CHAPTER 6 |Unexpected|

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2 months later

Angela's POV

My baby was getting bigger. I'm really showing. I think some of my colleagues figured out that I'm pregnant. I entered 17th week yesterday. I'm so excited to have a baby. It will be me and she or he against the world. Maybe I wish that baby's father knows about it too, but I don't know who he is and I will never meet him again probably.

I will try. I will try for my child to be a mother and a father. I will make sure that my baby doesn't lack love given by me. I will try for him or her to have a better life than I had. And for that I need to work harder. I will try my best to give my child desired life.

Getting out of my thoughts, I slipped in my flats. I got out of my apartment and walked to the bus station like always. I was getting up earlier not to be late on the bus as I couldn't even walk fast. I felt bigger than I actually am. The baby was fine tho and doctor in the hospital said it would be a chubby baby. It wouldn't be a surprise as I eat everything I have in the kitchen. I never spent that much money on the food. I didn't even eat that much when I had my period.

I entered the bus and sat at the back of the bus. The smell of the bus has been bothering me, but I don't have that much money to spend on the cab so I need to bear this smell for as longest as I can. All kind of people ride this bus so there are also all kinds of perfumes. My head sometimes gets dizzy from all of that and I pray to get out as fast as I can.

We soon arrived at the station where is my company as I rushed out. I walked to the company and got inside. There was Helen as usual on her seat.
''Hey, babe. How is the little one?'' She whispered in my ear.
''It's good. Thank for asking.'' I chuckled.
''I'm glad. I want my niece or nephew to be healthy.'' She said.

That day when I found out, I told her what happened at the appointment. She was first in shock, but when I explained how much I love the baby already, she was super supportive and told me that she will be with me whenever I need her. I'm very luckly to be her friend otherwise I wouldn't know what to do.

''I'll see you later.'' I said and waved her before retreating in the elevator. When riding in the elevator, I feel somehow nauseous so I close my eyes that makes me feel better. The elevator door opened making me sigh in relief and I walked over to my table.

I started organizing the stack of papers that have been put on my desk. This is going to be yet another long day. I just hope I don't get too tired, but knowing what situation I'm put in, that would be impossible.


''Meet me in the front when you finish.'' I recieved a message from Helen and replied with 'okay'. We are probably going to eat something knowing her. But getting ready to leave, Melanie notified me that I was called by Donatella in her office.

I went to Donatella's office and knocked on her door. I got inside to see her on her chair, looking very arrogant like she always is. She masked her appearance with a fake smile as I returned it.
''Please, sit.'' She gestured me towards the chair in the front. I slowly walked over and sat in front of her.

''Your shift finished?'' She asked me.
''Yes, it did.'' I replied plainly.
''I called you over for a reason, of course.'' She paused. ''I'm very sorry to tell you that today was a last shift here for you.'' My eyes almost bulged from my head at her sentence. What does she mean by 'last shift here'? What is she implying to?

''Enlighten me please.'' I said politely.
''Everyone in the company, even me, noticed that you are expecting therefore I can't keep you here. What if someone comes in the company and sees that I have a pregnant employee who doesn't want to leave? That would be very unprofessional, right?'' I wanted so hard to slap her and pull on her fake wig, but police report is the last thing I need in my life now.

''So you decided to fire me because I'm pregnant?'' I asked furiously.
''Yes. Unfortunately, things aren't always fair in life.'' She said.
''Alright then. I want you to give me a paycheck for the two weeks I worked this month.'' I said and got up.
''Of course. It was nice knowing you, Ms. Lee.'' She fake smiled. I glared at her and walked out of the office.

Great, now I'm jobless with the baby in my stomach. How am I going to feed myself and the baby? People and life are not fair. What am I going to do alone now and pregnant? I need to find another job right away. I can't be jobless when I have to pay the rent and buy food.

Coming down in the front of the entrance, I saw Helen waiting for me. She noticed something is wrong with me as she rushed towards me.
''What happened?'' She panicked.
''I'm fired.'' I said.
''What!? How? Why?'' She said getting angry.
''Because of this.'' I pointed to my stomach.

''That bitch is crazy. Let me talk to her.'' She said angrily and took a few steps before I stopped her.
''There is no use. I can find another job and be away from that witch.'' I said. She slowly got back and pulled me with her.
''I will help you find a job too.'' She smiled. I thanked her as we walked to the bus station.

I invited her to come to my apartment and she agreed so we could have dinner. I'm really lost with the matters that are happening in my life. I'm pregnant, jobless with no money to save for the food. I don't want to ask Helen for the money, because she has already done enough. If it wasn't for her, I would be all alone.

We entered my apartment and moved in the kitchen. I opened my fridge to saw that I have tortillas, chicken and tomatoes. Perfect for the dinner.
''I will make us tortillas with chicken.'' I said.
''Great. I will do a research for your job.'' She smiled.
''Thanks.'' I breathed out smiling.

While I was making our dinner, she was doing the research on her phone. I hope she finds something good. I still can't believe that she fired me because of my baby. I could still work without any problem. But I know she wanted to do that a long time ago and now she found an excuse that's not even valid enough. She hates me because she knows I been working hard and she got everything from her father without moving her finger.

''I found the perfect job. It says that Cleaning Service company is looking for a secretary.'' She explained.
''Really?'' I asked surprised. She nodded her head and showed me the employment ad. Maybe luck is on my side today.
''Great. I'll send the application tomorrow.'' I grinned.
''Now let's eat.'' Helen clapped excitedly.

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