Love To Hate Me 12

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Miyeon's pov

I arrived at home and the guard opened the gates then i drove inside. I parked the car and went outside. At least my father decided to buy me a car eventhough he clearly hates me.

I sighed when i was infront the door. I held the doorknob and felt nervous. It took me a few minutes and i decided to open the door. I opened the door and went in then-


I felt my cheeks sting and i held my cheeks. I look at the person who slapped me and it's none other than my father. He looked at me angrily and i felt my heart cracked when i saw the disappointment in his eyes.

"What the hell did i hear about you having a girlfriend?!" He shouted and gritted his teeth

I expected this reaction...

"F-father it's not what you thi-"

"Stop the lies Miyeon! I saw it in my own eyes that you told Jinhyung about it! And for all people why does it have to be my friend's son?! Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?! For having a daughter t-that is a..." He stopped and i saw how disgusted he was by looking at his facial expression

"That is a what father?! Tell me! Tell me how disgusted you are?!" I shouted and he slapped me

"Don't you dare shout at me Miyeon! I am still you're father! And you better break up with her because i will get you back together with Jinhyung whether you like it or not" He coldly said

I clenched my fist and glared at him. Father my ass , how about you start acting like a father.

"I'm not going to get back together with him father! You already know that he cheated on me and you still want him to be with me?!" I angrily said and clenched my jaw

There's no way I'm getting back together with that guy.

"Miyeon. He just made a mistake and our company will have good benefits if you and Jinhyung will marry each other" He said

"Marry?! Father! I'm still 19 and I'm still a student!" I said and furrowed my eyebrows

"I know that's why you'll marry each other after you graduate and you'll turn 20 soon anyway" He said

Unbelievable! I don't want to marry him!

"I told Jinhyung to not tell his father about you know..." He said

I felt angry again. Why can't he just say lesbian or bi for fcksake!

"So his father won't know about it and I'll not embaress myself to him because of you're doings" He said

I clenched my fist so hard that it caused a bruise on my palm

"You know what I'll let you pick" He said and looked at me

I felt nervous because i have a feeling that I am not gonna like where this is going

"Continue going out with Minnie and find out her secrets or i will take care of her on my own way" He said and smirked

Wait what?? There's something off here

"What if i pick the first option?" I asked feeling uneasy

"If you pick that then you will tell me what her secret is and..." He paused and chuckled

"And what?" I asked and he giggled

"Nothing so what do you pick?" He asked

"Can't i just break up with her?" I asked confused and he chuckled

"Of course not , where's the fun in that??" He said and smirked

I have a bad feeling about this...

"Fine. I pick the first one..." I said

"Good choice but remember I'll give you 3 months to find out what her secret is and if in the span of 3 months you still have nothing to tell me then you'll know what will happen to her because of me" He said and smirked

"What if she doesn't have any secrets?" I asked

"Oh trust me , everyone have secrets..."


Why do i feel frustrated while writing this part? Lmao

--683 words--

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