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  14th of August. James's birthday. I knocked on the door nervously, nervous that James might not like my present for him. My heart was thudding in my chest and I wondered idly why I was so nervous. It was just one boy...What was it to me? I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet. I was never very good at birthdays. I do not really understand the concept of it all. The gifts, the celebrations...and not to mention the birthday dates. I'm terrible with numbers. Curious that I can remember James's birthday so easily. Like second nature...

  I shook myself out of my reverie as James opened the door. Honestly, I drift off to much. My head is too full of thoughts that whizz around my noggin haphazardly. Why is my brain always so damn loud?! I blinked. There I go again. I smirked and threw my arms around James's neck. "Happy birthday, pretty boy!" I smirked and pulled away. I do not understand it. James had this certain aura around him that makes all my moodiness, my guard and my nervousness fly out of the window. I was way too comfortable around him.

  "You...remembered?" His eyes widened in surprise and I smirked, "Always the tone of surprise. Come on, change up. We're going out." He looked me up and down. I had a comfy red tank on with a pair of long, fitting, grey tights. My hair was all bun up, with the exception of a few stray wisps of hair that framed my face softly. He raised his eyebrows and I answered with the look that plainly said, find out for yourself. 

  He soon came out in a sports attire, his shirt stretched over his muscles. I smirked and motioned him to follow me. Just so you know, it was already night time by the time I brought him out. See, all good things happen in the middle of the night. While most prefer the safety of the light, where things make sense and where there is a certain sort of comfort and assurance, I prefer the world of the night. The danger lurking at every corner, the thrill of the darkness, the dark beauty of it all. Where all the criminals hide, that is where the real stuff is. Where all the fun and thrill is. 

  As the dark bled and leaked into the light, corrupting it, as the warmth turned cool, as the usual cheerful hustle and bustle faded away into loaded silence, James and I walked down the street. "Hope you're up to staying up late." I said with a smile. James simply grinned and I took that as a yes. First we went to the night market. The blaring lights, the shouting, the heat...I love it all. James looked around in obvious wonderment. "First time at a night market?" I asked smugly. He nodded open-mouthed as he drunk in all the sights and sounds.

  "I'll have two sausages and two teriyaki chicken wraps please." I ordered from the vendor lady, a kind, wrinkly old lady with a twinkle in her eye. "Aye, you sure you don't wanna just ask for one for you two lovebirds to share? I heard it is seen as quite romantic..." James and I looked at each other. His face red as a tomato, my cheeks heated up. "Oh no, we...aren't---We're just friends." 

  "Ah...the stage of denial. Me and my Tommy, we were exactly like you last time, now lookie where we are now, eh? 40 years down the road in a happy marriage. I can already see you two going down the same road...Aye, you two have the same fire in your eyes, tis rare. But remember, true love don't dilly dally so try not to be too slow in catchin' up, otherwise..." She smiled sweetly at us and waddled away. "Best not to bore you with an old lady's rant, eh?" She returned with their food and winked.

  James and I walked away, an awkward silence between us. James cleared his throat, "Ahem. So...that was weird." I looked straight ahead and hummed in agreement. 

  I brought James to Redwoods---where we first met. It was a bitter sweet place. A place where our friendship started, and a place where our friendship almost did not have the chance to happen. You know what I mean. James looked around, that strange smile on his face, and I knew that he was thinking along the same trend as me as well. 

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