Love To Hate Me 3

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--School bell rings--

Miyeon's pov

God! I cant believe I'm doing this...

I stood up and walk towards Minnie and gave her a piece of paper. She took it and looked at me with a questioning look.

"It's my number and just because i gave you my number it doesn't mean were friends! It's just for the project so you can text me and we can talk about where were going to do our project" I quickly said and left

When i was away from our classroom i breath heavily.

"Fuck that was so embarrassing" I said embarrased about what i did and went to my next class

Minnie's pov

I looked at Miyeon when she left.

What the hell just happened? I didnt know she became a rapper now. I giggled at the thought of her being a rapper. It was cute........did i just think that she was cute?! Oh hell no!!

"Oooh it looks like someone's getting laid tonight" Soojin said teasingly

"Laid my ass! I'm not a playgirl like you Soojin and she clearly said that it was for our project didn't you hear?" I asked and raised my right eyebrows

"I heard it Minnie I'm not deaf" Soojin said and rolled her eyes

"Don't you guys still have classes? Because i certainly do and i don't plan on waiting for you two! And Soojin please don't bring some random girl later at our appartment because i don't want to hear any moaning anymore!" Soyeon said annoyed and left

"Well she only said later so i can bring someone tomorrow" Soojin said and winked at me

We laughed and went to our classes.

--Time skipped--

--School bell rings--

Soojin's pov

"Hallelujah! Finally! I'm free!!!" Minnie shouted happily and stood up while waving her hands in the air like an idiot

I looked at her in disgust. What the hell is she even doing?? I get that she hates school but did she really have to do this?!

The students were all looking at her and whispered at each other

"Is our president okay??"

"I really think she was hot but after seeing this i don't really know anymore"

"Idk about you guys but i still like her! Just look at her! She's so cuteee"

"Cute or crazy!!"

Oh god why am i friends with her?

And she's still waving her hands in the air like she just don't care! This is giving me secondhand embarrassment! I hate this kid so much i need to stop her!

I took my bag and hers then pulled her out of the classroom

"Minnie are you crazy?! Wtf is happening to you?!" I asked

"I'm sorry Jinjin-ah i was just excited to get out of this hell-hole and to watch we bare bears! God! You dont know how much episode i missed because of the assignments that we were getting!" Minnie said while pouting

I hate her so much...

"Please don't go near me." I said and gave her bag to her and left

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