Chapter 4: Tranquility's Bane (Part 4)

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The goblin leaned over its desk slowly to look down at Harry, he could see every one of its sharp little teeth as it spoke: "And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?" Harry looked at Lupin, he didn't have any sort of key, and from the look of dawning embarrassment on Lupin's face, he didn't either. Despite this, Remus began to pat at his pockets in a futile sort-of way, only to freeze in the middle of checking his left trouser pocket. Reaching in, he pulled out a small gold key, staring at it in shock as if he couldn't fathom how it had come to rest in his pocket.

After a few moments, Lupin seemed to come to his senses and handed the key over to the goblin, and Harry heard him mutter, "Bloody Dumbledore, I'll never figure out how he does that."

"Does what?" Harry asked, causing Remus to flush slightly when he realised his comment had been overheard.

"The headmaster has a particular talent for realising what is necessary long before anyone else, and for providing others with what they need without their even realising it. It's very useful, but it does get more than a little frustrating after a while, he could easily just tell you what's going on, but I think he enjoys the theatrics too much." It was at this point that the goblin interjected into the conversation, although Harry didn't hear what it was saying because he was too distracted by what he'd just noticed behind the goblin. It was the man with the fang earring from when they'd entered the alley, he was talking with another goblin, this one wearing an expensive-looking black suit which seemed at odds with the ornate dagger sheathed at its hip. Based on the number of gesticulations and the grim look on the man's face -Harry had no idea how to read goblin facial expressions- whatever the pair were discussing it was something of great importance, and the news wasn't good. Curious as to what they could be discussing, and not particularly interested in whatever Lupin and the goblin at the desk were now disagreeing about so vehemently, Harry drifted closer to the pair.

"-d I'm telling you, Ragnuk, that I have no way of knowing who it was that got in. All I know is that, last night, someone triggered the Right of Succession in the Catacombs, and, according to the monitoring wards, there was a significant magical drain on the ancient enchantments in the chambers of the three gods. I can't tell you who it was that got in, I can't even tell you what it was. I don't know if they actually got into the chambers, or if the gods could just sense that someone had entered the antechamber and became agitated." Harry felt his blood run cold, surely there couldn't be that many underground chambers with ancient gods inside them. Was it possible they were talking about him?

About us, you mean. And yes, almost certainly. Now shut up, I'm trying to find out why they're so worried about this.

"And why not, Master Weasley? We pay you to be the best, Gringotts was specifically given the contract to update and monitor the wards guarding the chamber after the Napoleonic Incident, and you were given the task of improving and monitoring the work already done when we assigned you to Egypt. So why can you tell us nothing useful!?" The goblin gnashed its pointy teeth and tossed its head, which, based on its tone, Harry assumed was a sign of great frustration.

"Because, Ragnuk, the ancient enchantments that bind the catacombs have always been, and will always be, the most powerful and important protections on the site. In order to preserve those, I can't erect any monitoring wards within the catacombs themselves because they would be in direct conflict with the pre-existing ones. I can only make wards to stop people getting in, and to monitor the ancient wards for any signs that they may be degrading over time." The man, Weasley the goblin had called him, was speaking calmly, but his fingers kept running through his long red hair as he spoke.

"So, what is your explanation for how this unknown individual was able to enter the catacombs? Need I remind you that, if the perpetrator's soul cannot be claimed and damned-"

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