CHAPTER 5 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

And yet again, another morning with me vomiting my guts out. This was happening for few days now. I feel incredibly sick in my stomach which results in vomiting my dinner the next day. When I'm working, I want to get home as early as I can because I get so tired.

What's wrong with me? I feel like I can't do anything properly anymore. I think it will the best to go see a doctor. The doctor will know what's wrong with me. I thought it's just the food poisoning, but it lasted for some time now.

I brushed my teeth to get rid of the horrible taste that was left in my mouth. I took a quick shower and got dressed for work. Please God, let me endure another day. I sliently prayed and took my purse. I rushed out of my apartment and started walking fast towards the bus station. I don't know why, but I couldn't run.

Arriving at the company, I just sent a wave towards Helen who seemed busy and rushed to my floor. I sat at my desk and noticed I was five minutes late, but nobody seemed to pay attention. I saw Melanie wave to me, but I just sent her a glare. After what she has done to me two months ago, I didn't even want to look at her.

And her excuse was that she said a wrong name of the club. I just can't believe her. I should have never listened to her and all of that wouldn't have happened. She played me and I bared the consequences, but it's not entirely her fault. It's my fault for getting drunk and sleeping with someone for the first time.

I still can remember his handsome face. Over the days I remembered some parts of out night together. It made me blush everytime I thought about that. But I know I was nothing to him except another girl in his bed. But he was nothing to me too so I could say we were even. But I don't understand why I have a desire deep down in my heart that I want to meet him once again. It's just some silly thoughts I have on my mind.


I was nervous, was understatement. I thought I would faint waiting in front of the doors of doctor's office. I agreed for an appointment with the doctor I called. She was very nice and signed me right away. I felt delighted that I got a nice doctor.

''Ms. Lee, you can come in.'' Dr. Andrews smiled at me and opened her door wider for me to come in. I nodded and quickly rushed inside. She led me towards the chair as I sat down.
''How do you feel, Ms. Lee? We talked over the phone, right?'' She asked.
''I'm fine, thank you. Yes, we did.'' I gave her a forced smile because of my nervousness.

''Can you tell me all of your symptoms, please?'' She leaned on her desk and looked at me.
''Well, I have been vomiting every morning for two weeks now. I mostly feel tired and I get dizzy from time to time.'' I explained. Please don't tell me I have a cancer or something.
''I understand. When was your last period?'' She asked.
''I didn't get it this month.'' She nodded her head and asked me a question that brought me blushing feelings to my cheeks.

''Have you had any sexual intercourse in the past two months?'' I gulped at her question and nodded.
''Alright. We can go do an ultrasound. I think I know what that might be.'' She smiled gently and led me out of the room. We got inside another room with hospital bed and some kind of a computer next to it.

''Just lay on the bed and pull your shirt up enough to show your stomach.'' She instructed me. I listened to her and laid down on the bed. She put some cold gel on my skin making me shiver. Dr. Andrews pulled the chair next to me and spread the gel with transducer around my stomach.

''Oh, here it is.'' She said looking close up at the computer screen.
''What is it?'' I asked curiously.
''Ms. Lee, it looks like you're 8 weeks pregnant. This bigger spot you can see here, is your baby.'' I was in utter and complete shock. My eyes unintentionally got wet and I was soon shredding tears. It was embarassing to this in front of a doctor, but I just couldn't help myself. I was pregnant and I didn't even know who was the baby's father.

''I'm sorry, Ms. Lee. Here you go.'' Dr. Andrews handed me a tissue as I calmed down and wiped my tears and nose. What should I do now? I'm by myself with the baby in my tummy.
''Concluding by your reaction, you didn't expect this child.'' She said.
''I didn't. But it's okay.'' I smiled sadly.

''If you're not ready, there are—'' I cut her off before she finished saying that sentence.
''I will be fine with my child.'' I responded. Maybe a bit harshly, but I didn't want to heart that a-word coming out of her. I would never harm my baby in any way, shape or form.
''That's okay. Do you want to hear the heartbeat?'' She smiled.
''Yes, please.'' I said.

She turned some button on and peaceful, calming sound filled the room. My baby's heart was so steady and gentle. I could listen to it the whole day. More tears shredded that I didn't want to, but I felt so emotional in that moment.
''It's beautiful, isn't it?'' Dr. Andrews asked.
''Very. It sounds very calming.'' I chuckled.
''Your baby is healthy and there are no problems. But for reassurance, you should take the blood test.''

I cleaned my tummy and got up from the bed. We walked back to her office where she told me where to take the blood test. I decided to go to the hospital tomorrow since this was the private office. Thankfully, first check up was for free, that's why I decided to come here.
''Thank you, Dr. Andrews.'' I said, shaking my hand with hers.
''You're welcome. Good luck with the baby. I wish you all the best, Ms. Lee.'' She smiled gently.

I bid her a goodbye and got out of her office. Walking out of the building, I dialled Helen's number.
''Hey, Angela.'' She answered.
''Helen, I'm pregnant.'' I blurted out.
''YOU'RE WHAT?'' She screeched making me remove the phone from my ear.
''I'm coming to your place in an hour.'' She said with shock evident in her voice.
''Alright.'' I hung down and started walking towards the bus station.

It's me and you, baby, from now on.

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