CHAPTER 12 |Unexpected|

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Jay's POV

Since the last appointment when I found out I will have another son, I was in the better mood. Work has always been tiring me out, but I know when I come home my kids and beautiful woman will be there.

My new secretary is a little bit...clumsy. She works hard, but she is very forgetful. I noticed she put notes all over her computer and desk. But if she is doing everything right, I don't see a problem yet. I mean she did spilled the coffee on my suit few days ago, but I forgave her. She apologized so many times that it became boring.

My phone rang cutting off my thoughts.
''Hello, Greg.''
''Hey, man. What's up?'' He casually asked.
''Nothing. I'm also done with my work soon. Do you need something?''
''I'm bored today. Can I come to your house today? Maybe I can meet your baby mama.'' He teased. I chuckled and it wasn't a bad idea.

''Sure.'' I answered.
''Good then. I'll see you soon. Now, I have some documents waiting to be signed.''
''Bye, Greg.''
''Bye, Stuck-up.'' He laughed and ended the call. Well, he just managed to make me irritated. I'm not a stuck-up as he calls me. That's why he never find a decent woman. Nothing can be serious for him.

Excited to finish my work to go home, I was done in no time. I left few papers to Ms. Julia so she can arrange them and left my office. I went to pick up kids at their school as I assumed they should be out now. I stopped with my car in front of the gates and kids started running out of the school.

When I met my kids, I honked the horn of my hard, catching their attention. They ran towards me and jumped in the backseat.
''Hey, dad.'' They said in unsion making me chuckle.
''Hey, kids. How was at school? Did you learn something new?'' I asked them as I started driving.
''Yes, I did.'' Ella squealed as she was too much excited. She just started first grade this fall.

''And you Eric?'' I asked.
''Nothing new.'' He answered plainly. He was playing a victim. It's not him who was hurt. He was acting very mean towards Angela and he deserved my scolding. She never said anything to offend him or acted inappropriately. There was no reason to be rude whatsoever. I didn't teach him like that.

''Uncle Greg is coming over today.''
''Yay!'' Ella cheered. She is excited just because he brings them gifts everytime. Last time he bought her new princess set. I don't even need to buy them toys.
''What do you want for lunch?''
''Chicken!'' They both said. I smiled.


''We're home.'' I yelled. I looked towards the kitchen to see Angela making lunch.
''Great! I made roasted chicken. Is that okay?'' She asked, looking innocently at us. I felt pull on my sleeve and looked down at Ella.

''Dad, she reads our minds.'' She said misteriously. I throw back my head laughing. The look on my daughter's face was incredible.
''She sure does.'' I chuckled. God, what Ella won't blurt out.

''Let's go wash our hands then come to eat.'' I said.
''We will come back soon.'' I said to Angela who nodded smiling. That smile. It's too cute. I thought and rushed upstairs. I set my coat back on the hanger and went to wash my hands. It feels good when you have someone to take care of you. I feel happy that I have Angela now.

When I returned in the dining room, they were already waiting for me.
''You're fast.'' I huffed. When I tried the chicken, I almost moaned at the taste. This is the most delicious chicken I ever tried. She should make this more often. I stopped devouring chicken leg when I heard stiffled laugh.

''Dad, you're going to choke.'' Ella giggled.
''I'm just hungry. Let me eat.'' I reasoned. Angela chuckled and wiped my cheek with the napkin. I gulped feeling the heat creeping up my neck. Gosh, I must look like a child smearing my face with the chicken.
''Slow down.'' She laughed. I could listen to her laugh and giggles all day.

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