that video game...Except his eyes are black and red with black blood dripping from his eyes, opens the door not looking at us, at a DS. "Hello?"

Pew! Boom! Bang! Went his small DS.

"Where's Slendy?" I asked.

He perks and looks up at me and Offender, "Talking to Zalgo in his office."

"Want me to add quotations to talking~?" Smexy asked.

"Yup big time." The small child moves out the way for us.

Smexy lets me in first, I step in the dimly lit mansion.

"Why is he here?" Smexy asked the small child.

"He wants someone from here....Duuuuuuuuuuuu" He starts to snap his fingers, "Y/N L/N I believe."

"Why is he looking for me?" My heart skips remembering the date night what if he notice my nose/eyes bleeding who am I kidding he did, so did!

The child glitches and jerks his head towards me, "You're Y/N L/N????"


His jaw drops and glitches more.

"What Why~?"

"Zalgois trying to convince Slendy into handing her over."

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now