Royal Duties

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It was time to switch out guards this afternoon. Everyday at 12am to 12pm, the guards switch positions. Flash Sentry position was to guard the hallway which leads to the throne room. Where all the princesses are seated at.

Shining's Office

Shining Armor was filling in papers for his guards. About few seconds later, he came across Flash's interview. He gazed at it for quite some time. A knocked on the door interrupted him gazing to Flash's interview.

Shining: "Come in".

Princess Cadance opens the door and closes behind with a lunch box with Shining's cutie mark.

Cadance: "Hey baby!" *kisses Shining on the lips*

Shining kisses her back.

Shining: "Hey bae. How's your morning going so far?"

He tries to hide Flash's interview papers underneath the stack with the other papers.

Cadance: "You forgot your lunchbox again. Geez. You must really care a lot about your job". *hands his lunchbox to him*

Shining Armor: "Awe thanks so much. I knew I was forgetting something. Couldn't put my hoof on it." Shining said relived. "Yes, I take this very seriously. Do you take you job as a Princess seriously"? he teased.

Cadance: "Oh haha" She laughed sarcastically. "Anyways, I got to go now. See you in a few hours." she left as she waved goodbye.

Shining went back to gazing at Flash's interview paper. He can't believe that one of his newest guards members is taking his job mire serious than his older members. He texted Flash on his business phone.

Shining's and Flash's texts

Shining: "Come to my office now".

Flash: "Sir, yes sir".

Half way to Shining's Office

Since Shining's office was on the other sids of the castle, it took him a little while longer to head to his location. On the way there, Flash seen Princesses Twilight coming out of her room with books. Of course, they both felled down onto the ground and helped each other up like the movies.

Flash: "I am so sorry! I- *sees Princess Twilight* Twily?" *picks up her books*
Twilight: Hey Flashy! *kisses him on lips*
Flash mind: I didn't seem to like that kiss she just gave me. Probably she has somewhere important to go. For some reason, I don't want to kiss her back.
Flash: *gives her books back* See you later! I gotta head to Shining's office now. *phone vibrates*
It was a text from Shining saying "I'm not getting any younger. Where are you?"
Flash: *runs to his office*

As Shining waited for Flash to come in, he was rethinking his life. He wondered if he really wanted to spend the rest of his life being in a castle all day, filling out papers, and yelling at his guards.

Flash comes in Shining's Office

Shining: "Sit"

Flash sits in the nearest chair to his left.

Shining: "What do you see yourself doing later in your life?" He asks Flash

Flash: "Uhmm... I want to be still a guard. I still need this money for my mom and little sister and brother sir." He answered nervously

Shining: "What sexuality are you? Are you straight? What do you see in my sister... Twilight?"

Flash pauses for a second and answers with "I am straight sir. What I find in your younger sister is her sense of humor, her beautiful smile, every detail about her sir". He answered with confidence.

Shining paused and thought about it. Shining thought to himself. "If he only likes her for her smarts and face, than that is not true love."

Shining been loosing love for Princess Cadance lately.

"After all, I'm not seeing the spark for Cadance anymore."

Shining got an erection thinking about Flash bottoming him. Shining arose from his office chair, walked to Flash and put his bulge in front of Flash's face. It's official that Shining has feelings for Flash. But the question is that does Flash feel the same way?

Flash got an erection as well. Flash thought that Mr. Armor was trying to seduce him.

"Nah". Flash said to himself in his head. "It'll be weird if he was trying to seduce me."

Shining said looking down at Flash, "You only like my sister for her smart and looks... to what I'm assuming. Based off what you previously said".

Flash knew Mr. Armor was onto him. He felt uncomfortable but he had to keep it down low for the sake of his mother and siblings.

"Mr. Armor, I know what I said probably offended you, but I promise that is not what I only see in her! Me and Twi-". Flash gets interrupted by Shining

Shining: "You know, I've always wondered about you, Sentry. There's something you're not telling me, yeah?" Shining asked, getting closer to Flash.

Flash mind: Oh damn! He is trying to seduce me. I gotta say, it is hot as hell. But this is Twilight's brother for celestia's sake! Not to mention the 5 year age gap. Maybe I could be gay? Oh man! How am I going to explain this to Twilight??

Shining: "Sentry, I'm still waiting for an answer". He asks impatiently. "Tell me what're you hiding from me."

Flash: "Shining... I am not hiding anything!" Flash lies, trying to make an excuse to go back to work. He sees that his lunch break is over. "See? What you look at that? My lunch break is over. Boy time sure goes fast these days". He exits out of the room, touching Shining's huge bulge on accident. He leaves the office.

Shining: "It's true. I am in love with Flash Sentry. But Cadance and Flurry... how am I gonna break it to them. Twilight too..."

Shining knew he had a lot to think about. He continued his work in the meantime.

Flash said to himself "That was crazy. Mr. Armor seduced me right there on the spot. Should I tell Twilight this? I still need this job. I will keep my mouth shut until then."

Shining knew from the start that it'll be awhile to wins Flash's heart. The rest of the day, he worked until it was time to go home.

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