Family Once Together

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It was early in the morning. Flash woke up a bit earlier to make breakfast for his family. He made pancakes, bacon, eggs and french toast. While Volant played with his toys in the living room. He was watching Teen Titans go. Shining woke up, wondering where was Flash on his side of the bed. That is when he heard baby Volant making baby noises in the living room and the smell of bacon.

Shining gets out of bed without his shirt on and sees them doing what they were doing exactly.

Flash: "Morning babe" with his messy sex hair from last night.

Shining: "Morning Flashy". He hugs Flash from the behind with his hands around his waist. "wait you cookin'?" He grabs a strip of bacon but Flash slaps his hand before he could touch it.

Flash: "Not yet big daddy. We will all eat together at the table. No funny business" He gave Shining that look.

Shining: "Sir yes sir" he gave a small giggle and hugs Flash a bit tighter, giving him a kiss on his neck.

Volant makes baby noises. Shining 'awes' at Volant. He goes over at the living room and plays with his green and blue eyes. Volant drops a toy from his hand. He picks it up using his horn.

Shining: "Oh my Celestia! Flash come here real quick. Hurry!"

Flash sets his spatula down on the counter sink next to the oven and rushes to Shining and Volant's location and sees him using his magic for the first time.

Flash: "His first spell. I am so telling this to him when he is older." He smiles at his son.

Shining: "I wonder if he can fly now."

Flash: "Doubt it. I learned how to fly at a very late age. But who knows?"

Shining: "Not much pegasi are in my family so it's all upon you."

Flash goes back to the kitchen and breakfast is done. He makes Shining and his plate. He sets it down on the table, on top of the placemats. He picks up Volant from the ground and sets him down in his high chair. His bottle is already there and warm.

Flash: "Be a dear and get the smoothies from the refrigerator please". As he sets Volant down.

Shining: "Sure thing." Shining does what Flash asks. He grabs 2 blueberry and mango smoothies. He sets the blueberry to himself and the mango for Flash.

Shining and Flash sets down at the table and pray. Flash feeds Volant his bottle first then he can consume his breakfast. Shining on the other hand was already eating his plate. Flash sooner starts to eat his breakfast. They talk about their plans for today. Flash looks at the time and it was almost time for his new music video.

Flash: "We gotta go soon." He says rushing to the dishwasher and putting his cup, utensils and plate inside of it.

Shining follows Flash and does the same thing. He starts the dishwasher. Flash changes his diaper, dresses him up with a polo shirt, sweat pants and boots. He sets him down in the living room floor to play with his toys. Shining gets in the shower and Flash take a shit. Shining gets out and Flash gets done and brushes their teeth and hair, then they finally get dress.

Shining picks  up Volant and his pacifiers in his pockets. Flash grabs his backpack with his music lyrics, microphone, and albums. They both walk outside and lock the door behind them. Next, they dropped off Volant at daycare. Flash was dropped off at the music studio where his new music video would be created. Shining went to his court house and he began his first case.

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