Kusuo Saiki x Male reader

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Apologies for any spelling mistakes !!

Warnings: None

You and your friends were at Saiki's house

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You and your friends were at Saiki's house. You had all decided to hang out there, well... all except Saiki.

You did try to tell your friends that it wasn't right of them to just invite themselfs over to Saiki's house without his permission. But it was expected for them to not pay attention to your pleas and go in without knowing they weren't welcomed.

You didn't know this but Saiki had taken a liking to you, he was thankful for your thoughtfulness. But of course he was not going to say anything.

You all headed into the pink haired teen's bedroom. No one had decided what to do so Nendo was the one to start a conversation and keep the flow going. There were many arguments between Nendo and Kaido, it didn't suprise anyone because it had now become a daily routine for them.

Teruhaashi, Mera and Chiyo were having a girl talk, while Toritsuka had tried multiple times to eavesdrop to see what they were talking about.

Aren and Hairo were having an arm wrestle while Nendo and Kaido were bickering over who they thought was going to win in the background.

You had sat down on Saiki's bed, reading a manga you had picked up from his bookshelf while being wrapped up like a burrito from his bed sheet. You were to into the manga that you hadn't realised someone looking at you every now and then.

Everything went smoothly for the past few hours, you and your friends just enjoyed eachothers company even if you all hadn't talked to everyone in the group yet.

"Im hungry." Nendo blurted out.

"Then eat." Replied Kaido.

"Yeah, but what?"


Nendo who didnt like the way Kaido was answering him just glared at the boy.

"I'll go down and find sonething to eat!" Mera exclaimed with drool slightly escaping out her mouth.

Saiki didn't look to impressed. It also looked as if he was slightly worried.

"I'll help you Mera" you offered. You said this mainly because you knew better than to let Mera in a kitchen full of food by herself. Plus, you didn't want to upset Saiki, he already had people is his house come in without his consent and the last thing you wanted to happen was for him to loose his mind. Which could lead to things that you didn't want to happen. Like not being friends again...

Saiki knew better, so you didn't have to worry.

You swiftly closed the manga, unwrapped yourself and climbed over the boy's legs that were beside you, otherwise known as Saiki himself.

Mera and you arrived downstairs and started to look for food, but you mainly went with Mera just to babysit her.


You snapped you head forward to where you heard your friend's voice. You were met with a girl who had the fridge wide open. Mouth agape, looking in as if she had just seen a unicorn.

"What have you found Mera?" You asked.

You just heard giggles coming from the the girl, maniac like. It honestly started to scare you. You were now wondering if she had just found a wepon instead of food.

Suddenly she screamed "COFFEE JELLY!" at the top of her lungs.

She grabbed a whole bunch of coffee jellies suprising you on how it all fit into her arms. That just shows that there were a lot of coffee jellies.

'Saiki must really like coffee jelly which means-'

"Mera put them back down please!" You pleaded.

You quickly ran over to Mera and started to take as much coffee jellies into arms as you could. It was a big stuggle considering how over protective Mera was over food. You managed to keep the feisty student away from the snacks and put them back into the fridge.

"Come on (L/n)! Just one!"

"Haha... I don't believe you. Plus, I think they are Saiki's favourite. If not, his parents."

The door to the hallway quickly opened and revealed  a pink haired boy, Saiki.

'What happened?!' Saiki spoke.

"I kept Mera away from your stash of coffee jellies." You teased.

'My saviour.' He kept to himself

After the Mera incident, the three of you went back upstairs with some other snacks that weren't the coffee jellies.

"Sorry Mera." You said while looking sympathetically at the teen.

She just stuck her tongue out at you.


After eating and watching a film Chiyo picked out, little groups started to head out because it started to get late. Lastly Nendo, Kaido and Aren left the Saiki household leaving you and your classmate alone.

You were back to being wrapped up in Saiki's duvet currently reading the manga you didn't finish from before. You looked up to see who was left and was met with a pair of violet, dull eyes staring right back at you.

"O-oh... sorry Saiki, I didn't realise the others left. I'll get going now, sorry again." Well that was embarrassing you thought to yourself. Getting up and tidying his bed, you were stopped.

'You can stay'

"Hm? Stay? Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother since you didn't really want us here in the first place, I apologise for that, heh." You replied with a sad tone. You didn't like getting on people's nerves.

'I wouldn't of said anything if I didn't want you here.'

You felt as if something was crawling in you stomach. Butterflies?

"Ah! Okay then, thanks!" You said with excitement now getting back into his bed and retrieving the warmth that was previously there not so long ago.

You closed your eyes due to the tiredness that was soon to overtake you, you felt the covers lift up and felt the weight of the bed go down slightly to your left.

"Hm?" You hummed now looking at Saiki.

He said nothing and opened the book in front of you, in the same position you were in, on your stomach.

You gave him a small smile.
'You're a great friend Saiki, wish we could be more someday.' you thought to yourself...
wait? What did you just say? To be more than friends!?

You felt you whole body become warmer than usual. 'Oh gosh, I'm so glad I didn't say that out loud. That would be so weird and awkward! Wait do I like him? Oh wow, already caught feelings-' you were caught of guard from a chuckle from the boy next to you.

You turned your head to Saiki and saw him giving you a genuine, sweet smile.

You turned your head to Saiki and saw him giving you a genuine, sweet smile

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