Love To Hate Me 14

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I advice you to read the story again from the start since you might have forgotten what happened in this story anymore but it's up to you of course if you want to re-read it or not.


Miyeon's pov

"Don't even try to tell anyone about this conversation Miyeon even you're closest friends. I have connections in your school. I can see EVERY SINGLE THING that you do"

I sighed as I thought about what my father told me

I'm scared. I want to tell Yuqi and Shuhua but what if my father really sees everything that I do?? I don't want my friends to get involve with this!

Fuck. I'm so sorry Minnie...I have to find out your secret and tell it to my father. Because if I don't....I-i know what my father is capable of doing. She can even do it to her own daughter. How much more when she doesn't even know you. He might do something worse to you!

Y-yeah I should do this. I can't let my father hurt her...or even worse...he might even kill her.

I shut my eyes tight and tried to even my breathing

When I calmed down. I went inside the school.

I was walking down the hallway when Jinhyung went towards me

What does he want now??

"Miyeon hey" He said and smiled at me

I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking ignoring his presence

"Miyeon! Can we talk??" He followed me and held my shoulders

I clenched my fist and stared at him in anger

"Can you fucking stop?! I'm not in the mood to play with you Jinhyung" I coldly said

He stayed silent and looked everywhere but me

He sighed and said

"Let's talk Miyeon please...I-i have something to tell you" He looked down and started playing with his fingers feeling nervous

I stared at him confused

Is this the Jinhyung who cheated on me?? What kind of reaction is this?!

"Jinhyung please if you're just playing with me you better stop it" I said

"N-no I'm not! I-i just realized something and I want to tell you about it and...say sorry too i guess...?" He said and awkwardly smiled

I have never seen him like this....

"Fine let's talk. You better not waste my time Jinhyung as I said I'm not in the mood right now. You better think twice on what you're going to say to me" I said while glaring at him

He gulped and nervously said

"Y-yes of course"


"So...what do you want to tell me?" I asked

We're at the back of the school right now. Hopefully nobody will come here and see us together. I don't want people to make up some shits about our relationship with each other.

"I want to say that I'm sorry about how I acted to you and Minnie- actually I want to say sorry for making you feel like shit from the start when we were dating" He said and scratched his nape

My eyes widened. I can't believe he's apologizing!

"W-what? I swear Jinhyung don't even-"

"Miyeon. Don't worry. I'm not playing with you and I'm totally not lying"

"I'm really sorry. I-i cheated on you because I didn't have feelings for you when we were dating and my father forced me to court you. I didn't want to do it but h-he..." He stopped and I was shock to see tears falling down on his cheeks

"H-he said that he will disown me and hurt the person that I dated before you if he ever finds out who that person is" He wiped his tears away and looked at me straight in the eyes

"I couldn't afford it happening so I broke up with him but he's so stubborn that he even said that he's okay of us only being friends after the break up because he doesn't want to lose me" He shook his head and chuckled

I stared at him in shocked

He? Does that mean he cheated on me with a guy??

"Wait... you're gay??" I asked

"I know it's a bit shocking but yes I am" He said

"Your father forced you?? But why??" I asked even though I think I already know the answer

"Just like your father Miyeon. He forced me for the benefits of our company" He said and we stayed silent after that

"So who's your boyfriend??" I teased him to ease the atmosphere between us

He chuckled and said

"Well technically were just friends now but I still have feelings for him and I hope he does as well" He said and slightly smiled

"So what's his name??" I asked and raised my eyebrows at him

"His name is Jungkook. I'm not sure if you know him but he's the nicest person you'll ever met" He said while smiling widely

I giggled and smiled at him.

"Of course i know him! He's like one of the most popular guy here in our school like you but I didn't know you were friends until he told me about it in the cafeteria" I said

"He talked to you? How come I never knew that??" He asked looking confused

"I don't know but what I do know is that Jungkook still have feelings for you" I said and smirked

"Really? How do you know that?" He said and raised his eyebrows at me

I chuckled and hugged him

"I just know idiot"

He chuckled and hugged me back

"It would be nice to have a sister like you" He said

"Same with you as well" I said

"You want to have a sister like me?" He chuckled

"Sure, why not? We can be sisters right now or maybe we can be besties" I giggled

I saw someone behind Jinhyung and I got curious who it was since I can't clearly see it. I got out of the hug and saw Minnie who is 5 meters away from us. She looks shocked. It's probably because she saw us hugged each other.

"Minnie!" I called her but she suddenly ran away from us

Shit! Why did she ran away?? Did she thought me and Jinhyung got back together??


This took me a while to publish since I quickly read chapter 1 to chapter 13 first so I will have a bit of idea on what to update now so here we are lol

I will update again later night it's still going to be this kind of time like 11pm or 12am it depends on what time it is on your country

I hope I can update tomorrow since there's another birthday. I'm gonna get fat at this point ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ

Anyways if there's any mistakes let me know so I can change it since I didn't proofread

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