CHAPTER 2 |Unexpected|

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Jay's POV

Waking up at 7 a.m., I went to shower. I don't need the alarm to wake me up anymore as I got used to it over all these years. Going out of the bathroom, I went to the walk in closet to pick a suit for today. I decided on the navy blue one. I fixed the tie and slipped in my shoes before finishing with the perfume. In the end, this was my usual morning routine that I finished in half an hour.

I took my things and set it in my pockets. I walked out of my room and headed to my kids rooms. I knocked on Eric's door and he surprised me when he got out ready and prepared. Then Ella got out smiling at us.
''Good morning, dad.'' They both said in unsion.
''Okay, what's going on here?'' I asked suspiciously.

''We wanted to surprise you by being on time for school.'' Eric said.
''It's your birthday, dad.'' Ella squealed. I smiled at two of my precious kids and squated down to hug them.
''Thank you for remembering. But we better go to school so you two won't be late.'' I chuckled, kissing both of their temples. They nodded and rushed down before me.

I didn't even remember that today is my birthday. But being already 40 didn't make any differences. Luckily, my kids remind me of the things I can forget. They are like sponges. They literally know everything and remember everything which sometimes leaves me amazed.

I reached the car and unlocked it for them to come inside. I drove off to their school which was quite far from our house. I'm not that reach, but I do own small business. It's been working for years and I'm really proud of achieving a significant profit. If it wasn't for my wife, I wouldn't be where I am now. Unfortunately, she has been gone for six years now. And I miss her every day.

Arriving at their school, they both gave me a high five like usual and jumped out of the car. Once they were gone, I headed to my workplace. I'm a CEO of a cleaning business. My employees go around the city to clean buildings, houses, companies...They go wherever they are invited and we get paid a lot. When I was first starting this business, I thought it would be ridiculous to even do such a thing. But Sara encouraged me and I can give my kids everything they need.

I parked at my usual spot and headed inside.
''Good morning, Sir.'' My secretary greeted me.
''Morning, Carla. How are you today?''
''Very good. I became a grandma last night.'' She said excitedly.
''Congratulations then.'' I chuckled.
''Thank you, Sir.''

I entered my office and sat at my desk. Going through the papers and agreements which usually my daily job, I figured out there won't be a lot to do today. I may even finish earlier to pick up my kids after school. Getting a call, I saw it's my friend Greg. He has a twin Fred I'm hanging out with. They are the most craziest people I ever met, but they are great friends.

''Yes, Greg?'' I sighed.
''Happy birthday, man!'' He yelled over.
''Thanks. What's up?'' I chuckled.
''Nothin'. Are we going out tonight?''
''I don't know. I can't leave Ella and Eric alone at home.'' I said uneasily.
''Leave them to the next door neighbours. They are friends with their kids, right? A little sleepover won't hurt them.'' He tried convince me.
''And besides we rarley hang out.'' I exhaled in defeat.

''Alright. Where will we go?'' I asked.
''Five Star club. I heard it's new opened. It's going to be lit, man.'' He beamed on the other side.
''Good then. I'll call you later.'' I chuckled.
''See you later. I'll tell Fred.'' He hung down after I heard him yell to Fred. Crazy man. But maybe it will be good to go out after years. I'm always with kids and here in the office. I will just leave them to Deny and his kids for a night. I know they will be excited to go.


Finishing with my work, I headed out of my office towards my car. I was a little late to pick them up but they waited for me in front of their school. They hopped in the car as soon as they saw me.
''Hey, munchkins.'' I said and started to drive.
''Dad, don't call me like that. I'm already nine.'' Eric whined and slumped in the car seat.
''Age doesn't matter. You two will be my little munchkins forever.'' I smirked.
''I like when you call us munchkins.'' Ella squealed making Eric roll his eyes.

''So how was your day?'' I asked them.
''Teacher put a smiley face on my notebook for doing good job.'' Ella ushered excitedly.
''That's great, Ella. What about you, Eric?''
''I got D on Math test.'' He huffed.
''Oh...that's a good mark too. If you want, I can find you a mentor to teach you better.'' I suggested. I looked at him shrug in the review mirror. I don't want to force him to study, but I know he is a smart kid so why not put a little bit of an effort?

When we got home, I called Deny to ask if my kids can have a sleepover at his house. Fortunately, he agreed and said that his kids are very excited already. 

"Ella, Eric!" I called them in the kitchen. Soon I heard running footsteps down the stairs.
"Yes, dad?" Eric asked.

You are having a sleepover with uncle Deny's kids. You will have to get ready soon." Their eyes widened in excitement.

"Really?" Ella squealed. I nodded my head. Kids. They are excited about everything.

"Let's get ready, Ella." Eric said and pulled her upstairs. They are always so happy when they hang out with Deny's kids. Seeing your kids happy, it's the most acomplishing thing to ever feel in your life. I tried so hard to give them everything they need to fill up empty space from their mother. They never experienced mother's love. Eric was only three when she died and he doesn't remember her.

I went upstairs and peeked through Eric's room to see him putting clothes in his backpack. Ella was doing the same thing. I left them alone and went to my room. I changed in black pants and white button up shirt. Twins would never forgive me if I went there with a suit. I think the last time I celebrated birthday was three years ago when twins bought me a cake and came here. 

After few hours, I got the kids ready and brought them to Deny's house. There was a little guilty feeling that I had because I was leaving them to have fun. I got inside the car and drove off towards that new club. I wonder what does it look like. I wanted to have fun today because why not?

When I came to the location, music was blasting and it was dark with different colors from reflectors. I found twins sitting in the booth and drinking.

"Here is the birthday boy." They yelled and pulled me to sit with them. We started taking shots after shots and I felt slight buzz in my head. They both found some chicks in the meantime. I got up and strode over to the bar. 

I knew I was drunk and I didn't mind. I ordered more tequilla shots and finished them all. There was a beautiful woman sitting on the bar with empty glasses. Something in me erupted and I found myself sitting next to her. 

"Hello, beautiful." I slightly slurred.
"Hey, handsome." She laughed making me laugh. 

"I'm Jay." I yelled over the music.
"I'm Angela." I laughed at her cuteness.

Next thing I know, we found nearest hotel and had s*x all night long. And I won't lie to say it was the best s*x I ever had. But the next morning, she was gone.

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