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  We sat across each other, silence stretching on, Chemistry textbooks littered on the ground. What was I thinking, agreeing to this? Do you have any idea how fast this can turn south, how dangerous this was? Seriously, did this guy bewitch me or something? Or does fate simply have a cruel sense of humor? I mean, where are the chances of me falling in love with a guy who has the exact same unique eyes David had? No, strike that. I AM SO NOT IN LOVE. 

  "So...Chemistry tutor." I broke the silence, motioning to all the books laid out on the floor. "Well, talk!" I leaned back with my arms crossed and my face arranged into a mask of indifference and disinterest. As if nothing had happened between us. As if I was not wandering into very dangerous waters right now. "Enlighten me, oh holy one, and teach me the great whisperings of the mystical and strange art of Chemistry!" 

  James cracked a smile and adopted a wise tone. "My young apprentice, it is not all that simple. Patience, little one, for with time, the Chemistry god will open your eyes to his true power and you shall understand." He smirked as he pretended to stroke his imaginary goatee and squint at me. I barked out a laugh. But I should have known things would not stay cool between us for long. 

  "Chemistry is like matchmaking, child." I paled at his words, swallowing. Suddenly, the room seemed too small, and he seemed too close. But he seemed not to notice as he stared off into the distance, keeping up his charade. "The wrong ingredients put together becomes a bad match and explodes in your face. But a good match..." He trailed off and his eyes met mine, full of intense fire and passion. I gazed at him, enthralled, enchanted by his words that wove around me, singing a story. I was lost in his eyes that held such flames that caressed me warmly, soothingly, and I felt as though all was right in the world. 

  I had a sharp intake of breath as his voice became huskier, barely a whisper. "It---It makes a beautiful artwork. Like puzzle pieces, clicking together. Notes of a song, weaving into seamless song piece. It becomes...flawless. Perfect." Without realising it, we were leaning in, as though attracted to each other like magnets.

  "...And each match will have different endings, different stories, different products." I blushed, and bit my lips as I stared into those two eyes. There was a spark between the two of us and then, he reached up and pulled my hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing the tip of my ear, a searing hot trail of sparks. 

  That brought me back to the cold hard reality. I jumped up and gathered my stuff up. "I---I need some air." I managed and ran out of his apartment, fear bolting through my blood. "Lorna---wait!" He called after me, but I kept on running blindly. It was the 25th of February.

  The next day, I flinched as the dreaded lunch bell rang. I stayed on my seat, frozen in trepidation. What am I to do now? Fate, who is apparently impatient as well as cruel, made the decision for me. "Lorna!" James broke away from the crowd of students who were making their way to lunch, attracting a few stares and whispering. 

  He stood in front of me, casual as ever, as if nothing had happened yesterday. Did it mean that little to him? I was surprised that the question that popped into my head stung a little. What the hell? I should be happy! He does not care about me! That is good! Love must happen two ways to be called true love. If he does not care...well, good. Then why am I hurting?

  "Come on, quit dawdling." He exclaimed after I finally packed up my things. He grabbed hold of my wrist and we ran down the corridors like crazed children who had just a little too much sugar. His touch made goosebumps  prick my skin but as we ran through the corridors like wild animals, our laughter rebounding on the walls, it was almost easy to forget whatever that was between us. Almost.

   What was the connection between us though? It kept bouncing up and down, making it hard for me to identify it. Was it love or just simple fondness and liking? Was I thinking too much? What happened to the simplicity of friendship?

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