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Sayaad's Pov.

"Tell me about Azrah", Zamzam asked making me confused.

"What about her?", I scoffed.

"You and Azrah", She said giving me her cocky grin.

"I don't know man, I am confused uggh!", I stuttered and sighed frustratedly.

"Do you like her or just... you don't know?", She asked more like said raising her both brows.

"I like her but i think it's much more than like and it's fucking confusing and frustrating", I ruffle my hair.

"On top of that her douche bastard brother", I said as kid listened intently.

"Hy Azrah!", I look at her as she waves on Azrah.


"Why did you call her?", I deeply yelped as i swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Chill dude", She shrugs me off ignorantly.

"Yes!", She said with her angelic voice as red creeps on her face.


"Join us", Kid says to her, my heart stop embarrassing me.

I placed my hand on my chest thinking on how my heart is beating rapidly.

"Um! i am sorry i have to go to Azaad", She declined but her eyes on Kid entirely.

I knew that bastard is my enemy in many ways ugh!,

I wish i could make him disaappear then everyone can have a happy ending.

"Sure!", Kid smiled at her and she left.

"I told you with that bastard here i'll die single", I say as she chuckles.

Azaads pov.

Mom was right, whatever i did was utterly wrong and what i thought coming here i'll win her back in just no time was 100% stupid of me.
now I am giving up.

I have never been in an official relationship now pacifying a women that i never thought i'd love and wrong her deeply was never in my thoughts.

Fuck! i had her already but now i can't have her it's all my fault... i punched the wall and sighed hard.

"Azaad let's go", Azrah came to get me for the pillow get togetther.

"I am tired Azrah", I claimed tiressly sighing deeply.

"It's her!", She said sitting and her eyes on me.

"I don't know i think i am giving up", I said sitting close.

Let alone talking she doesn't even look at me.

"Hy don't!", She pouts hitting me playfully.

"Remember Mom wants her as your wife so don't you dare even think of giving up"? She said as i smiled at her.

"Ok fine!", I lied.

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