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  Now, centuries later, I wander the mundane world aimlessly, lost and alone. Even though I was surrounded by mundanes, I knew I was utterly alone. They were like candles, full of life yet just as easy to snuff out whilst I was the exact opposite. I was the black sheep among them, I did not fit in. They came and went oh so quickly while I remained never aging, unloving, grieving. Always putting the past behind me, squashing all the painful memories. But I should have known that the past always had the tendency to catch up on me and turn up in my life like a bad penny. 

  The mundane world was a difficult place for me to grow up in. It was forever changing so I had changed together with it. My appearance, my names, my backstory...Was I even sure who I was anymore? I was always muting my aura in fear of any magical creatures who decided to come to the mundane world, until my insides were always stone cold. It hurts, you know? It pains me to take away a part of myself. It was unnatural. But it was necessary. 

 But my carefully knitted make-shift life started to unravel on that day...

  I was in my three-room apartment. I just started living in this apartment recently. Weapons littered the ground. If I am to live in the mundane world, I have to be up to date. That meant going to high school. I shuddered. It was a very dangerous territory for me. High school is where mundanes start to learn about love. Love is thick in the air and sometimes the vibe just gets to me. 

  I could not afford another mistake like David...I shut that memory down. Now was not the time. I looked into the mirror as my features start to shift. Straight, long, black hair, black eyes, pale moon skin..."Riley," I breathed, my chest restricting. Involuntarily, I took a step back and shut my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I had long waves of auburn hair, exotic green eyes and pale skin. I waved my hand and freckles dotted my cheeks. 

  I heaved a sigh. Could it be an omen? First David then Riley...I shook my head. I was thinking too much. I put on a white top and fitting black jeans before I picked up my duffel bag and a few books. Just don't attract attention and don't fall in love and I'll survive. I looked into the mirror and brushed my hair behind my ear nervously. "Simple enough." I muttered sarcastically. 

  I left my apartment and made my way to my new high school---Bridgeman High. I entered my class and sat at the far back, shrouded by shadows. I like shadows. I guess I was a child of the night. The safety of shadows, the mystery of the unknown surrounding it...I loved it. I took out my sketchbook. I suppose it was my version of a diary. Pictures lasted longer than words. Pictures were fixed while words were always changing. 

  Just then, I heard the door open. I glanced up idly. It was a boy. He had golden hair that fell into his brown eyes. He was tanned and about 1.7m and was slightly muscular. But what caught me unaware was his eyes. A beautiful golden brown. David's eyes. I shook my head again. I must stop thinking about that. 

  I was about to ignore him when his head snapped to me. His eyes widened in shock and confusion before they clouded in fear and curiosity. I swallowed under his intense gaze. Avoiding his gaze, I looked around. Big mistake. Everyone was looking at him before tracing his gaze to me. The girls looked at him in awe, before looking at me with pure hatred and jealousy. The boys looked at him with jealousy and looked at me with curiosity and...Why do they look like they are plotting something evil!? 

  I groaned inwardly. Shoot. In every school, it is always the same. There is always a pretty boy. And I just attracted this school's pretty boy. I. Am. So. Dead. "Hey." The boy gave me a disarming smile when he reached me. "James Whyte. May I sit here?" And there goes my avoiding attention rules. "Why?" I fixed him with a cold and uninterested gaze. 

  James blinked in confusion. Then, he smiled. "You are, after all, the only one who's not looking at me with love or hatred." He shrugged. My lips twitched slightly. He grinned knowingly as I cursed myself for responding to him. 

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