CHAPTER 18 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

Something is definitely wrong with Jay. He has been acting strange since two days ago. He looks like something is tormenting him, but he won't tell. I want to ask him then maybe it will be easier to let it out.

''I'm home.'' He said. Said, not yelled cheerfully like he always does.
''In the kitchen.'' I said. I was currently finishing with the lunch for today. Dishes were already set on the table and the food was ready. I could hear my son in my tummy growl for not feeding him yet.

Suddenly, a pair of warm lips were on my cheek.
''I'll go change in a minute then come back with the kids.'' He said as I nodded. Next I heard his retreating footsteps and exhaled deeply. Why do I feel like this everytime he does that? It's nothing, but a small greeting that he came back from work. I'm getting flustered over nothing.

I set the pot on the table with spicy pork stew. It smelled delicious. I learned to make traditional meals over the years so I don't stuck up with Americans ones. And besides Korean food is delicious. I think kids also love it when I make something like this and they like it how it tastes.

Stompedo of footsteps pulled me out of my thoughts. Ella and Eric appeared behind the corner and sat at their chairs.
''What is this, Angela? It smells delicious.'' Ella asked.
''This is spicy pork stew. Common dish in Korea. Your dad is from there too so he knows.'' I explained, bopping her nose. She giggled as I put the stew in her bowl.

''That I am. Hundred percent Korean.'' Jay said, walking into the room.
''Then we're Koreans too, right?'' Ella squealed excitedly.
''You are, but your mom was half American and half Chinese so you're mixed.'' Jay said. We have some mixy-mixy kids here. That's really interesting. Ella looked very surprised, but Eric just shrugged it off. He probably remembered when they bullied him because of it. It's pathetic to bully someone based on their skin color or ethnicity.

''Let's just eat now.'' Jay cut it short as I ploped on my chair. We started eating quietly. By reaction of kids, they liked what I made for them. When I came here first, we were all awkward, especially me. But I learned to love these kids and they are amazing. It was harder with Eric however we reached the phase where he doesn't throw a tantrum or yells at me, just does what I tell him to do.

Everybody finished eating with the time and Jay helped me to clean the table. Kids ran off in their room to do their homework and get some afternoon nap. Jay washed the dishes saying I overworked myself today. I literally did nothing. The only thing I was doing for the day is cook lunch that still can make us a dinner, and tidy up rooms. That's it. And I don't even get tired much.

I was leaned on the counter sipping on my apple juice with the straw watching him dry the plates. He looked handsome in everything what he was doing. How a person can manage that? He looks handsome in every part of the day.
''Jay, are you okay? You've been acting strange these past few days.'' I asked.

''I'm fine. It's just work.'' He shrugged.
''You're lying, but okay. I won't bother you.'' I said. I threw a box of the apple juice in the trashcan before walking away. I started climbing upstairs, but I still managed to get worked up on few steps.

''Angela, wait. I want to tell you something.'' He stopped me.
''Alright, but I'm not pushing you to tell me anything, you know that, right?'' I pointed out.

He walked ahead of me and entered his room. I closed the door when I came in after him.
''You look bothered all the time. Is it something that I did?'' I asked.
''No, it's not. It's something that my dead wife did.'' He said. I was planning to sit next to him, but he pulled me gently on his lap.

''I can sit on the bed. I'm quite heavy, you k—'' He cut me off.
''I'm closer to him.'' He said and put his hand on my bump. That's understandable. It's not like I wanted to sit on his lap even if it looks comfortable, right?

''Sara cheated on me.'' He said. I gasped softly. When did he find out? And why doesn't he look mad?
''How did you find out? I mean, it's been five years or so, right?'' I said confused.
''Yes. But I went in the room that's always closed. That was our previous bedroom and all our stuff were there. I found the necklace that I never bought to her.'' He explained.

''Oh, that makes sense.'' I said.
''I visited the man she was with. He told me that he broke up with her on the night of her death. But it was the drunk driver's fault anyway.''
''At least he had remorse and knew that it was wrong.''

''Yes. I'm just angry at her for leaving me with kids to meet another man. Ella wasn't even 1. But, he had money, of course.'' He seethed.
''But you became great father, right? Your kids love you more than anything, I know that.'' I said and put my arm around his neck.

''You think? Sometimes, I feel like I'm not doing good enough.''
''With just being here and loving them, you did more than enough.'' I said. I started playing with his hair that was so soft just like it looked. I blushed when he leaned his head on my shoulder. He sighed heavily and continued rubbing my bump in circles.

''Thanks for listening. It feel good to let it out to someone who isn't Greg.'' He chuckled.
''I bet he is a good listener.''
''He is. He is only listening because he does nothing all day.'' He laughed.
''He seems like a nice guy.'' I said.

We were in a silence for a while. I loved this maybe a little bit too much. We had a nice talk, we laughed. But I can't let go of what happened with Donatella. He stood on her side and hurt me because of her. I know he is a good person, but he misunderstood my action and never looked for the explanation.

I stopped caressing his hair and moved his hands from my stomach. He lifted his head and looked at me confused while I was getting up.
''I will go now.'' I muttered. Just when I got up, he grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me to straddle him. My bump was huge between us, but I managed to sit on both of his thighs.

''What's wrong all of a sudden?'' He asked. I looked at my bump avoiding his eyes.
''Angela.'' He said sternly.
''We have nothing to talk about.'' I blurted out. He cupped my cheek and made me look at him.
''There is something. Tell me and I will try to fix it.'' He said honestly.

''I remembered the event that happened with Donatella. You hurt me to defend her.'' I accused him and it felt good to finally get it of my chest.
''Angela, you slapped her. In front of the kids and accused her.'' He said as a matter of the fact.

''I did. But I just got really angry when I saw her and when she tried to be sweet to me when she exactly knows what happened.'' I argued.
''She told me what happened.'' He said calmly. My eyebrows raised in surprise. 

''And what did she tell you? I know she lied to you.''
''She told me that you didn't want to take the maternity leave. And she couldn't let you work because of the responsibility.'' He explained. I removed from his lap and stood up.

''You really believed her? Did she maybe tell you how worried she was about my baby?'' I mimicked.
''I have known Donatella since high school. She was always helping around. I did believe her.'' He admitted shamelessly.

''미친놈!'' I said, looking him straight in the eyes.
''Did you just curse at me?'' He asked shockingly.
''Because that's what you are. She told you the fake story. I was only four months and she said that she will fire me because it won't look good to others. I needed the money to pay for the rent and medications. Because she is a selfish person.''
[translation: crazy bastard]

''Donatella isn't like that. She was always good to the kids and me. I don't understand why would she do that.'' He said making my blood boil even more.
''So you're saying that I'm lying? Am I the crazy one here?'' I snapped.

''I didn't say that. I'm just say it can be a misunderstanding. Be rational.''
''I'm rational. But you're blind, Jay. And I may as well not to talk to you so we can all be at peace.'' I said and walked out of the room with no intention of stopping.

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