Kaeya x Male Reader

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"..(/n)... (Y/n)!"

Stirring in your sleep at the sound of someone calling your name, a warm sensation rested upon your cheeks, gently shaking your head side to side.

Opening your eyes in order to show them that you were awake, you were met with a bright blue eye and an eyepatch in front of your face. It was non other than Kaeya.

"Finally, you're awake! You're such a heavy sleeper, you know that?"

You replied with a tired grumble, turning to your side making Kaeya stumble off of you in the process.

"He-hey! Don't go back to sleep already, Its time to get up!" The man exclaimed.

"Plus, its a special day today~" He added on.

You looked in front of you to check your calender, and indeed it was Kaeya's birthday.

'November 30th'

"M'kay..." You replied.

"Goodness you're so rude in the mornings." He frowned.

"C'mon" Kaeya reached over to pull the duvet off of you, "you're spending the day with me today, how lucky are you!"

"I'll have a funeral to attend to today if you keep this up." You groaned out, slowly reaching behind you to grab the duvet again.

Kaeya grabbed your arm and pulled it towards him making you face the ceiling now, "I promise it'll be worth it." He gently spoke, kissing your forehead then lips.

You frowned at him, you were so tired but you knew you had to get up and spend time with him. It was his birthday after all, but it was too early in the morning for you.


*time skip forward*

"Okay, you ready?" Kaeya asked unlocking the door.

"Yeah." You answered finishing your shoelace and standing up from the staircase.

You took his hand as he lead the way to where ever you were going. Today was a beautiful day. The sun glowing in the horizon, pinks and blues melting together in the sky above while white snow covered the ground below. Though winter wasn't liked by most of Mondstads people, you'd be crazy to think it wasn't the most beautifulest out of the seasons.

Though covered in snow, you started to recognise the surrounding around you. Soon enough, Dawn Winery came into view. Lights turned off but the rays on the sun silked across the roof and walls.

"Why are we here?" You asked.

"This time of year is the best for cathing crystal core butterflies." He turned to smile at you.

You're features brightened up at the thought of catching crystal flies. You've never done anything of the sort before.

You both soon arrived in front of the grape orchard, the scenery completely outstanding. Blue, glowing crystal flies were everywhere, flapping their wings gently while it gave off a shimmering glow to its surroundings.

"Whoever has the least loses." Kaeya said, quickly running off to begin this little game of his.

"Hey! You had a head start!" You laughed at his actions, following after and jumping up and down trying to catch a crystal fly in the process.

You both ran through seperate rows of the grape orchard, laughing to one another and making sure to keep in line with each other. Never have you ever experienced something like this.

Finally the chase came to an end once the crystal flies were either captured or they flew away. You and Kaeya both met at the end of a row and hugged eachother trying to get warm again.

"How many did you get? I got 17"

"Well I got 20, so in your face!" You playfully pushed his face away but his arms wrapped around you kept him in place.

You both giggled, looking at eachother sharing the sweet moment between you two.

"How did you find out about this though?"

"Back when I was younger, Diluc would take me out for my birthday to play within the orchard and catch butterflies. He did this with me every year, and hopefully I can do it with you every year too." He smiled to you.

You pulled him close, hiding your face from him behind his shoulder. You couldn't help but pout at the mention of Diluc. Kaeya had told you about their past, for the most part it was purely just wholesome, most of Mondstad's people were referring to them as twins. But after the fight the both shared they went their seperate ways, not doing anything to mend the broken relationship between them.

"I had fun this morning, so I hope to do this every year with you too." You pulled back looking at his face once again.

"Make that a promise?" He asked, slightly smirking.

You laughed a bit but went in to kiss him nevertheless. This was your way of sealing a promise together.

"Promise sealed"

"Will you both go home now!" A familiar voice was heard from behind. It was non other than Diluc with windows wide open staring you both down.

"Let's get out of here." Kaeya laughed, pulling you close by him running away.

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