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Zamzam's pov.

Alhamdulillah we are back though Nonni can't even give me two days rest but i am thankful for even a day she's given me.

"I have to go to sleep", I slid into Azaad's shirt as he wouldn't lemme sleep.

"Ok i had enough tomorrow morning i'll have more", He winks with a smirk as i laugh.

"You wish", I stick my tongue out as he grins wide pulling me close to him and we slept.


"Azaad, please", I scold as he pouts.

"Fine", He snuggles into my neck as i take a deep breath.

"Let's stay in today", He says huskily as i smile.

"No", He sighs as his face with a frown.


"No buts or ifs hunny off you go, remember Fajr won't wait", I laugh at his frown.

"Ok, let's go", We pray together and have breakfast.

"Alhamdulillah", He says kissing my forehead as i smile.

"I love you", "I love you".

Oh did i mention that Azrah's Masha Allah pregnant, Sayaad informed us and Azaad being Azaad.

"It's just been 7months they are married", He whispered as i giggled.

"As long as she's happy", I look at him as he smiles genuinely.

"As long as she's happy".

It was such a warm feeling when Azaad decided to call Azrah.

Salamm aleikum.

Waaleikum salaam Azu.

Azaad chirped excitedly keeping the phone in speaker, i can sense he's nervous which was also heart touching.


I heard.

You happy?.

Azaad looks at me with a smile.

As long as you are happy.

Oh Alhamdulillah i am so happy Sayaad's been jumping all the time.

And Zamzam?.

Duh i am so so happy Azrah, may Allah always make you and Sayaad happy.

Oh Zamzam you are gonna be aunty.
Azrah laughs.

And Gulzar gave birth to baby boy.
Azrah informs.

Oh Masha Allah double happiness.
I squeal.

I thought Sayaad might say it's soon but__

What do you want Azrah?.
Azaad asks.

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