Chapter 5: Malice of the Moon (Part 1)

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Review Answers:

et-reader: Also I was wondering if you will have Harry and Venom "stumble" on Riot and have them consume him[?] Rest assured, I do have plans for Riot, oh I have plans. MWAHAHAHAHAHA! But, if I were you, I wouldn't be holding my breath for those to play out. It's going to be a while.

Author's Note: Hello my, hopefully, rabid readers. I'm here with another chapter of Lethal Injection. Hopefully, you haven't tired of it yet. Although, actually, it seems the story is getting more popular with every chapter, so that's nice. Despite that, haven't been seeing a big increase in reviews, *hint, hint*, sure would be nice if I got more of those *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*. Special shoutouts to SkylerHollow, cain221, Nocte Furorem, 7, Reader of Harry Potter, Ranmaleopard, Souen11, and Sakura Lisel for not only reviewing, but reviewing multiple times. Thank you so much guys, you're the best.

On an unrelated note: Season 2 of One Punch Man was FUCKING AMAZING, goddamn, that was a lot of fun. Took long enough though, here's hoping it's not another three years before the next season.

Disclaimer: I do not own Venom or Harry Potter, honestly, I wouldn't trust myself with them.

Harry was almost worried Venom might be in danger because his cheeks were flaming hotter than the Egyptian sun. Not only had he just been in very close proximity to an extremely attractive girl, one who had squeezed his bum at that, but he had been seen with said girl by his new guardian: Remus Lupin. The expression on Lupin's face left little doubt that he would be capitalising on this opportunity to the fullest, and the fact that he could hear Venom sniggering at his host's embarrassment did nothing to help matters. Lupin was struggling to contain his glee, he had caught Harry with a very attractive girl, one who looked to be several years older than him to boot, and from the looks of things he had been very successfully flirting with her.

He's going to be worse than Sirius soon. Remus thought wryly, although the thought of his former friend brought an unavoidable tide of conflicting happiness, anger, and sadness. His smile flickered for a moment before he shook himself free of the past and said, "Well, aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?" He put a not-so-subtle emphasis on the word 'friend,' causing the girl to grin and give Harry a wink.

"Name's Tonks." The girl answered as Harry was seemingly incapable of forming a coherent sentence. "And we were just getting to know each other, weren't we, Harry?" As she spoke, she bumped the boy with her hip before turning to whisper something into his ear, causing him to blush even harder than he already was. Then, she gave him a brief peck on the cheek before disappearing around a bookshelf and deeper into the shop.

On second thought, he's already worse than Sirius. Lupin corrected his earlier assessment as he walked over to his young charge, too wrapped up in his admiration for Harry's apparent skill with the ladies to notice the boy was paralysed by shock. "So, did you actually spend any time looking for books? Or were you too busy chatting up pretty older-witches?"

His question succeeded in snapping Harry out of his embarrassment, "I did, actually, I found a book I want." The words were said with as much dignity as Harry could manage, which did nothing to shrink Lupin's grin.

"Oh really? Where is this book then?" Lupin gestured at Harry's empty hands to emphasise his question.

"I put it down on the table while I was talking with Tonks." Harry took the opportunity to get away from Lupin's knowing smirk by crossing to the Defence Against the Dark Arts display and collecting Magical Combat and You. Unfortunately, he couldn't escape the teasing of his symbiotic partner so easily.

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