Megumi Fushiguro x Male Reader

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"Do you wanna sit here?" You asked, holding food in both your hands.

"Sure, looks good to me." Megumi replied walking up to you with the remainder of the snacks and drinks you've brought in a bag. Both of you had some free time for today and you both decided to catch up with each other since the past few weeks have been hectic. From missions, practice, resting... today seemed like the only chance you'd have time to spend together.

Sitting down on the grass, you started to open a packet of a meat bun feeling all giddy about the thought of eating something so delicious. Sitting right in front of you was Megumi, looking around yourselves, to get a good look at the area you both were in. You were located in the middle of a big grassy park, with a large Cathedral not too far in the distance from where you guys were. The sun was out and the temperature was perfect, not too warm and not too cold. Today really was a nice day.

"Mmm, this is good!" You exclaimed, munching whilst looking down at your food.

"Gimmie some." Megumi quickly blurted, taking the bun out of your hand in the process and taking a bite from where you bit; "Yeah, you're right." He confirmed.

You just blankly stared at him, "You could've at least taken a bite from the other side." You complained, leaning back on your hands.

Megumi looked at you, a confused yet offended look present on his features, "What does it matter? You kiss me on most days."

Dang. You thought. He's right.

"Yeahh, but that's slightly different." You said, reaching your hands out to take back the meat bun.

"Yeah, slightly." He emphasised, letting you take the bun back and reaching for his own water bottle.

You started to take bites again, staring into his soul. "You're so sassy today.' You commented with your mouth full.

"And you're so disgusting, don't talk whilst you're eating, you could choke." He blandly spoke, placing his water bottle down, looking at you.

"Who are you, my mum?"

"No, I'm Megumi"

He was so straight forward that you couldn't help but laugh at his words, "Ha- UAGH" You coughed up a bit- "See! You're so helpless sometimes!" Megumi exclaimed with a irked expression caused by your actions.

"That's you'r- cough, you're fault" You managed to choke out, banging your hand against your chest. Megumi tried his best to help you by firmly slapping your back with the palm of his hand as his other hand is holding onto your arm in order to keep you in place.

"Yeah whatever, drink some water." He said, putting a bottle of water up to your lips and tilting your head back in order for you to drink some. Luckily, it calmed your coughing fit down and you could finally relax, that was until you saw your bottle still on the side of the bag you two brought and figuring out the bottle you drank from was his own.

"Argh, Megumi! Cooties!" You teased, covering your mouth with your lips and throwing him a grossed out face

"I'll spit on you."


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