Don't Leave me

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Couple years later. Blaze and First were in middle school, Flash and Shining we're still together happily and Static is still waiting for those grandkids. Shining became a lawyer and Flash started singing and basically became a pony Bruno Mars. Both of them became successful and rich.

Flash: "Shiny!! Come here for a second."

Shining Armor being in the kitchen, eating nuggets.

Shining: "I'll be back". Said Shining talking to his nuggets in a deep, manly voice.

Shining went into the bedroom and asked what Flash needed him for.

Flash shows a 3 room house with a backyard, a 2 car garage, and 3 bathroom with its own room.

Shining: "That's perfect for us! It will even have enough space for our future kids". Shining said happily. *looks at the price* "We can even afford it!"

Flash: "Duh! Of course we can afford it. You and me worked very hard. You working on cases and me learning that I could sing much higher and creating my own lyrics".

Shining hugs Flash tightly. Flash does the same.

Flash looks back at his computer.

Flash: "It says it is still being built right now. It'll be done by the time winter is over".

Shining: "Fine with me. Now, I got nuggets waiting to be eaten. Brb cutie" Shields goes back to the kitchen.

Flash: "Save some for me later!" He screams to Shining in the bedroom.

Shining: "No promises!" He yells back to Flash.

Flash gets sleepy. He plugs in the charger to his computer and close it. He is forgetting to do something, but he doesn't know what.

Shining went back to the bedroom and sees Flash sleeping cutely with his tank top on and basketball shorts. He puts the cover on Flash and sleeps in the bed next to him, gently lifting Flash's head onto his chest. Shining goes to sleep few seconds later.

Flash phone starts ringing. He wakes up drooling on Shining's face again for the past week. He answers to see who it is. It's Blaze. He answers.

Blaze on the phone: "WHERE ARE YOU?".

Blaze's high pitched scream scared Shining that he woke up.

Flash: "What do you mean? Stop yelling bro".

Blaze: "Stop YELLING?! Do you not know what time it is?" Blaze asked frustratingly.

Flash answers with a "It's 7 pm... what?" He said sleepy.

"You're supposed to pick me and First up at 4 OCLOCK". Blaze yelled at the other line.

Flash: "Oh shit!" *he gets up putting on some sandals*.

Shining: "Baby where you going?". Asked Shining.

Flash: "I forgot to pick up Blaze and First at school!" *He rushes to find his car keys*.

Shining grabs Flash phone and talks to Blaze.

Shining: Blaze, we'll be there in 5 minutes. *hangs up phone and sets it back on the nightstand*.

Flash: "Baby! We aren't you helping me look for my keys??" *Flash looks everywhere for them*.

Shining grabs them off from his nightstand.

Shining: "You left it in my nightstand earlier to pick up the dry cleaning".

Flash: "Ok now give me them".

Shining swipes it back before Flash can take them.

Shining: "Flashy, take a breather".

Flash takes a quick inhale and exhale.

Flash: "Ok give me it!" Flash begged.

Shining: "Ah ah ah! Take a deep breath and let it out. Like you mean it". *Shining puts on his shoes until Flash did what he said*.

Flash: *Takes a deep breath and let it all out* "Now... can I have my car keys, please"?

Shining: "Yes, I'll drive".

Shining and Flash hurried to their car and went to Blaze's and First's middle school.

Shining: "Get in". He tells Blaze and First to get in.

Blaze: "Thanks a lot 'big bro' " he said sarcastically and angry as he quoted the words big bro.

First: "It was an accident. Chill out".

Blaze: "I will not chill out. They left us at school for 3 hours".

First: "Ok? It was still an accident. We all are human. We all make mistakes".

Blaze: "If you can't even pick up your BIOLOGICAL brothers then there's no way you'll be a good parent in the next 3 years".

Flash gets emotional inside.

First punches Blaze. Blaze nose bleed.

Flash: "He's right". Flash eyes gets watery. "We still don't have our own spot yet and we're almost 30".

Shining said driving home: "Bae, don't listen what a 12 year old gotta say. We are both successful. We even saved up money for our new house."

First and Blaze: "You guys are moving?"

Flash: "Yes, in fact we are. End of winter."

Blaze: "Wait, you're moving because I offended you?" Blaze said confused

First face palmed his forehead.

Flash: "No, we were moving since for a while now".

Blaze: "I'm sorry! Don't leave us forever! Flash and Shining!" He started to cry.

Flash: "Shining, pull over".

Shining did that.

Flash looked over at the back seats to his younger brothers.

Flash: "Woah, when did that came from?"

Blaze: "You're moving away because of me!!ISN'T IT?!" Blaze yelled.

Flash: "BLAZE, no we are not! We were planning since we got the careers we ever wanted. Yes, me and Shining love you both equally. We never had any intention to hurt you guys. We aren't going anywhere. Our house will only be 10 minutes away."

Shining: "Blaze, we will always be here for you, First and your mother. You'll always be in both of our hearts. It just too crowded for grown colts like me and Flash to be still living with my mother in law."

Flash: "Do you know understand, both you and First?"

Blaze and First: "Yes"

Shining: "Now let's go get ice cream to cheer up this sorrow moment, yeah?" *Shining turn the car around and heads to the nearest ice cream shop*.

The boys went to get ice cream and went on the beach afterwards. Flash and Shining holds hands with their shirts off and jeans their cuffed up to their lower knee, while Blaze and First play in the water.

Flash: "I love you Shining Armor".

Shining signals Flash to stop walking and kisses him by the sunset. Flash grabs Shining's ass and both of them laughs. After that, they all went home. First and Blaze went home, changed into their pajamas, brushed their teeth and went to bed.

Flash and Shining showered together and of course, Flash fell asleep on Shining's chest. Shining went to sleep later.

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