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All of us girls are gathered in our room, bored of T.V so we switched off and started talking about random stuffs.

"So I am curious", Anna smiles sheepishly as our room goes silent.

All attention on Anna.

"How does it feel to be married or being a wife?", Anna asks as Asiya, Afiya and Humaiza looks at eachother.

"Good", Asiya squeals as we chuckle.

"Why?", She again asks.

"Cause you get to be with your Soulmate, your better half", Humaiza smiles as everyone hums.

"Anna, you should get married you know", Humaiza says.

"I don't believe in marriage", She shrugs.

"What do you believe in?", I ask.

"Live-in", She smiles.

"I don't think that's an actual thing you see", I say as she narrows her eyes.

"Marriage and live-in are just the same", Belle says as i smile

"No dear", Humaiza sighs

"Marriage it's different". She adds

"Marriage lemme tell you in Islamic Version", I shrug.

"Islam treats women and girls as a queen...

You are a queen, You need to live like a queen and Marriage orders your husband to Provide for you like a Queen, Protect you, keep you happy__.

"Live in you you make promises as well", Anna raise her brow.

"Yes maybe, But Marriage you make promise, Infront of your God, partner, Family. People recognising you as a husband and wife", I smile.

"It's a feeling that we are to be together Insha Allah till Jannah",

I look at my sisters they are in deep thoughts.

"It's makes you special, you become a queen of your Husband's life", I shrug.

"So it's about. A Tag or Recognition?",
Belled shrugs and I sigh.

"No, but more like a kingdom and You and Your husband are the royals".

Humaiza replied and We all agreed to her.

"I like that", Eliza squeals as we laugh.

"Marriage it's different from
live-in cause first you live with the person who asked for your hand",

I look at Anna as she sighs.

"Good example, let's say You live in with a guy for 15 years after that he marries someone else. Whom will people believe that he loves and he's with?", I look at Anna as she sighs.

"The wife, right?", She nods

"Anna inorder for you to know that a guy truly loves you, he'll ask for your hand to your Dad or brothers no matter how much annoying questions they bombard him with", They chuckle.

MARRIEDLY UNMARRIEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang