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Azaad's Pov.

I am not gonna let her slip away, she's still gonna be my wife.

I rake my fingers through my hair heading to my room. Azrah's sleeping soundly as i caress her cheeks and place a kiss on her forehead before heading to shower soon i come out, she is gone.

As i dress up before heading out i get a call from Germany.


'Sir we've called to inform you that The specialist from Australia reported today.

We expect to start the surgery within an hour' My second hand in command informs.

'You do know what to do when in need of anything' I hangup.

I head downstairs, i am the only one from yesterday night's commotion, i greet as they respond.

"Are you Ok?", Her Nonni asks with concern.

'Do they know?,.

I look at her Dad as he shakes his head.

"Alhamdulillah", I reply.

"Oh, i wonder what's wrong with Kids, Zamzam, Azrah's not down yet, Sayad's missing", Her Nonni sighs in concern.

'How can i tell her what happened?.

"Asaalam aleikum", Azrah greets as they respond.

"Azrah where were you?, i looked everywhere for you", Humaiza said sighing, Azrah looks at me before looking away.

"Is it me or everyone thinks that today's quite dull?", Safirah asks cautiously.

"Someone should go wake Zamzam up, she's persistent on sleeping and i am tired", Humaiza whines.

"I think you should let her sleep", Her dad clears his throat.

"Hun, she never sleeps till this time, they should wake her uo", Her Mom says in worry tone.

"I'll go", Azrah heads upstairs, i sigh.

After sometime she and Zamzam came down, not once did she look at me and it's killing me as fuck!.

Her eyes puffed from crying, Fuck!', my gaze never left her as she sit beside Sayaad's Mom.

"Ok please tell us what happened?", I am at the pillow room. Azrah nor Zamzam nor Sayaad's here.

"I gotta go", I left.

Zamzam's Pov.

I feel hopeless, wasted, physically and mentally thrashed, tired of crying my eyes out, so i just stayed in my room not ready to head out and got bombarded with questions, incase Dad told them.

.I hear a soft knock at the door, softly i let my voice anwer letting the person in. Azrah!

"Salaam Aleikum", She smiles but not reaching her puffy eyes.

"Waaleikum salaam, comeon", I pat on bed as she sits beside me.

I don't think that she slept here last night because i dozed off after the bomb blew off and wokeup she wasn't here.

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